? Regarding Backyard Chickens

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by zookeeper, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if you can raise backyard chickens for eggs (no roosters) outside of the Four Oaks city limits? I was thinking about 4 of them. They would be enclosed and have a really nice coop and within the confines of a 6' privacy fence.

    I just had the guts to bring it up to hubby -thinking he'd shoot it down, but surprisingly he was positive. . .in fact he said a couple people he works with raise their own for eggs - as they are healthier and happier and we would have free fertilizer for our garden and more compost materials from their bedding/nesting straw.

    Figures it's Friday - too late to call downtown - but wondered if any of you knew?

  2. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    You have my permission. ;)
  3. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Many time, outside city limits, it will be stated in covenants. That is if that would apply.

    Heck, they are cheap. Get a couple and wait for someone to make you get rid of them.
  4. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    I agree. Often times better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
  5. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You need to find out whose ETJ you are in. Even if you are outside of Four Oaks town limits, then you could still be in their ETJ. I imagine if you are not in a subdivision with covenants that restrict it, that you could raise them with no problem.
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    outside of town limits, you're in the county. if your neighborhood covenants restrict it, they'd have to sue you to get rid of them. you think your neighborhood assoc would spend thousands of dollars to get rid of 4 chickens, no rooster? i doubt it.
  7. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Did Q, P, J, and F approve sharing the backyard with the chickens? That's who's permission you really have to have! :)
    I have ALWAYS wanted a few chickens for fresh eggs, but cant get DH on board with the plan. My aunt used to raise chickens to sell the eggs, and I loved collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens, but then I was 8 y/o at the time so maybe I wouldnt like it so good now? :)
  8. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    we have chickens. we have had them for a little over a year now. my son wanted a chick for easter. somehow instead DB brought home 6 full grown chickens. this was about 8 oclock at night. he started building their coop that night by the light of the headlights of his truck. (can u say impulsive?)

    Its nice to have the eggs but to me its just an added "chore" to do around here. wait....let me rephrase that. its an added chore for my husband 8)

    this easter my son reminded us, "all i really wanted was a baby chick" so....
    we got two. i didnt want one to be lonely! well,,,,baby chicks have to be kept warm for 6 weeks or so. we didnt want to rig something up outside so they lived in my bathtub for several weeks. pooped their brains out. talk about a chore.

    finally we put them outside. we kept them in the coop with the others but in their own cage so the others could get used to them. they somehow got out oh the first or second night and the older chickens killed them. it was horrible.
    now my son doesnt like the older chickens because of what they did.

    if i could do it all over when he asked for a chick i would have gotten him another fish.

    DB's wife
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  9. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I have done a bit of research and learned they all need to be the same age or size to share a coop or the big ones will attack and likely kill the little ones...unless they're free range - then the chicks can get out of the way.

    Black Stars appear to be both attractive, sex determined at 1 day old (color) good egg layers - oh, an important to me as I got the crap pecked out of me when I was a kid - FRIENDLY!

    We have covenants...but they're a joke - literally. I don't know about the 3/4 of the subdivision I never walk or drive past...people might very well have chickens..but covenants have been broken left and right.

    ie: people renting their property out before they lived in the home for two years; not paving their complete driveway (a half dozen only paved from the street and up about 30' (or less); no vehicles parked in front yard for more than an hour - heck - some people have their cars live on their grass for days! There are probably others, but the one that ticks me off the most--keeping dogs confined to your property while not with you and leashed -that one is broken every day of the week!

    Next door to me on one side is an empty wooded lot (easement) on the other side a family w/three or four sons who start shooting hoops before sunrise (sincerely) and so late that they pull vehicles onto grass and shine headlights to continue till as late as 11pm...sometimes a half dozen friends join them-why did they not do the crush/run for half the driveway LOL. The kids are good kids though - other than hearing the twang of BBall hitting pavement while I'm trying to sleep - they never are any bother. Then behind me - the freakish neighbor whose kid (over 18) rides his dirtbike on my property along the fenceline - last year my dog broke his leg while this kid taunted him - huge fight - kid still does it when he thinks we're not home. They now have another family living w/them (breaking the one family per single family home who is not blood relative restriction) and this kid came with an ATV...oh joy! What fun it must be riding them vehicles in the yard! and lastly the other neighbor in the back - living next door to the freak - they're great...keep their yards nice, take care of their pets - they wouldn't say a word - might ask for some eggs though lol.

    I think we will set about putting a fence w/in our fence to limit the dogs space - they are old and don't need all that room. Then build a nice coop - something attractive and comfy.

