Fight at Cleveland Middle

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by RCARP, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Any one have an info about a fight at Cleveland Middle School this week. Story that came home was some boys were fighting, teacher got involved and got punched in the face. Deputies took the boys from the school. I hope the teacher is ok. More power to all the teachers out there, because there is no way I would be able to put up with some of the attitudes, esp teenagers. Just wondering.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    DD mentioned that it happened in cafeteria yesterday, No details. School had assemblies for her grade to reinforce the conduct rules.
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Happened Thursday. My son was standing next to the kid that got hit. Here's the story retold. Short kid walks by this tall skinny dude(words of my son--LOL). For absolutely NO reason, the tall kid punches the short kid right in the face. I kept asking my son, did the short kid say a word, accidently hit him, anything? NO, mom. The other kid just punched him right in the face. The short kid punches back. Mr. Morris comes in(apparently some teacher that used to be an officer--not sure?) and tackles the kid to the ground. Police come in and arrest him. Again, son was standing next to the kid that got punched. Yet, no one in the office even questioned my son as to what had happened. Find that odd. What I find even more disturbing is the kid who got punched for NO reason at all gets OSS. What message is that sending to these kids? Just shut up and take it?! I think it's insane. There are so many fights I hear about at that school. The kid that threw the first punch was arrested. Apparently, he's been in trouble w/ the law before. He's 16yo. Again, I am only hearing from what my son witnessed. I was not there and have no idea all the details.

    Now, this is nothing compared to what happened at WJHS. Frankly, ashamed my child goes there. There have been nothing but crazy, nasty things going on there. Wondering what other parents have heard from their kids. Just sad really. I know we can't protect these kids all the time but when I went to school, I would at least know it was safe.

    stephanie-- mom to 7
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You should see what's going on at CHS with teenage girls. Luckily the Seniors, both boys and girls, are standing against the Junior girl and for the Freshman girl.

    Parents please know that NC passed a Bullying law June 2009 and the schools are supposed to suspend or whatever the Bullier and are not following the law.

    Senate Bill 526, Article 29B, 115C-407.5 (a) number 2.

    Glad our family has around six weeks to go and we are out.

  5. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Same here Sherry. I will be jumping for joy when my daughter finishes her senior year in six weeks. We have put up with years of problems, including teachers who allow the kids to be so disruptive in class that the ones who want to learn can't hear what is going on. The kids have no respect for the teachers anymore. My kids weren't angels, but were there to get an education and wanted to learn. I had proof one day when a teacher who had let my daughter use his cell phone to call me must have hit redial when leaning up against something a little while later. My phone rang and for 15 minutes I listened in disbelief as he tried to teach but the kids were loud and laughing and disruptive. All he did was calmly say over and over please be quiet but they ignored him. When my daughter got home I told her what I heard and she said it was like that every day and that he refused to answer questions or repeat himself. I felt he should have had control of the classroom.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Well, if teachers can't really punish students, and parents side with their kids versus schools, and parents neither teach nor require their children to respect adults and education, what's a teacher to do? How can a teacher control those who have no respect?
    Ever wonder why so many teachers quit? I don't wonder anymore. I know why.
  7. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the same thing going on at Garner High, and the same that went on at the last school my kids were at, far away, it's a shame, when teachers are not allowed to discipline and parents do not back up the teacher when their kidsare out of control. Martial Arts schools take on responsibility of teaching discipline and respect, but the kids that are in the most need of waking up and being taught respect will prob. never walk thru my door.
    I don't think I've had a bad egg come thru yet. Some parents may think their kids is a case, but it usually just takes a few classes for most to start shaping up. I have a lot of great kids training, they will do well in life.

  8. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Understood, but what ever happened to removing disruptive students from the classroom and sending them to the office? Then the office should be disciplining with either in -school suspension (obviously not for first time offenders) and involving the parents. I agree that teachers are limited in what they can do but something should be done rather than just ignoring it. Catch 22 I guess.
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Having taught at all grade levels, I believe that ISS in middle school or high school is a waste of resources. I do believe that, in most cases, kids in elementary school are reachable.

    I've covered ISS at high school. There's no need to have a professional baby sitter there. There is little learning going on. And if the major purpose is to remove those who distract others from learning (probably the only useful idea), why not remove these kids from the school entirely?

    I pay taxes to the schools to teach, not babysit or warehouse. The facility for that is off 70, at the Palace of Errors in Judgment.
  10. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ the lack of respect and parents not teaching their kids. I've had some of my kids bring friends to the house and I have not allowed them to come back. Seriously, it was that bad. Told their parents too. I would NEVER allow my children to talk to anyone the way I was talked to. I always make sure to tell parents if my kids go anywhere to let me know if they were disrespectful or misbehaved. I have never gotten a bad report. Never. Always told they were the best behaved, so sweet, well mannered, etc. I think they save it all for home.--LOL. Kids are a reflection of the parents most of the time.

