OK I got a speeding ticket and have court coming up. I just realized the court location is Benson not Smithfield. Does anyone know where I need to go?
Have you gotten an attorney yet? I was passing through the extreme southern Johnston area a couple of years ago and got busted for speeding. I scratched around a bit online and called Kelly & West out of Lillington. It was my first traffic violation in many years so they reduced it down to improper equipment with no points. Since its in Benson, I'd imagine they'd take care of it for you.
I heard they were doing away with the "improper equiptment" motion....... I could be wrong. But Benson Court is in an OLD school on E Church Street.
Could be. I always thought that was rather a soft conviction. Well, that is until I needed it. :jester: The second was a basic reduction from 70 in a 55 to 43 in a 35...however that works. That last ticket was in a zone on 70 at the 903 interchange at LaGrange that should be 65 or 70 because its four lanes with a divided median and controlled access. The lady at the attorney's office in Kinston told me that the next step was a prayer for judgement. Since the first speeding ticket was reduced, technically my only speeding violation was in the above mentioned location in '08. So....I've got to be a good boy (at least behind the wheel) until '11 or my insurance will go up.
I agree. That's a moving violation and will likely result in a couple of points on your license with a conviction. If the insurance company offers "forgiveness" of one minor offense, then you may be better off pleading guilty. If not or you've had any other tickets, you may want to pony up about three Franklins for an attorney to handle it for you.
Safe Driver Incentive Plan http://www.consumerarts.com/SampleEducationDocument.pdf If you have not had a ticket in the previous 3 years, you can ask the DA if he or she will reduce the charge to less than 10 mph above the posted speed. You can plead guilty and pay the court costs. Under the SDIP (Safe Driver Incentive Plan) your insurance will not go up. You can only have one of these every three years. You do not need a lawyer for this. If you have not had a ticket in the previous 3 years, you can ask the DA for a PJC (Prayer for Judgement Continued). You can only have one of these every three years. You do not need a lawyer for this either. Under the PJC, if you get another ticket within 3 years, the court will go back and get you for both tickets. All of this depends on the circumstances. Refer to link above. I would do the SDIP and save the PJC, which is what I have done in the past. Personally, I would not contact my insurance company to let them know that I had a speeding ticket. Disclaimer! I am not an attorney.
I haven't had any sort of ticket in more than 20 years. <sigh> I'll call 'em tomorrow. Thanks Jester and PRM.
dang, when did start having court in benson. I thought all stuff like this had to be at the county courthouse. I had to go to court last month for getting a 10 over ticket. Stupid lady DA wouldn't give me improper equipment. She said the best thing she could give me was 9 over. WTH, you got people in here doing almost 20 over and giving them the same thing.
if you haven't had a ticket in that long, I would just go to court and use a PJC, then pay what 130 dollars in court costs/fine. If you are too busy to go, then shell out another 170 bucks in the long run and get a lawyer. Usually his fee will include the court costs as well
They've always had court in Benson on Fridays, for traffic tickets and misdemeanors. They used to have it in Selma on Wednesdays, but some of the powers-that-be thought it tarnished the town's image to have those ne'er-do-wells hanging out on the courthouse steps. :jester: P.S.: I don't really know about "always" but when I moved to JoCo in 1985 it was a long-standing tradition. No court the week of Mule Days, but plenty busy for many, many Fridays after. :lol:
9 over doesn't count for insurance points, unless you have another moving violation in the 3-year period. Maybe you haven't noticed, but state officials are paying closer attention to deals made by the JoCo DA's office since that stuff came out about DWI's, etc.
Just went through that charge!:cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: :cry: :lol: The top 10 of "routine" at the court house if you're pleading down: 1. You go to court on the ticket date & time. 2. If you didn't get there one hour early ..... get in the line's from hell and wait. 3. Don't expect anyone around you to know if they are in the right line or even what the line is for. 4. "No", common sense isn't necessary in our court buildings. Putting a sign on the wall explaining basic case navigation and location in the building makes too much sense. 5. Ignore the policeman for info. They know less than you. 6. Eventually you'll get to Billy Mays selling "Driving School" classes. They won't guaranty the sham, sorry .... shammy, but, it's a slam dunk buy-out for saturated insurance cleanups. 7. Go to school and twiddle your thumbs for a day. 8. Repeat steps 1 through 5 on the new court date that was set by a private industry representative selling driving classes. 9. Because you bought the shammy you're the first ones up & out. Badda Bing Badda Gavel Boom you pay the lesser charge and leave. 10. Isn't justice wonderful!!!!!
I went for my ticket on Friday. When the DA called role he said to let him know if you wanted to resolve your case that day and plead to a lesser offense or if you wanted to plead not guilty or have it continued. He took all of the resolve today first. My last name starts with B so I was called fairly quickly. He reduced it to 60 in a 55--as he had done for 5 or 6 people before me. I paid the 130 and left. I was out by 10:00. I was so glad I had not hired a lawyer because he did the same reduction for those who had a lawyer present representing them. I did hear one reduced to improper equipment but I did not hear the original charge.
FYI not all insurance companies will recognize the driving classes and take points off or reduce the costs. Nationwide Insurance doesn't care if you take a class or not; they refuse to lower the fees.
I just kicked nationwide to the curb, for no other reason that I got a better deal ($350+/yr) on my insurance. Ring, House, 3 Vehicles and Harley Getting ready to drop the workers comp AND General Liability with them also. THANK YOU!!! :cheers: HOLY CRAP, talk about timing - just saved ANOTHER $753/yr on Workers Comp. Just got the e-mail. PRM