actually it's more due to the fact that folks already traveling on 40 (in both lanes) flat out refuse to let the merging traffic from 70 in at all.... idiots.
Was actually on the outskirts and after the radio overreactions it actually turned out to be about 4" where I was. By 4pm it was all gone today, just like good old NC! 8)
I am just sick & tired today. And MAD!! I am sick of 15YOs acting like 5YOs. I might not be able to afford Military School, but I *can* afford Homeschool. Think about that!!! If you can't behave in public, you will not go out in public. I am sick and tired of people texting while driving. Really?? In the Walgreens parking lot? While I am backing out? And then you are surprised, and have to pull around me like we are in England? I am sick and tired of people talking on the phone while driving. Really?? In the Lowe's Foods parking lot? You look like an idiot, backing up five spaces because you were busy talking and realized "oh, crap. I need to park" All while still talking on your phone driving a GIGANTIC suv. I don't think you even looked before backing up. :shock:
Yes, I am. But things are looking up - I am as of five minutes ago the proud owner of a brand new iPod Touch filled with explicit rap music. Yay me! And a new cellphone with a quirky keyboard. I think I will also be treating myself to an Xbox 360. Anybody wanna come over and shoot Nazi Zombies with me tonight?
The Mom giveth, and the Mom taketh away. And he just bought that iPod with his own money. Mom doesn't care.
How funny and great! Maybe you can check to see if you have any old text messages that need answering or pictures that might have been taken that you forgot about. I've done that before and wow. Shoot you may not like all that nasty rap and want to replace some with gospel music and some country. tee hee......that's what I would do just to do it. Proud of ya'. :hurray: Me
I could rip the girls' CDs and put them on there. "God loves me, God loves me. In my Bible Book it says that God loves me"
Heck what's his money is the family's money.....isn't it that way with the money you pay for food and all? Sherry P.S.. I do believe in kids having savings accounts and when older checking accounts but if they are getting smart arse with ya' it's yours.:mrgreen:
Why is it when I tell my daughter to do something she says okay I will in a little while? My dad would have taped my mouth and said "let me repeat, I want you to do so and so". Am I just too lose with her? She forgets and I wind up doing it........gonna kill her one day. Told her since she'll have an apartment in a year or so I could not wait to come visit for a week or so. I'll pick up my plate later, I'll think about taking it to the kitchen a little later, maybe, and too bad about my clothes and shoes all over the darn place. tee hee. Sherry