Love me some Bill Cosby. He was just on Larry King discussing bullying and they showed the Fat Albert cartoon on that. Sherry
I'm sick and tired of people complaining about nothing. Wasn't even a kidnapping, thank goodness. Post don't post don't care. Sherry
I hope things get better for you over there. Like having another child in the house! And yes, A Mother does work at home doing all those things, she just doesn't get paid for it. Her payment is her self worth at seeing the great job she did. So hang in there!
I should be so lucky![/quote] I have a masters degree in Computer Science and a minor in Math. I have a great job. I don't have to work but I choose to.
Simple question....Is he on the road 100% of the time? If not I understand. If so I understand. I was a ROAD WARRIOR early in my career. Sleeping away from home is not easy. I sleep with noise like a box fan. It is not feesible when you fly like I did carrying a box fan where ever you go. I slept terrible while on the road. Worked 12 - 15 hour days. Getting the job done. It's no picnic burning the road. At all. I spent 19 weeks in San Antonio Texas during the summer working on route management systems on garbage trucks. 118 degrees in the shade. I have seen tires melt on asphalt. I have seen asphalt crumble because of a toyota corolla. On the road is not exactly how you picture it. Being away from your family...the sleep. The long hours. Have you looked at it from his point of view at all?
I'm sick and tired of my wife telling me she wants to run her new business by herself, but then asking me for advice and rejecting it! She's just opening up, and she asks me for advice on the name, the signage, etc., then when I put in my two cents she tells me that those are terrible ideas and that she'll take care of it on her own. Then two days later she'll ask me what type of sign she should get! :banghead: BUT, I love her to death and STILL chase her around the house when the kids are gone :lolregardless of what NY9 thinks) She's just stressing I guess, but dang!
of posters who feel it neccessary to create other user names to post unpopular responses and thoughts to hide their identities..... How Lame! BOK BOK #@$$%
im sick and tired of waiting for a parking spot while the idiots who just got in the car and take their sweet time to adjust their seat, seatbelt, mirror, makeup, bags, radio,etc. You can see me sitting there waiting...MOVE!!!!