    Anyone have someone to recommend who installs chain link fencing - fairly small job - thinking 30 x 30 ish.
  10. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    Zookeeper, many of things that tick you off are covered bycounty ordinances and it doesn't matter if there are convenants or not. We have covenants but no HOA to enforce them. I know that rules governing pets and noise are enforceable by the county.
    We also know that when someone needs to sell their home they are then interested in everyone adhereing to the covenants that everyone has agreed to abide by. So some of our neighbors have gone house by house and increased everyone's awareness of the covenants and the impact on all of us if someone isn't following the rules. And things have changed for the better.
  11. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    If you have ever lived remotely close to a chicken farm, the surrounding areas are infested with flies. It was so bad at a friend's house, that you had to bang on the storm door before you opened it, in hopes that some of the flies would jump off and you can run out w/o them all flying into your house. They couldn't even enjoy their deck in the summer. I am not sure if that is the case when you have just a few chickens, but just an observation around the rural areas where they have these chicken farms.
  12. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I have a number of clients who have a half dozen chickens or so, as long as their area is kept clean, it's not nasty in any way. As many on this board can attest, I keep my critters and my yard cleaner than a lot of people keep their kids. As far as flies - I'd guess my neighbor behind me with 3 dogs who has never poop scooped draws more flies than 4 chickens ever will.

    As far as the county rules - I'm out of the city limits - 600 feet from my front door there are cows grazing - I'm sure they contribute to a few insects. Walk out the front door early in the AM and hear "moooo". Sometimes if the wind is blowing a certain direction, I wish they were horses, as I much prefer the smell of horse manure to cow flop. 8)
  13. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I know there is a "leash law". - total crock - like most laws of it's kind - it's more honor system than anything. Call the police about stray dogs and they tell you to call animal control. Call animal control (during working hours) and they say they'll send someone out....hours or days later they show up. Unless the animal in question is straying when they arrive - oh well....

    As for noise concerns - when you have to live near the offenders, sometimes it's easier to deal with it, than complain. The freak with the dirtbike has been expelled from school for carrying knives - he's late getting his license because he was/maybe still is a 'usual suspect' of local law enforcement for vandalism. Sorry, but I don't need to worry about the freak seeking retribution when I'm not home. While I have the dogs, I know he'd mess with them and if he harmed any of them and survived, I'd spend the rest of my life in jail.

    Houses sell here all the time, so far no one has paved their driveways, leashed their dogs, or quit making noise. One that sold last month only has 1/3 of a driveway - it was a forclosure, so guess even the bank didn't care.

    I was inquiring to find out about the need for a permit or whatever...some areas within some jurisdictions require you have written consent from neighbors within a certain distance...I figured if that was the case I'd either have easy consent, or maybe sway a signature by pointing out a violation or 12 they've incurred ;)
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You know I luv ya Zoo, but I hate some chickens!! Maybe I wouldn't hate them so much if they were kept in their yard. But they aren't and continually make a mess out of mine between pooping on my sidewalk, digging around in my mulch and yard and aggravating my dog. I so wish they were part of the S/D and there was something I could do about them. The roosters are the worst though, crowing at the crack of dawn my ***, how about nearly all day every day. :banghead:

    Good luck with yours, I'm sure you will be a better neighbor than what I have.
  15. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Okay - made all my calls - got my answer :)

    With my location, I only need to keep my chickens confined to my property, with a shelter, and not have any noise or smell complaints from neighbors. Hens don't make much noise. . .Yay! That settles that!

    kdc I remember the junk you went through with that neighbor - no my chickens will not ever see there is anything past my privacy fence. They will have a good life and be happy pets who provide eggs :) I can cook for them also - as chickens LOVE oatmeal - cooled, of course :cheers:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2010
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Then it's all good...............fresh eggs are the best.:cheers: I've got an aunt who raises some specialty breeds on her farm. Some of them lay blue or green eggs, they looked just like dyed Easter eggs, very cool. They definitely taste better than store bought eggs for sure.
  17. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Yes, heard about them - someone said they looked like they were tie-dyed. DH and I don't go through that many eggs, but the boys eat a good dozen a week...we just won't tell the dogs that they eat the cooked version of what lays the eggs and vice versa ;)

    We didn't have chickens on the farm growing up, but we bartered a half steer and half pig for chicken (ready to cook) and eggs. Fresh eggs definitely taste better than what sat in warehouses and grocery coolers for months.
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

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