I saw a car today (light blue 2-door Honda, maybe?) with a magnet on the back that said "Nana". It was OBX oval style...but had some light or medium blue curly-q's around the text. My kids' Nana would love it! I was wondering if anyone here had seen them available to buy locally and, if so, where? I did a quick google but came up with about a thousand options and would prefer to buy locally anyway. Thanks!
If you have a cricut or know someone that does, you can buy some vinyl and make one!! You can try places that make hats, and shirts or somewhere like signage!!
Those are so cute! I love the adventure one... but I kinda fell in love with the specific one I saw and I think it was partially b/c it matched the light blue car so well. I am not in a position to buy her a car, so I was hoping the magnet would do. I'd LOVE to have a cricut, but alas, it would just be put in my ever-growing pile of well-intentioned, "I can do that myself", pile that has grown exponentially since about 8 years ago (first munchkin's birth).
https://www.scrapbookpal.com/Store/Products.asp?cat=Vinyl&subcat=Cricut+Vinyl here are the colors that the vinyl comes in, let me know if you are interested. been playin around stuff like this monogramming other things it should be easy to do...
Just tell me the shade/color and we can work that out. I can do a red oval with black polka dots (but all vinyl) with the name. And I am not trying to just promote my business because I have been doing vinyl over a year from my home and have never mentioned it here so no one bash me. LOL
Thanks! I'll try to come up with a quick mockup (colors and such) and let you know. I'll put that on my list.