I-Cinema Home theater scam

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, May 4, 2010.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  2. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Didn't he know you NEVER buy something out of the back of someones car/van/suv...

    It's usually either "hot" or a scam
  3. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Well apparently he didn't and I wasn't there to talk him out of it :x:ack:
    I guess it's a case where "I want..." overcomes common sense!
  4. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    They're in a public place, right? Someone should take their pics and post them online for the world to see.
  5. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Great idea! They approached him at a gas station near Lowes in Smithfield.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Did he call the police? Surely there are surveillance cameras.
  7. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Surveillance cameras to prove what? That a transaction took place? That someone was selling merchandise without a permit? Waste of time.
  8. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    No he did not,for some reason it said in the Wikipedia article that police are very reluctant to do anything about it...but I agree he should call anyway and at least report it.Does he have to be the one to report or could I?
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Uhhh, to get their license plate info moron. Because it *is* a scam, and not something that Smithfield wants in their town.
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  10. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I'm a moron who knows that the vans are leased by a third party - making them very difficult to trace. You think these guys are dumb enough to bring their personal vehicles on a scam?
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And you think they make enough to lease, and you think a lease cannot be traced? Wow. Either way, Smithfield does not want this in their town. It is not likely she will get any restitution, but they will move on.
  12. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    A parent company or shadow company does the leasing. And sure a lease can be traced, but what does that prove? It proves someone leased a van with a license plate that was in a parking lot at a particular time when someone claims to have been sold goods that were marketed as a particular quality when they really weren't.

    Too much he-said/she-said. Maybe they get a fine for selling goods out of a van without a permit. Maybe.

    Nobody's arguing whether Smithfield wants it in their town, but I think the Smithfield PD has more important things to investigate.

    And then, at what point does this become a loss for the police...how much time and effort should they realistically put into this? Doesn't some of the onus fall on the buyers? I mean, really, it's 2010 - when did we all get so gullible?

    Police and district attorneys prosecute cases they think they can win. This "case" is just a bunch of circumstances and nonsense. Even if they did find the person, he'd probably just give the buyer their money back.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It's not a matter of how "important" the crime is. People call the police over more frivolous things every day, I am not saying there is going to be a big trial and jail time - but the police would take this citizen's concerns seriously, and they would want to protect the public from being scammed again. That's their job!!!

    A description and license plate number would be beneficial to the police to actually find and approach the scammers, and ask them to leave. Annette is not going to get her money back, but looking out for her neighbors and seeing to it that they don't get scammed is a good thing.

    Don't you have a blog to write, or did you just write one here? :rolleyes:
  14. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Awwwwww how cute of you to mention what I do to earn a living even though it has nothing to do with the conversation.
  15. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    On Bob and the Showgram a few weeks ago, Bob indicated that he had been approached by someone who was selling one because this person had won it at work and it was too big to transport in his car. Bob said he was thinking how big of a car does one need, the guy had an SUV. After he mentioned it, two other people on the show said something similar had happened to them. He had listeners call in and there were several who said the same thing happened. Bob's question was (since he had the license plate) should he turn the individual in. One woman called and said her boyfriend worked doing this and it is a scam and that there is only one speaker that actually works, the rest don't. Then a policeman called and said they would rather you call and let them investigate and that it may be legit but let them decide. I've already warned my husband not to buy anything roadside.
  16. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I remember getting hit up by those jokers way back in the early 80's while i was working at my dads business in the south Bronx. I would figure some 20 years later that con would be played out.

    Another tired con is the guys selling meat from a freezer in the back of a pick up.
  17. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I reported it this morning to the Smithfield PD and gave someone there the information ,an officer just called me back a few minutes ago and after telling him the details he told me to tell my husband that if he see's the guys again that sold him the speakers etc. to call the police.
  18. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Never ever would buy that stuff..... you NEVER know what's happened to that meat!!
  19. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    or the "hey, we have a bunch of art left over from switching it out in an office/hotel and the boss says not to bring it back to the warehouse..."
  20. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    well it is Johnston County :) LOL havent you ever seen WTSB?!!?

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