Mel Gibson is crazy at the moment and after my ordeal I wonder if items within his body are not in sync. I just cannot believe someone, especially in today's world, would beat the crap out of his wife, have no respect for anyone and would state the things he did. Maybe I just don't want to believe it. I didn't like his big Jesus movie and he exploited that Religion but my mind was wide open when going to see it. Still didn't think kids should be allowed to see nor did I want mine seeing Michael Moore's movie during that time. I know his father was prejudice. Heck, so was my grandfather on my dad's side.....doesn't mean it is a disease that is passed on. Whoopie stated that he always treated her and her kids with respect. Just sayin, Sherry
:iagree: I wonder if he's bi-polar or something? And did he treated his first wife like this? she should speak out also!
Yes, he did treat his first wife this way after many years. That's why I am wondering about him being in-sync within his body and mind. If one watches and listens to his resent tape he is more than vicious.....just sounds completely out of his mind. Still think he should have to do something for how he treated his girlfriend, Oksana (my daughter's middle name that I love), because nobody deserves to be treated physically or mentally like that. Sherry
Dang it...why is everything so gosh darn expensive :banghead: Trying to plan a quick stop/visit to Hershey Park PA on the way to NY to visit the alone cost about $175.00 for all of us...still doesn't include hotel or food!! Ugh...
Try getting them throught the Giant stores up there (grocery). They are cheaper there than buying them at the park. My Momma lives very near there and that is what we do. :cheers:
Did you get seated? I got called last year for Federal............I didn't get seated and I'm glad. Not my idea of a good time.
Thanks guys. She's actually not doing so good right now. She's on oxygen and has a tube down her throat. We haven't been able to see her yet. They are running more test and deciding if they need to send her to Chapel Hill.
Congrats Nana Tangerine!! :jester: Hope baby improves and they don't need to send her to Chapel Hill.