That is what I was wanting too. If one lives in GA for a certain amount of time the kids get to go to college with much less of a financial burden because of the lottery. I was so hoping for that in our state. Sherry
Sherry.... Let's be reasonable here. We need the Attorney General to let us know that it happened? Do I need to tell you it is sunny outside? We ALL knew!!! This was after it was on the news, and she said that she did not recollect anything about it. FLAT OUT LIE!
Yeah, I figured I would have to track down budgets to get that answer. Yay. As for the bold. Are you trying to be funny? She took money from the education lottery and put it into the education budget?
Not trying to be funny at all, just explaining the way politicians think, not condoning it at all. When that pot of money is sitting there, be it Highway Trust Fund, Lottery revenues, etc, Governors get this little thought that they have the "constitutional authority" to take those funds because the state constitution (thankfully) requires a balance budget. Education makes up an enormous part of the State Budget. So if June 30th approaches and it is running a deficit, the monies from the Lottery, which have not be appropriated yet, the Governor decides to take the money and balance the General Budget, which Education makes up the biggest part of. So I'm sure the Governor's Office argument is, if we had allowed Education Lottery to go for school construction, scholarships, etc, then the Education Budget already approved would have run a deficit. Confused? You won't be after our next episode...........
No, I got it. It *is* funny. Kind of. You know, the way they think and the way they think we don't think.
Schools move to balance budget The Johnston County school board agreed Monday to use cash reserves to balance its budget. School leaders are counting on Johnston County Commissioners giving the schools $51.4 million, according to a news release from the school system. That's $1.8 million more than County Manager Rick Hester recommends in his budget proposal but $4.8 million less than the county gave this year. Over the past 14 months, the school system has saved money and reduced costs, creating some cash reserves, according to the news release. The school board agreed to use reserves to keep academic programs in place. School leaders had warned that if the county didn't come through with enough money, they might have to cut some programs, like the Academically and Intellectually Gifted Center, the Early College or the Middle College
This one -really- hits close to home--Academically and Intellectually Gifted Center possible cuts. I know we have beaten this horse many many times but the AIG Center is a MAJOR Big Deal to this family.
MORE on the AIG Center Cuts 2009 13 teachers 2010 10 teachers 2011 7 teachers Yes, only 7 teachers are returning for Fall 2011, yes, that is almost a 50% staff cut. Do you really think that there has been a nearly 50% decrease in SMART KIDS in JoCo? Augh!!!! Why?