Well, I know people feel it's ok to bring their dog into Lowes home improvement but I thought even "those people" would know their limits...guess not. Was in Food Lion at 4042 today and the guy checking out in front of me was holding about a 10 pound dog with probably 5 lbs of long black fur. Very cute dog. Anyway, cashier saw him, said nothing. Another cashier saw him and walked over and proceeded to talk baby talk to the dog. After he was gone, I asked the cashier when FL started allowing dogs in there. She basically told me that he has brought the dog in before, management is aware (but still allows him to bring the dog in), and it's not her job to deal with that because "I don't get paid enough to deal with those problems". I then checked out and walked over to the manager who actually walked in the store and passed the guy as he was walking out. She said dogs aren't allowed and that if she had seen him in the store she would have said something but she only saw him leaving. So, tell him not to bring the dog back in! It was obvious he had been in the store and was leaving. Anyway, it's a MAJOR violation and I reminded her of this. She said she knows but I could tell it was going in one ear and out the other. So, I'm not sure I'll be back in FL unless I really need something (I usually shop elsewhere)...I definitely won't be buying anything from the deli...."yes, I'll have a chicken salad sandwich please with a side of dog fur."
I took Buddy to Agri-Supply yesterday and put him in a cart. :lol::lol: Yes I did. They were super awesome about it. ALMOST took him into the post office today, but luckily there wasn't 50 million people in there, if so, I would have taken him in. Anywhere that I CAN take him, I do, just to get him used to different people, smells, etc .... I understand about the grocery store though. He stays home on those trips.
I try to stay out of people's business, but I might have to call the health dept if I saw that. Of course, I don't even like it when pets are in the kitchen.
I think the law is that they are not allowed in anyplace that has open food stations - so following that logic, Kohls, Home Depot, yes - but Walmart, Target, NO. And BTW, to people who have small dogs, this DOES apply to your 5 pound dog as much as is applies to 50 pound dogs!
Your more then welcomed to come to the 210 store and we don't allow dogs in our store. For food safety reasons as you mentioned.
Its wrong to bring the dog into the supermarket but at lease they didn't leave the dog in the 130 degree car.
:iagree: I almost prefer a small dog ,especially if it's being carried and not touching the ground,at FL than a huge cockroach, which I saw sitting in front of the 42 FL door waiting to crawl inside :ack::ack:
You are cracking me up I don't like the idea of dogs runing through grocery stores either, with the exception of service dogs , it could get to be a problem if one person does it well there could be a pet show there next week. I have seen some hairy people who i would worry about with that line of thinking. Which is why I have issues with buffet dining resturants. then talking about resturants we are back to hughs asian food thought and don't get me started on roaches ewww
People just need to leave the dogs at home, period. In this heat, dogs don't have any business being out in cars unless its a trip to the vet and home. I can't stand it when I see people walking dogs in this heat, the poor little pads on their feet on the hot cement or tar! :banghead:
Tassy, I had never really thought about that until you brought it up (I have a cat and there is NO walking her, LOL) but I'm sure that does burn their little pads. Shoot, I know it burns the bottom of my feet if I just try to walk to the mailbox with bare feet. Now I'm gonna be sad everytime I see someone walking their dog in the heat. Stupid people! :banghead:
We went to that Ham and Yam festival last year and it was rediculously hot, yet someone was walking their poor dog on that hot pavement. You could tell it was hurting his feet, the owner was completley oblivious. Obliviot. :evil:
I went in Agri Supply one day and there was a guy with a CHICKEN in there! He had it riding on the handle on the cart. Funniest thing ever! Then I went outside and saw his van. It was the "Chicken Man". LOL, true story!!!