McDonald's vs Wendy's on 210

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by beebsy, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    About a month ago, we went to Wendy's on 210. There was only one person in line in front of us, and the drive thru was not busy, either. It took a good 10 minutes for us to get served. When we finally got to the register, I proceeded to place my order. My daughter has Celiac, and cannot eat any wheat, rye, or barley. The Wendy's website has a page that lists what is free of gluten, and what is not. For my daughter, I explained that I would like to buy a kids meal, but wanted to substitute a plain chicken breast instead of the nuggets. I explained the situation, stated that I knew it was unusual, but that I was willing to pay extra for the sub, and that it was due to a medical condition. The cashier had a total look of "duh" on her face, and proceeded to tell me that she couldn't sell that to me. I asked her again, very nicely, and restated that I would pay extra, and she still maintained that she could NOT sell me that. I asked for the manager. The manager took her time coming up to the front, and proceeded to tell me that she could NOT sell me a chicken breast. I restated everything again, told her I did not care how much extra I had to pay, but she still refused to sell it to me. All this with my 8 and 5 year olds standing by. She never once apologized, or seemed to care, whatsoever, if she lost business. I asked for her district manager's contact info, told them to cancel my order, and we went to McD's. This was like a whole different world. They were fast, friendly, and courteous. When I placed my order, the cashier didn't know how to ring it up, and immediately asked his manager how to do it. The manager said,"as long as we have the ingredients in the store, we will make it for you, however you need it!" NO PROBLEM! SO ACCOMMODATING!

    I have since called the district manager for that Wendy's, and although she apologized, she offered no, "we hate that happened, and don't want to lose you as a customer! Come back in and give us another try!" or anything to that effect...just that she would call that manager right away and tell her, that, in the future, she should sell the customer what they need. I told her that I might expect that behavior from a regular staff, but that was THE MANAGER of the store!! I told her that our family usually eats out at least once a week, and that amount of business may not matter to her either way, but we wouldn't be back. I told her about our experience at McD's and she had no comment, and she didn't offer anything to make us want to come back and give them another try.

    I also called McDonald's, and let them know what an outstanding job the employees in their store are doing.

    I told both the McDonald's and the Wendy's people that I was going to tell everyone I could think of about what happened....I put a lot of value on people's experiences at local businesses, and I appreciate people sharing both good and bad---it helps us decide where to spend our hard-earned money. It won't be at Wendy's.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Does "Big Red" still manage the Wendy's up there? She's a scary looking broad with her name tatooed on her NECK. I'm always afraid to tell her when my order is wrong . . . LOL
  3. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha!! yeah, girl, that's HER, to a "t"!!! I guess since there was no picture on the register of a chicken breast, they couldn't sell it...LOL!!:lol:
  4. lissa27504

    lissa27504 Well-Known Member

    That McDonald's is always friendly and quick....which we should expect from "Fast Food" but we all know isn't the case.

    I do not go to that Wendy's because they are slow and rude. I RARELY go into a fast food place but happened to go into that Wendy's last November. My Mother had sent my children coupons for a free frosty...good at any 'participating location.' I walked up to the counter, ordered the frosty's and showed her the coupon and the girl (not the manager mentioned above...just an employee) and she said "I don't think we take those." I said "can you ask?" She sighed and said "if I have to." I said "Yes you HAVE to." So she yells back to (assumed) manager "Hey, do we accept coupons for a free little frosty?" To which he replied "That's a stupid question. Why would we accept that? That's giving away my money." So I walked out. Had they not been rude I would have bought my children each a frosty. Losing my business will not kill them but I also won't give them another dime.
  5. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    I have celiac as well. It is unfortunate that many restaurants do not realize that good customer service translates to more money for them and bad translates to less. Celiac has become a major movement over the past three years (when I was diagnosed). There used to be few options but now there are restaurants that have GF menus. The hardest part is those that have GF menus but still have no idea what celiac is. Case in point. Flemings Steakhouse in Crabtree. Went there for a nice dinner with the wife. They have a GF menu with many options. We let them know ahead of time we would need a GF menu. We were seated and I was handed a GF menu. THe waiter then came up and I made him aware of the fact I would be ordering from a GF menu. His response "Gluten Free Menu, what's that?"

