Fast food

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. gracey1314

    gracey1314 Well-Known Member

    can't wait for the chargrill to open at white oak!!
  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Q from a relative noob to a vet: I usually just max it out...what's the best thing there?
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Hamburger Steak w/ mayo, onion and lettuce

    2 fries

    1 apple turnover

    Large Tea

    I did lie, i did have a steak jr. a month or so ago but it all tastes the same.

    The rest of the menu i have never tried. Heard the bbq is good.
  4. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    I use to like Wendys but they have changed the bread that they use and it has a buttery taste to it! yuck! And why have all these places started with the fresh cut sea salt fries?
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Because Iodized salt is bad for you. Sea salt is not as bad and goes further on flavor.
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with iodized salt? (Agree on the sea salt.)
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    My bf ate at Burger King in Dunn yesterday and is sick as a dog still. This is the second time its happened recently so he called them. They laughed at him and hung up on him. I think he's going up there today.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Is sea salt better for your health than table salt?


    from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

    Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value — both mostly consist of two minerals — sodium and chloride. However, sea salt is often marketed as a more natural and healthy alternative. The real differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste, texture and processing, not their chemical makeup.
    Sea salt is produced through evaporation of seawater, usually with little processing, which leaves behind some trace minerals and elements depending on its water source. These insignificant amounts of minerals add flavor and color to sea salt, which also comes in a variety of coarseness levels.
    Table salt is mined from underground salt deposits. Table salt is more heavily processed to eliminate trace minerals and usually contains an additive to prevent clumping. Most table salt also has added iodine, an essential nutrient that appears naturally in minute amounts in sea salt.
    By weight, sea salt and table salt contain about the same amount of sodium chloride. Your body needs only a couple hundred milligrams (mg) a day to stay healthy, but most people get far too much — mostly from sodium in processed foods. So regardless of which type of salt you prefer, keep sodium consumption between 1,500 and 2,300 mg of sodium a day if you're a healthy adult. People with high blood pressure, African-Americans and anyone middle-aged or older should aim for the low end of that range.
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I thought your comment was directed specifically to the added iodine, which is added to reduce the risk of thyroid disease since most people don't get enough iodine naturally. I think the major benefit of sea salt is that it is more flavorful and more noticeable so you use less of it.
  10. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I guess then sea salt is a better alternative if its a bit more flavorful than table salt, since a person wouldn't have to use quite so much. I rarely use the salt shaker myself, but there is already an overabundance of salt in many foods already.
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    But wait.....There's more.

    If you have read other health articles that I've written you know that I am not a believer in Man messing with Mother Nature when it comes to the food we eat. In this article I want to address a common spice we all use on a daily basis. Salt!
    Salt as we know it is a pure white free flowing spice that we find essential to flavoring our daily foods. Usually one doesn't even think about it much unless we have a medical condition where a doctor will tell us to decrease the amount of salt intake.
    Table salt is normally rock or ocean salt that is mined, heat blasted, chemically treated, and then anti-caking agents and iodine added to it. What you have left is table salt that is basically dead. It is now just dry sodium and chloride. Once again man is cheating us of one of Mother Natures most perfect foods. Processed salt is now devoid of all the essential minerals and macrobiotic nutrients that our bodies need to survive.
    Consider this, when you cry your tears are salty, and if you've cut yourself and tasted your blood, you know it is salty. The fluids in our bodies are like an ocean environment. Salt is essential for life and yet our bodies cannot make it so it must come from an outside source. Most often it comes from meat or regular table salt. The problem is that our bodies don't really know what to do with processed salt. Years of processed salt intake can damage almost all areas of the body such as the heart, kidneys, muscles and bones and it is processed salt that bloats us and causes water retention. Processed salt can put a body out of balance. According to Dr Langre's book, people that have an aversion to salt or tell you they dislike salt most likely have too much sodium chloride attached to their organs and tissues, are really telling you that they are sick and are in need of essential minerals.
    100% natural sea salt maintains its integrity. Quite frankly, natural, organic sea salt is completely unfooled around with and is still harvested the same way it was done 2000 years ago by French salt farmers. It is hand raked and left in the sun to dry. All of the trace and micro-nutrients are fully intact. The correct balance of sodium and chloride are present as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and 90 other trace and micro-nutrients. These are charged minerals that retain a lot of moisture and are grey in color. If your sea salt from the health food store is white and free flowing then it is processed and should not be used.
    When natural sea salt is ingested, it immediately works with the saliva in the mouth (amalese in particular) and starts the digestive process. The more minerals present in the mouth the more digestion takes place. Digestion continues in the stomach. Natural organic sea salt has been known to lower blood pressure and decrease water retention. It enables the liver, kidneys and adrenals to work much more efficiently. It can boost the immune system. Natural sea salt has all the elements of the ocean and this means that the survival potential of a body is much greater than if you remove these vital elements.
    Do your body good and get natural grey sea salt. It won't pour like table salt because of the moisture content, but the health benefits can be significant.

    Willie is a freelance writer and researcher whose own health problems prompted her to take responsibility for gaining as much information on health as possible and to share that knowledge with others. She is co-owner of a site that focuses on health and detox through ionic foot baths.

    Article Source:
  12. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Well I think they should give you a choice :) And in the end is it really doing any favors? Your still eating fast food :)
  13. Oy Vayayay

    Oy Vayayay Well-Known Member

    If you're going to eat fries, Five Guys is probably about the best. They fry in peanut oil, which is better than other alternatives.

    Does anyone know what the mystery goop McDonald's fries in these days is? Once upon a time, they had fresh cut fries and fried in beef tallow, Then they went to hydrogenated shortening, then to first generation mystery goop. What are they using now?

  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    I go with the same burger, a single fry, and lg. Mt Dew or Chocolate shake.
  15. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Don't care what it is as long as the fries are hot and salty they are the best in the "fast" food business.
  16. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    The kids eat so much McDonald's, I just get tired of it. As for Burger King, several years ago, I started getting sick every time I ate there so I haven't been back. Wendy's has changed their food so much that it's just not good anymore. Cook-Out is by far my favorite fast food. You get plenty of choices, it's made fresh and for my money, it's the best deal. Just wish I had one closer!
  17. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    Hey people, don't complain with your mouth full:mrgreen:

    you complain about fast food yet you keep going back
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Don't know if this is the actual answer, but possibly for Kosher reasons?
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  20. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    There is one opening up in front of the movies at White Oak.

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