Need some opinions about a puppy

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    We looked at this female puppy last Sunday in Lumberton.
    One of our previous wirehair dachshunds came with a lot of birth defects such as a hole in his iris etc.and he died much too soon six years ago.
    I'm trying to check into the matter as much as possible before deciding,the breeder says that it comes with a health guarantee that it's free of birth defects.Here's a couple of pictures of the puppy and this is the breeders website:
    I believe that the shadows in it's eyes are most likely from the flash of the camera. I just don't want something similar to happen such as what happened to our other one,I always felt so bad for him because of it...
    So,I guess what I'm asking is-does it look healthy to you?
    Off course,these are not the best of pictures.
    Thanks in advance for your advice!
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Seems a little shy to me. I love those dogs because they really like to have fun and they learn quickly. I don't think anybody can say with all certainty that the dog will not have health problems. We usually go with the one who comes to us and is friendly.

    Have fun,
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It "looks" healthy but you just never know. I got a mutt last time thinking that would be a better way to avoid health issues. Not so much, but she is about 3/4 Schnauzer. Anyway, be prepared to be bombarded with folks suggesting you get a shelter dog.............just to get that out of the way. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. It's cute no matter what. 8)
  4. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sherry!
    She was a bit laid back in the first couple of minutes but then livened right up,trying to lick my husbands nose while on his lap and also running around the living room.She didn't whine either unlike some of the others.
    This one was taken a few moments later
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  5. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks kdc!
    I guess at one point I'll just have to make up my mind,you're right-one just never knows 100%.
    Believe me,I tried to talk my husband into getting a shelter dog or a rescue dog from one of the rescue groups but no go :?
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member


    Go get one at the shelter and tell him it came from a breeder.

    Don't get me started on breeders.
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    We bought our bassett from a senior couple that apparently didn't overbreed their pair they had, however he had a pretty bad case of worms initially. Watch for the swollen tummy. You'll want to find out if the pup has a verifiable shot record and schedule it's first vet visit rather quickly. That way they can give him a thorough exam.
  8. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Soooo many wonderful dogs need homes RIGHT NOW! I have been volunteering with JCAPL and fostering dogs. It makes me sick this breeder actually has the nerve to say that the puppies are "for adoption" when they are just being sold. Ugh!! To each their on with their animals, but things like this upset me.

    P.S. Have you and your husband had any luck finding jobs? I know you've been looking for a while.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2010
  9. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

  10. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Such a shame that people feel they Must go to breeder...

    You can do and put the breed you are looking for -- there are plenty of dachsunds waiting for their homes ... all different ages and NOT supporting breeders who use these animals for profit.

    Just my two cents .. can't keep quiet about such things knowing how many homeless dogs are out there because of people in general....

    Good luck & enjoy your new family member whenever it comes about
  11. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    One of the "back up factors" of my stating about

    breeders ....

    Fr: Jester post
    couple that apparently didn't overbreed their pair they had, however he had a pretty bad case of worms initially

    All pups have worms - they get from their mom. Its the humans job as a Responsible person/so called breeder to Deworm pups. And if they were true responsible breeders, then they'd know the time frame to start deworming & how often (that should have the worms gone or 95% gone by time old enough to adopt out) which by the way is not a day before the pup gets sold by breeder. If pup was dewormed correctly then that'd mean the breeder used $$ out there pocket which cuts into their "profit of "just a dog"
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I knew that all pups have worms, but we were sort of disappointed with the feeble attempt to control them in the pup by the breeder. The vet encouraged us to basically start over on the dog's shots in light of the apparent weak (or no) attempt to control the worms. I personally wouldn't equate the couple we bought our dog from on the same scale with a puppy mill, but I think they could have taken better care of the litter if our dog's case of worms were any kind of example.

    If we had the opportunity to do it over again, I'm not sure we'd have done things differently. The dog is a lively pet with a wonderful personality. However, from the time-of-purchase perspective, I would have probably gone another route.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Look, I understand the position a lot of us have about irresponsible backyard breeders, I really, really do. However, sometimes folks fall in love with a particular breed of dog. I get the feeling some folks would not be happy unless:

    A. There were no pet dogs.

    B. All dogs are mutts.

    I am in no way advocating irresponsible breeding in any way shape or form and most of you know how I feel about bad pet owners in general. But how about we keep in mind that adding a pet family member is ultimately a personal choice?
  14. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Wish the state would certify &/or license mandate

    all people who wanted to breed dogs. I certainly understand that there are some dogs out there that are unique/hard to come by and breeding is done for that purpose (take me awhile to think of what type tho, lol, because maybe I'm still tryin to convince myself of this)

    But gimmee a break ... all these others that do it for because and these dogs (breedwise) can be found EVERYWHERE (specially places they shldn't be found -- like shelter/rescue groups, etc).

    There's one dude in Johnston Co who breeds just for the money sake apparently. If the pups come out and don't look good to him/look like money maker pups, then he takes them to the shelter to deal with it.

    People like that and as you state who do the minimal care of pups is what ****es me off...

    Sorry - posting away bout this but got me started when breeders vs rescue/shelters (so to speak) was mentioned.. Once started, hard for me to stop ....:beathorse:
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I just fussed out my Mom's DH over the weekend because they haven't gotten their ****zu fixed, I'm right there with you. He's convinced that this dog is somehow "valuable". It isn't. It's just another ****zu. Get the thing fixed and move on.
  16. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I agree wholeheartedly with kdc. I don't make any apologies for buying a full-blooded dog. I think it all depends on the family and what they want. In our case, my son wanted a specific breed as his first dog and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
  17. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Exactly. It's so easy and if everyone did it we wouldn't have so many homeless animals to have to advocate for and folks would probably be more comfortable with people going to RESPECTABLE breeders for their pets (if they can't find the breed that they are looking for at rescues, etc.)
  18. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    You're rite - nothing wrong with Respectable breeders... they do it with care & compassion to the animals & also do it for a legit reason (show dog and such).

    I think though that people in general are blind to what's available at a shelter or rescue and frown upon such in thinking that getting from a breeder (of any type) is the best path to take because not being fully "educated about animal/ownership issues" may have them believing that a "breeder" knows all about everything and will believe all about anything a "breeder" tells them.

    Its just a mess that will never go away unfortunately because pet overpopulation or people with "its just a dog/cat" attitude & not thinking "fully committed mindset of responsibility FOR and TO the animal" has gotten so out of control..

    okay - I'm gonna try to shut up now on this whole subject. But definately not downing people on having full bred dogs. Just frustration kinda sets in when people don't seem to realize what treasures can be found at shelters/rescues.
  19. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree with you all about irresponsible breeders and as some of you know I absolutely can't stand irresponsible dog/cat/animal owners either.
    If it was only up to me I would get a shelter dog and most likely not just one either. One of the reasons that my husband is set on this one is because he said that it reminds him of our previous dachshund,the one that died 7 weeks ago,from the first time he looked at the picture.
    I've been checking on dachshunds rescues and if I could I'd like to get each and every one of them,so I'm between a rock and a hard place so to speak,I would have liked to get a little older rescue dog but as I said husband does not...
  20. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Back to your original question ... did the eyes look a little runny? They do in the first few pictures, but that may just be the pics. How old is she? How about the litter mates ... were they all healthy looking? Can you take the pup to your own vet for a health check before you bring her home?

    My very first dog was a wire-haired doxie but he didnt like me so he ran away from home (I was only a year old, and he already had one toddler crawling on his floor ... when I came along, he just couldnt take it any more. *grin*).

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