    But to hear about all the crap at the high school, it truely breaks my heart. My daughter has begged to be homeschooled again. At this point, we may have no choice. I'm sorry but you should not have to have your child go to school and witness another female inappropriately touching the boys in the classroom! She was even videotaped by a camera phone on the bus performing unimaginable acts! I won't go into detail but you can allow your imagination to run wild. Now, did they(the school) do anything LAST semester when I said this said child was a menace to my daughter, stealing her supplies, food, etc.? NO. They did something now but I still feel it is only b/c they had physical video proof. Just ashame anymore and you really can't blame the teachers. They have lost their authority in the system. We went to school, we best listen to the teacher or you feared going home! LOL. I agree w/ other posters that there is quite a lack of respect. I know kids are not always going to behave or be angels, but mine are punished if they aren't. Hope more people realize this is a problem and start to pay attention. Otherwise, I hate to see what this society will be like in 20 years. Yikes!

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  11. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You know me and I totally agree. Even in the advanced classes the kids act out. Remember one year where kids, that I know, coordinated throwing there books on the floor at the same time while the teacher was teaching.

    This has been the worst of bullying we have seen in CHS. Parents were called in but as you said they back their child. The instigator of our latest this year is right back on Facebook, with me reporting to FB the items, kids are starting up FB hate pages, the girl who was so evil even has a new Mercedes that she's driving. Convincing a younger student that you are a boy and asking her to send compromising pictures to a phone is not cool. Then sending those pics to everyone at high school and college those picks with the caption "Slut" is not cool. It got really bad at CHS and "both" girls had there hands slapped. The younger one has kids still showing her the pics and calling her a slut. They bump into her in the hallways but I guess that's okay in today's world.

    The anti bullying law should apply but the school told me since I was not a parent of one these girls I could not complain. I was actually the one to call the school and let them know this was going on when they had not a clue.

    Glad mine is gone in a short time. I've never heard of such meanness in all my life. This was all over a senior boy. Idiots and turning a blind eye. We were afraid and still are of the younger girl hurting herself like others around our country.

    Shame on the parents!

  12. Snuffyjo

    Snuffyjo Well-Known Member

    ahhh the joys of homeschooling....none of this b.s.
  13. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    The teacher did get hit in the face...saw him Thursday afternoon after the fight, he's okay.

    That's all I know...
  15. shawk22

    shawk22 Well-Known Member

    Yes, none of the BS.
  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Or the socialization....

    Sorry...I know homeschooling has it's place, and I admire the parents who do it. However, with that said, I believe that after a certain age, kids need to be in a school setting, be it public or private.

    Just my opinion....everyone has one....
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I agree. I don't think what happened at the local schools is an everyday thing. All kids need socialization and to spread their wings without parents. Shoot, as a parent I want time without my kid at times.

  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I disagree that HS children need additional socialization. I don't think kids need to witness fights, promiscuity, and all around disrespect in order to be "socialized". I used to be a big proponent of public schools. As time has wore on, and kids have no boundaries, AND I have two daughters..... um... Nuff said. I realize public schools were put in place to educate everbody - that every child in this country has a right to an education - but with that means that your child is exposed to "everybody" and everything. And frankly, folks just don't parent like they used to and I do not want my daughters exposed to and socialized within this mock representation of what the real world is like.

    You can choose what kind of people you want to surround yourself with in Corporate America as an adult. You don't have that choice in public school, and let's not forget the Fed Gov and other groups' agendas to indoctrinate and "educate" your child. I will not be homeschooling my girls, but I will be pulling Thing Two out of Traditional Public School and going Charter or Private for both of them.

    I am blown away every other day, by the things my son tells me that go on at his school -that he himself is witness to. WTH is it going to be like in ten years when my oldest girl goes to High School? And the story that Sherry told here (that I discussed with her on Saturday) only solidified my decision that public free for all high school is NOT the environment I want my girls in.
  19. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    This is why mine is in private and will be as long as I can afford it. At his school the principal won't put up with a sloppy uniform let alone any sort of other BS that a kid may try to pull.
  20. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    THis is what happens when the "Time Out" theory doesn't work. Never has. Stop babying these kids and pop that bottom. They have no clue what right and wrong is. Parents these days want to be their kids best friend instead of parent. Get what you raised. Before you whiney parents spout off. I see your kids in public. They need a spanking.

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