    If you are a restaurant and going to have the menu then please educate your staff. If the waiter has no idea what it is then there is little chnage the cooks will know the steps needed not to cross-contaminate.
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I wouldn't mess with her. I think she might just open a can of whoop ***. You're safer at McDonalds. Ronald McDonald doesn't seem too threatening. At least he doesn't have his name tattoed on his neck :mrgreen:
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I've never had decent service at a Wendy's, esp Morrisville by the outlets. I gave up on them after having to beg for ketchup packets over and over again, pulling up in the dead of winter with them just waiting with my bag of food a hanging out the window or in the heat of summer with my frosty hanging out the window. You bet I took my sweet time putting away my receipt and double-checking my order.
  8. shellybear

    shellybear Active Member

    i had good luck with mcdonalds. I am allergic to sesame seeds. So I asked for two bottom buns (burger king does this for me). But McDonalds said oh we have special buns for people with my problem. It was swift and easy
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Poor customer service is epidemic just about everywhere. We had a waitress Sat night that just defied belief. Instead of asking us if we needed anything, she goes: "Ya'll still cool?" Really?? LOL. Then she made a big, loud fuss over the amount of food my DS ate. Way to give a kid a complex. Geez. He's underweight as it is, I was HAPPY he cleaned his plate, so shut up already. :lol:
  10. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    You are so frickin' funny, girl! Point!!:lol:
  11. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    That's awesome!!
  12. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    That's unbelievable!! We have had slow, rude service before, but this was just the last straw...or is it the last draw...whatever!!! 8)
  13. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Hey Wendy's i dont care if she can kick butt or not this "big red" person can't manage a thing. My husband likes Wendy's but we refuse to go to the one on 210 because the service STINKS - and that is being nice.
    Who ever the owner is - someone get a hold of them! PLEASE. Either that or someone tell this Red chick how horrible that store is.
    We placed an order and then are told - oh we are out of baked potatoes. At 7 pm at night. AND they will not make any more because they are only allowed so many a day. WE LEFT.
    We waited over ten minutes while employees chatted and generally looked useless and no one took our order. WE LEFT
    The baked potato thing happened so often we dont bother any more.
    The employees there look like they are the left overs that no one else would hire. Unkept and messy.

    i wish they'd fix everything or close.
  14. bystander

    bystander Well-Known Member

    We used to love Wendy's but haven't been to one in about 2 years because of poor service, etc. My daugther found a fly in her salad ( at the 40/42 location ). she returned it and got another salad but then found a small piece of cardboard in that one. I think they went downhill after Dave died.
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Seems not matter which location ... there can be no line and it takes forever to get the food. I try to avoid going to Wendy's.
  16. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I like Wendy's hamburgers better than McDs, but I've got where I rarely eat a hamburger other than at Cook-Out. I usually treat myself to one Cook-Out burger per week. Actually, here lately, I've been eating at McDs more, but I order a Chicken Classic Grilled sandwich (no mayo) and a fruit and walnut snack-size salad with a small diet Coke or diet Dr. Pepper. Sometimes I just skip the fruit salad unless I'm really hungry. The sandwich is just 370 calories with no mayo, the fruit/walnut has about the same calories as a small fry but is much better for you and the diet drink is no calories. Their grilled chicken is actually pretty good and you get a tasty bun, crisp lettuce and a nice, juicy tomato.
  17. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    fast food = :ack::ack:
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Since you stay so active with your business, hg...what do you do most of the time for meals when out and about? Do you pack a sandwich for lunch or do you only do dine-in restaurants?
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I don't eat. :lol:
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL! I wish that was an option. I am sick to death of everything up at 4042 and it's only been 3 months. Been packing some, but tired of sandwiches and microwave stuff too. I'd just as soon not eat too, but unfortunatley..........I'm not very good at going hungry. :lol:

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