JCS Cuts Voted On At Next Board Meeting

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Moe, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    All due respect, Kaci, the curriculum that elementary school kids is far advanced over what it was just ten years ago, much less back in my days. Back then we sat in neat little rows, and regurgitated what the teachers told us. They taught us what to think, not how to think. And many natinos that pushed their kids to excel are now kicking our butts in math, science, engineering, technology, etc.

    Think quickly. How many of us can identify a trapezoid, define it with the correct number of points. How about a rhombus or hexagon? These K-2 kids are doing fairly complicated math concepts, stuff I didn't get until 5th or 6th grade.

    And that kind of curriculum development and performance is the beginning of what we need if we are to compete in the world's marketplace.

    We need that..and more!

    In a K-2 classroom, some kids barely make the cutoff for promotion into the class and others are several grade levels above that, just within one classroom. And, if the teacher is expected to differentiate between students at levels from barely at grade level to several grades above, maintain the required curriculum achievements, bring the at grade level kids to promotional levels, all the while not allowing the advanced kids to get bored...then one sees that there are many demands. Factor in the lunch money, library book fair money, field trip fee accounting and documentation, keeping up with the absences, tardies, allergies, homework, communication to and from parents (another pet peeve. those proactive parents are admirable. The ineffective ones whizz and moan that they didn't receive any communication about "A" or "B", and complain to the principal about it. When the teacher then circles and highlights the info on the original piece of paper that the parent ignored, the parent never calls the principal to own up to the mistake. In their minds, it's all the teacher's fault, responsibility, and job. And then add in the character education that teachers are expected to instill in their students, which the parents fail to do.

    K-2 teachers could get by without TAs. I do feel that the kids would not progress as well. That could be offset by parents volunteering in their child's class. I'm betting I'll win the Powerball before that happens.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    If you've got an idea to help get parents involved, I'm all ears and imagine that most others associated with schools are open to suggestion as well.

    As for distance education, I'm all for it. I do think that many of the older teachers are less comfortable with emerging technologies than the students. I'm OK with students utilizing technology in the classroom...IPODs, etc... as long as they are learning and supporting the lesson being taught. Too many, I fear, still use testing to entertain, thus the reason why school admin says NO to cellphones, IPODs, etc..
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The schools in this area are way behind. The schools that can take advantage of eRate are the ones that are given better opportunities. One school system in eastern NC are using iPaq's for homework, getting home work assignments from teachers, and turning in home work. It is foolish for any school system to ban technology that kids love. When they can turn that technology into a tool. Just chalk that one up to school administrators who simply don't understand or appreciate technology. Stepping down off of my soap box.
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    When the school uses such technology, they then have to purchase and provide it to ALL the students. That costs $.
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I would say you need to ask your administration to search for programs that provide this kind of technology. That is the mentality we would expect from a low achieving system.
  6. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Stepping down? You barely warmed it up.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The problem is that you can lead a mule to water. But you can't make them drink. We have seen this year after year after year. TO many oppositions to technology. That's why children half listen in classrooms. Harness what kids enjoy and use it as a tool to teach. It's proven they retain more information if they enjoy it. Teachers who come to the class because "It's just a job" and people who oppose technology are what's killing the schools in NC. Parent's who tend to be OVERACTIVE in the schools tend to hurt the cause as well. They always treat their kids like friends instead of a parent. It's really annoying. Kids love devices that are similar to gaming systems and consoles. Grow up JCS. You have no clue what it takes to transform and mobilize these kids and ready them for a future where technology is key.
  8. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Much better. I knew you had more to say. And I agree with it all.

    My wife's teaching philosophy is "children learn best through play."

    I totally agree with that, and I think kids would agree that a lot of cool technology IS play for them.

    My wife brought her laptop to school last week and the kids were into it...she let them type sentences - even if it took them 5 minutes to find the right keys. It's wasn't 'play' per se, but it was interactive.
  9. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I don't see this correlation?
  10. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I don't have an administration... LOL!
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Then we know where the problem lies.
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Oh believe me the kids use technology in our school system. They use there cell phones to bully other kids, they use iPods to tune out in classrooms and they use computers. They keep up with Facebook on phones and all. The teachers have their hands full. I appreciate every teacher and know they have a hard job.

    My daughter gets homework assignments on her computer at night, she communicates with teachers on her computer at night and I think it is great.

    We are not as backwoods as you make out.


    P.S. Do you have kids in our system?
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Yes I do. It's apparent you only know what your daughter tells you.
    These teachers are lazy, I’ll, and tired of dealing with mothers who think their children are the do all's of JCS. Yes. You are backwoods as I think. There are schools that have an indigent rate of 95% that have better schools than you do. I know. I designed the networks, and infrastructure. I designed 9 different school systems in Eastern NC. All of which are better than yours. I worked in JCS briefly until I simply got fed up with ignorant appointees trying to push their personal beliefs on technology instead of following best practice that has been established. Backwoods is not the word. Insignificant. Is the word. Lackadaisical is the word.
  14. :withstupid:
  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You never answered my question.

  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    How long ago was that? What schools do your kids go too? Sometimes I wish I was as smart as some people think they are. :mrgreen:

  17. Why the hell you axing me that?? besides
    if you're that clueless I can't help you.

    Pollocks are dumb
    Jews are tight with their cash ie. spending any.
    French are scared and timid.
    What else you got?? I'm not a PC type so there. I've heard all the Polish jokes and Jewish jokes so what.

    Whats that ? have to do with me anyhow?
  18. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Sherry I could fart...and destroy 9/10 of muh brain and you would still come up short. :lol::lol:

    My son is a Senior at Clayton HS.

    My work history like HIPAA laws are none of your business. Unless you would like for me to post your information on here when I post mine?
  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You don't want to play that game with me big boy!

    I was asking when you worked on our school system's IT stuff because it could have changed alot from that time. Wasn't asking real personal just a year.

    If you have a son that is a senior at CHS then you should know exactly what I am talking about, homework over the net and all, if you guys talk.

  20. find the answer WJ?

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