I think it states in the Bill of Rights that we as parents have that Right. :mrgreen: Get used to "whateva'". Try and beat her to that quote next time and finish your sentence with "whateva'". Sherry
dang sherry....you are evil. I had a room mate that had a ferret, which I hated (I think they are disgusting rodents), and she would let it run around like a cat or a dog in the house ack and it would poop everywhere. One time it pooped under my bed. I put the turds on her pillow. Needless to say, I never saw ferret poop again.
I like the ferret story. Sometimes we just have to be evil. :twisted: or a little twisted evil. Sherry
I really really really really really really really don't want to go to the grocery store in the rain. :ack::ack:
They won't let you use q-pons until the next trip or something like that. :boxing: KC would know better than I would.
Made them last night and we have left overs. Now that you mention it I think I'll go eat another one. :lol: Sherry
Well, I am about to cause a family rift. :boxing: Long story short, niece eloped around Christmas and now her mother (ex-SIL) has decided that she has missed out on the bridal shower, the wedding, etc. I got an invitation today for a shower on the 1st. I have two issues with this. She's ALREADY married and if they REALLY wanted me to come they would have given me more than a dang week's notice since I have to travel. So can we say "gift grub"?? Second, I was just informed they are having a "wedding" in June. OK.............once again.............she's already freakin' married!! If you want the parties and the hoopla, then do it in the correct order. That horse is already out of the barn and NOW you want me to send presents?? ARRGGHHHH!! I love the SIL I was just talking to, but we are going to have to agree to disagree about this one. Ms. Manners would have a stroke over this etiquette nightmare. :?
i totally agree, manners & class seem to be a thing of the past unfortunately, how quickly the signs of civilization can get swept away.
Don't get chesty with me woman! :mrgreen: Have you actually read how self serving your post was? All you mentioned after the facts are "I". Everybody is entitled to make a mistake. For God sakes. Her Daughter eloped. She missed out on everything. Her Daughter is the one that should be slapped around. Now your SIL wants to have the experience of her daughter getting married. WOW some SIL you are. Taking it out on your SIL when it wasn't her issue to begin with. I hope when your kids are older they follow all the NORM protocols. Would be a shame if not. Watch out for mom.
Keep up Jack!! I have more than one SIL, the one causing "issues" is an EX SIL. The one I was talking to last night is still a SIL and we have to agree to disagree about it. And. when we make mistakes, we have to suffer consequences, last I heard. 8) She made her bed, she can lie in it. I will send a gift, because that is apparently all they really wanted out of me anyway. Par for the course and I should have expected no less from THAT crowd. She didn't even tell her own dad for a month what she'd done and that was hard on him. He didn't deserve that and now we are suppoed to throw a party. OK.