Monster Brick Wall

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by grandma4, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    If there was pervious mention of this forgive me- WHAT IS UP WITH THE FORTRESS BEING BUILT ON OLD FAIRGROUND RD?? Does such a thing require a permit? tell me someone else feels it a bit too much besides myself.was there a sale on bricks or what?
  2. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to figure out the same thing! I have a listing across the street & everyone asks me what is going on but I have no idea! Anyone know???
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Where on Old Fairground? I've missed something . . .
  4. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    between 210 and Mt. Pleasant- cant' miss it.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I'll go that way today to see what this thing is!
  6. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    Boundaries for volleyball court

    I believe it is the boundrie markings for the volleyball court they have set up for the new single wide community!! Whatever it is, it is sure out of place!!
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Its the entrance for the new Six Flags and the Water park! :hurray:
  8. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed several places where mexicans(usuaully) like to make large entrances to their estates, whatever they may be. They do great work though- I think they could put their talent to work at the border!
  9. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    I thought at first it was just along the road, but it goes all the way around. That's an expensive fence. Thinking maybe they are building a house while they live in the trailer...?
  10. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    What's scary is how uneven it looks. I am very interested to see what it looks like finished.
  11. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    They ravaged his yard getting my Jeep off his property. It was raining hard that day. Someone ran the stop sign across the street and I hit him, took flight going through the ditch, and wound up 80' into his yard. Maybe he got a good settlement? If those brick columns were there, then, I'd be dead.
  12. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    looks like they had to move several pillars back from the road- they were measuring from the middle of the road to the pillars and lifting them and re-setting.
  13. jenfield

    jenfield Active Member

    I took a picture of it this weekend but I don't know how to attach it. I'll be glad to post if someone could help me out.
  14. superkathy

    superkathy Well-Known Member

    I live near this mystery place and have no dang idea what they are doing.
  15. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    They will end up building a huge brick home on that lot. There is one back off of hwy 55 between Coats and Angier, back behind the lil airport thingy. The Hispanic families build these "fortress" instead of them all living so cramped up together. They start by building the entrance way and live in the mobile home until they start building the house. Smart little boogers if you ask me!
  16. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    There is a little "fortress" on the other side of hwy 210 on Old Fairground road also. It is complete with an iron gate.
    The brick home is not gigantic, but it will house two families nicely.
  17. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Somebody post a picture.....Enquiring minds want to know!!! :confused:
  18. JenJen458

    JenJen458 Well-Known Member

    I live extremely close to there and my neighbor went over there and asked what they were planning on doing when they first started clearing the land. They told her they were going to put trailers on the land. Now this was back when they were first clearing it and way before they started building the brick pillars so I hope they have changed their minds and are only going to build a house now.
  19. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    I was by there yesterday and it looked like they were pouring foundations between each column.
  20. JenJen458

    JenJen458 Well-Known Member

    Yeah they had cement trucks over there the other day. They are doing something over there right now, I can here the trucks. Still hoping it will be a house.

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