Another WJHS senior killed in accident today

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, May 15, 2010.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Don't know many of the details but she was a senior and her name was Ariel Hughes. Apparently there was a wreck on Cornwallis Rd. at the bridge that crosses over 40 this morning at 4:45 am.

    I think this makes 4 this year was West. So sad.
  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    the word epidemic is starting to come to mind....this is really too much.
  3. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Holy Cow, this is just awful:(
  4. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

    What was she doing out at 4 in the morning?:cry:
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I've never heard of so many in one spot in all my life. So sorry for the families, administration at the school and friends.

  6. Flowergirl

    Flowergirl Well-Known Member

    My son was told Ariel and another girl were on their way home from a party and they hit a deer. Ariel was not wearing her seat belt. The other girl is in the hospital. Ariel's dad is an HP I hope he wasn't working that area this morning. Praying for all involved. So sad.
  7. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    Ariel was not wearing her seat belt. Come on kids put on your SEATBELTS!!! I see too many young people injured in MVC'S because they are NOT wearing seatbelts. Do they not stress that enough in drivers ed?

    My heart goes out to the family and friends of yet another young life cut short....;(
  8. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Garner, N.C. — A West Johnston High School student was killed in a wreck on White Oak Road in Garner early Saturday, state troopers said.
    Troopers said 17-year-old Shantoya Howard, of Willow Springs, was traveling in the 8400 block of White Oak Road, near a bridge that crosses Interstate 40, when her vehicle ran off the road and hit a tree at about 4:32 a.m.
    The crash killed 17-year-old Ariel Hughes, who was riding in the passenger seat and not wearing a seatbelt, troopers said.
    Troopers have not released more details, including whether Howard was injured.
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    What is it about April and May that makes them bad months for students dying in car accidents? Is it just the warm weather increasing kids' opportunities to get out and do things coupled with a care-free, school-is-almost-out attitude? It's so sad to see this occur each year.
  10. gooberama

    gooberama Guest

    i've had close calls with deer in that area too. Unfortunately kids don'ht tend to be careful about wildlife, especially at 4 in the morning, slow down and hit the high beams when you can.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    at 4am, they should be home safe and in bed. :?:?
  12. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    This is just sad, and I just read something last night that said there has been close to 40 deaths in Johnston county alone in like 5 years, 21 in the last 2 years, this is just crazy! These family's and what they have to go through to loose someone so young.
    I agree 4am, should have been home, and this time of year is busy for them senoirs fixing to graduate and then the proms..just not safe out there.
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    We are have all been in bed a long time by 4am. Even when my daughter is out babysitting I wait up until she arrives home. I may fall asleep on the couch but any noise wakes me.

    I ran into a deer right after we moved here but was going so slow that the car had no damage. All in the car walked home from the accident, didn't know anybody around here at the time so I would not take a ride, and was glad the accident was not too far from our neighborhood. Called the State Troopers when I arrived home and by the time they arrived at the scene the deer was gone. They said I either did not hurt it much or someone stopped and picked it up.

    I've never hurt anything like that before and could not go to work the next day as I was so upset.

    I really wish these teens would slow down, mine included. Could be that riding in the passenger seat makes it look as though she is driving faster because I am constantly checking how fast she is going.

    I've had kids pass me on two lane roads even when I could see a car coming from the opposite direction. I've taken tag numbers and called many parents. One time when my daughter was younger she caught a ride to swim practice with a friend of mine's son. She was very upset when she arrived home. Seems he and another boy, yep I know the other boy's parents too, raced down Castleberry. They were side by side with the car my daughter was in racing backwards. I was glad she was safe and I think it taught her lesson about idiots!

    So sorry for all those involved. Saw it on the news this morning and they talked about our whole county, which they should have. Why is it happening so much in our county and how do we stop it?

  14. AppleFritters

    AppleFritters Well-Known Member

    The deer situation just seems to get worse each year with all of the construction going on. A few years ago a deer ran into the the back passenger door of my car. The impact knocked him out and scared me to death. I sat right there until the HP arrived. But by that time he had gained consciousness and ran off. But luckily for me he left hairs around my tail light area. So the HP believed me. I guess that just goes to show how unpredictable deers are, and we can only try to be careful. My heart goes out to all who have been touched by this unfortunate accident and special prayers to the survivor who will need all of the support she can get from everyone.
  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    anything official that says this was car vs deer? the news story says car vs tree...
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Maybe she swerved to avoid a deer? Backroads, no seatbelts, 4am, graduation party?
  17. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    According to the folks I have spoken to, she swerved to miss the deer and hit the tree. This just goes to show that the brightest, most level-headed kids are not exempt. Ariel was a wonderful young lady who had an amazingly giving heart. I pray for her family, esp the little brother as well as Shontoya. She's doing much better physically but she has a long road emotionally.
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Hit the animal rather than lose control. Teens need to understand that it's sometimes an unfortuate necessity to hit an animal and possibly do damage to their car rather than die in a roll-over or hit an object like a tree that won't move and do much more serious damage to both car and passengers.
  19. Flowergirl

    Flowergirl Well-Known Member


    17-year-old Shantoya Howards was charged in a Saturday traffic accident that killed her friend, a West Johnston High School senior

    State troopers say 17-year-old Shantoya Howards was driving on White Oak road in Garner when she swerved to avoid a deer and slammed into a tree.

    Howard was taken to Wakemed, where she remains in good condition.

    Troopers charged Howard on Sunday with misdemeanor death by vehicle.

    Hughes, who was a West Johnston High School senior, died instantly in the wreck.

    Troopers say she was not wearing a seatbelt. Hughes was scheduled to graduate on June 11th.

    Grief counselors will be on site at West Johnston High School on Monday.

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    Story posted 2010.05.16 at 06:18 PM EDT
  20. poptart4breakfast

    poptart4breakfast Well-Known Member

    What punishment comes with misdemeanor death by vehicle? Is that jail time or community service? So sad for all the families involved.

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