Got Butter?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by NY9, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    Really? So if you had $10 Million to invest, there would be very little difference between a 1% and 6% interest rate I guess.
  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i got this person on ignore for good reason. trust me on this one....
  3. There are a lot of transplants in the South thanks to the rust belt deteriorating and moving jobs down here to get away from unions. Thus, saying "Southerners" in this study is to say all those currently living in the South.

    There is a clear and distinct difference between being a "Southerner" and living in the South. Take yourself for example. If you are fat and overweight then you are contributing to this study yet you most likely don't consider yourself a "Southerner."

    The whole country is getting fatter but what skews this poll to be as you make is the fact the migration South is more prevalent than any other part of the country. But I guess making fun of "rednecks" is more your speed.
  4. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    :lol: Now I'm skewing the poll? I think youre in denial regarding the work ethic in the south, maybe a result of your isolation.

    If there is a lower % of obese in the northern states, how can you logically assume that northern migration is contributing to a higher % in the South.

  5. I'm not saying the South isn't the fattest region. In fact, I believe it to be true. I'm just saying the South is growing in population so the likelihood that it will continue to dominate as "the fattest region" isn't likely to change since the whole country is getting fatter AND migrating to the South.

    I don't subscribe to this notion that the South is the laziest. I think that is a pretty simple minded generalization. I know some sorry people from all corners of this country but that doesn't tell me anything about everyone from those areas. I believe you know this but just want to get a reaction from the Johnston County natives.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    OK easy answer, all the folks from the North who are used to 150mph lifestyle have moved down here where the lifestyle is about 75mph (which i love & apprciate) so the Northerners have gained all this wait adjusting to everything being more laid back and have added to the obesity numbers:lol:
  7. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    It is a generalization....based on my observations and experiences. Obviously not all southerners are lazy, but from what Ive seen and relative to up north, the majority of them are.

    Kaci-no offense but, 'laid back' is code for lazy, just as 'southern hospitality' is code for nosey.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Do you know what "Bless Your Heart" is code for?? :lol:
  9. glorybee

    glorybee Well-Known Member

    I would like to know what that is code for because if I remember correctly you once said that to me in a post on a thread for no reason that I could see.
  10. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Man, I hate to get into this childish BS, but what part of NY are you from where everyone is so hard working: NYC? don't think so. Upstate? not so much. Western NY? guess again.

    IMO, having lived there (Rochester, NY) and here -and many other places- people aren't that much different.

    Don't like it? Please go home.
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Once again, I agree 100%
  12. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    Dont like what?

    I'm actually from a town called Cornwall in the Ontario province but worked in Northern New York and then about 20 miles east of Ithaca during and after college.

    People may not be that much different but they are more obese in the South, which begs the question of why?
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    My theory...

    The South is known for it's deep fried foods and Sweet Tea, and don't forget dessert! Ham biscuits for breakfast. When we go to my STBMIL's house, sometimes I ask her when the Colonel and his men are going to arrive - that's how much food she has prepared. She even makes those ham biscuits to go with dinner.

    Now, not even 20 years ago in this county alot of families were still farming. Mama, Daddy, and kids were out suckering tobacco. They could eat like that because the effort put forth farming compensated for the calories they took in. Alot of folks don't farm like that anymore, but the traditions of Southern Cooking have not washed out yet.

    I was at my son's baseball game the other night (Double Header) and was talking to a man just before the game ended (11PM!) and he was talking how he was going to stop by Bojangle's on the way home, how much he loved Bojangle's. I'm thinking "Dude. Just go home and go to bed, your craving will pass" Then he goes on to say how they wished they had a Bojangle's in Benson. I thought of that thread from a long time ago, where people were all excited about the Bojangle's being built on 210 - which by the way he said was a very good location. lol
  14. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    That's a much more reasonable attitude than your original post.

    It's a sad fact that obesity is epidemic in the south. I have to believe that a lot of it comes from traditional southern cooking (mmm!) and, like anywhere else, those traditions are born largely from what is available and affordable in the region. We may still eat like farmhands but few of us require that level of intake anymore.

    From a macro viewpoint we are slaves to our supply chain- we eat what we eat because it's available, and it dominates the market because we keep buying it.

    How do we fix it?
  15. Grammie

    Grammie Well-Known Member

    I just have to say, I am from NY moved down here to make a better life for me and my kids, and I have. I have been here 15 years now and love it. Now you can call me whatever you want, but in my eyes I am not a Yankee nor a Southerner I am an American who can live where she chooses. I think threads like this are such a waste of energy. Some of you have to learn to judge people for who they are and what they've done, not where they were born. If you do this just to bait people find some other way to entertain yourselves. Because when you bash where I live or where I came from it is an insult. So call me what you will if it entertains you but remember it just shows ignorance no matter where you were born.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Absolutely Gomer. I have lived all over the country, and one thing I learned is the different cuisines, dialect, and time zones. lol

    I was raised by a mother who was from Spotsylvania County, VA. We always ate fried chicken, porkchops, biscuits, gravy, mashed potatoes.

    When my Gramma used to visit from NY, she always went to the store and bought potatoes, cabbage, and corned beef - and boiled it. When I moved to Maine for a short stint, they served boiled potatoes, carrots, and turnips - with just about every meal. Texas, lots of beef grilled/barbqued - same thing in AZ.
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The first time we got invited to a cook out in Illinois when DH was in the AF, I remember not quite knowing what to do with either a brat or a pork butt steak. :lol: That mess was served every where we went it seemed. I learned to eat before I went, LOL. We were once served "mashed" potatos. That's all they were, mashed. No salt, no butter, no cream, nuttin. Blech. :lol: I had to teach that girl what mashed potatos were supposed to be, southern style. 8)
  18. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    So you told the woman butter and salt will make the taters taste better. Did you also tell her she should cook her veggies in bacon grease and that fruit would only be an acceptable dessert if combined with pudding, whipped cream and 10 pounds of sugar....or did you not want to impart too much of your southern wisdom on her all at once?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    She was from FL, if her Momma didn't teach her, someone had to. :cheers:
  20. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    Ontario is a very nice area, wouldn''t mind living there,
    But, believe me when I tell you there's obese people every where, not just in the South

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