My mower is ten years old but still in good shape - except for the fact it quit running a few weeks ago. In these 'difficult economica times' I just can't afford to buy a new one - is there an honest and good (and cheap) lawnmower repair guy in Clayton? Looking for someone who does it as a hobby, maybe retired. Can't afford a shop repair. Thanks, Freebird
About the same as "impeeding" since you want to nitpick others. People in glass houses and all.............................................
Oh great cynic of cynics...... 1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. 2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others. 3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic. 4. (initial capital letter) cynic (def. 5).
I STILL don't know what you are talking about, but that's not suprising since you make zero sense 99% of the time. I was just pointing out how hilarious it is for you to make fun of someone else's spelling errors right after you made a glaring one. But whatever.
Great!!! More pictures.:lol: Since you can't post a coherent thought without illustrations........................If only you were as half as clever as you think you are in your little mind.
:lol::lol: Want to compare brain power do ya? You might as well stop there. :lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::hurray::lol:
Oh, you are making your supposed brainpower abundantly clear......................................................Hopefully it won't "impeed" you further. :lol::lol::lol:
Coherent..... logically connected; consistent: a coherent argument. Like I said. You are a cynical miserable unhappy terd who likes to whine about your puney existense in the 4042 area. You can't compare to a upcoming zit on the pure white hiney on my back side. If you would like for me to be coherent in the manor of your rantings then I would be just like you. But I am not. I don't complain with every post, I don't whine about me, mine, I , self. I do remember you at the first get together Ms. Shy, reserved, stand offish self. You come alive in written word huh? My my my how cynical you are. Your sad life is the one you made. Deal with it. The select few who actually care about your opinion are well....Just like you. lol.
Well...When you get a master degree of ANY kind and a MINOR in anything. Let us know. Oh wait. Did you get a diploma from the 4042 University in Whineyism? Master is Cynical Studies?:lol::lol:
Oh, a personal attack!!! How nice!!! :cheers: And it's "puny". BTW. I am less than concerned about what someone such as yourself thinks of me, in fact, considering the BS you post here, I consider it a compliment that we don't see eye to eye. 8)