I went to american hero on 42 today I think for the last time. They had a girl in there working her first day today. I know jobs are hard to come by today but if she's smart she won't return. They were so nasty to her, yelling at her in front of customers and not speaking english to her. after the place was practically empty she took a quick trip to the ladies room and got yelled at for not asking permission. I've always been behind the small local businesses but I'm done with this one and I hope a lot of others decide the same.
I went in there with a "WRAL" coupon that I PURCHASED and he refused to honor it correctly. He kept BS'ing me about why he was right when clearly the prices were listed on his menu and the dollar amount was not correct. On a side note-- does anyone know what is up with Hungry's?? They have been closed forever!
I never even gave the place a first chance. I was turned off my their false advertisement on the banner they hung out front that said free 8" hero. They failed to mention that you had to buy something to get that free sub. Doesn't sound like they will be around long enough to matter.
these are the first negative things i've heard about them ever. the location in clayton probably put hungry's out of business. the service and food are unbeatable. they've been there for about 7 years and do alot of business. re: the free 8 inch hero. did you really think you would just walk in and have them hand you a free sandwich? is that seriously reasonable? the little sign out by the road may not have room for the fine print, but the giant banner at the door does. that complaint rings hollow imho... now, i will say that i don't believe that the management at the 4042 location is one of the brothers, like in clayton. when you run your own place, you try harder. i could be wrong, but i think they hired a manager for that location, and i won't defend him/her because i don't know the location well enough. hollering at a new employee is not a good management skill, especially in front of customers. if i had seen that i would have gone straight to one of the brothers with it. they care, and i bet they wouldn't want that kind of thing going on in their store, and i seriously doubt it was one of them. call the clayton store and ask for the owner, let them know about your complaint. i think it's unfair to not give them a chance to rectify the situation before coming here to blast them and ask people not to go there. PS to the OP: if the place was empty when she went to the bathroom, how do you know that it happened? could this new employee be your daughter or a friend?
The OP stated "after the place was practically empty". There is a difference. I love the American Hero in Clayton. I hope they are around a long time!
I love the AH in CLayton, and the few times I've been to the new 4042 location its been one of the brothers up there. Always very friendly and outgoing, recognizes me from the Clayton store. I would do as another poster suggested and call the Clayton store, ask for one of the owners and voice your complaint about the managers lack of discretion in dealing with employee issues infront of customers. I also loved Hungrys, they made a great roast beef sub!! I'll hate to think they've closed for good. They are run by a brother and sister from the Chicago area (I think).
i'll admit i've only been in the one on 42 once, but the tall brother (that's who runs the store) wasn't there. always always always see at least the shorter bro in clayton... here's hoping they can open back up. love me some local businesses... :cheers:
on another note, the time i did go to the 4042 store and got the gyros, the meat was overcooked. the sandwich just wasn't as good as i was used to. so the next time i went into the clayton store, i had to mention it. dude told me that they bought the fixtures with the place, and that the stovetop/grill thing that was in there was a $1500 piece, while the one in clayton was a $3500 piece. i was not the first person they had heard this from, and they were already concerned. they had found that their cooktimes didn't transfer over to the new place and would need some revision as they got used to a different stove with fewer controls and hotter hotspots. overall, i felt that they were actually more eager to hear my complaint than they are to hear my compliments. they hear those every time i walk in the front door ...the complaints on the other hand....well, most people complain silently. by never going back. how can they ever hope to improve if they don't know what ran you off? /threadbombs
I stood at the register and tried to talk to him, but the line was long and I was dismissed. I wanted to give them my business by what I read on here... he just didn't want to listen. I tried to show him the details of the coupon and he bunched it up and threw it in the trash. If I didn't have hungry kids I would have left the food and walked out.
seriously. this does not sound like anything one of the brothers would do. i'm not doubting your story, i'm just saying even though i'm not as familiar with the 42 store, it sounds like you dealt with an employee, not one of the owners. the owners would want to hear about it and would likely then do their best to win your business back.
Sorry you had a bad experience, I've been twice and don't had any complaints. I stopped in last night to pick up an order that I called in - no problems, sandwiches were good!
It said American Hero Restaurant (Garner and Clayton) $8.00 for 2 combo meals valued at $16.00 But he sold me a $5 gyro and an $8 Philly cheese... not $16. He said he would upgrade and add fries to make up the difference. I was fine with that. But at the register he charged me $3.50 extra for the fries?? I tried to show him it wasn't $16 worth of food and I shouldn't have to pay extra. But to be honest, I was embarrassed with the line and my kids etc... (oh and we got it to go.... when we got home I realized we had a SMALL philly which is not eight dollars)
I have been there 1x and got the philly cheesesteak, it was ok I've had alot better cheesesteaks. I forgot how much I paid but it was way too much for no more than was on the sandwhich. It should be overflowing with meat, etc for that price. maybe it was $8 but it was too high I thought. Now I am truly done with Quiznos'(sp?) the owner is really nasty and fake acting to people when I go in there. They are so scared that they may put one more piece of chicken or whatever than they are supposed too. It was really dirty looking when I went in the other day.
That really doesn't sound like it was either of the brothers, they always seem to go over and above to make sure the customer is satisfied. I don't know how long ago this happened, but it might not hurt to give the store in Clayton a call. It can't hurt to see if in good faith they would like to rectify the problem and keep a customer.
Is this the Clayton location? If so, this surprises me. The owner always has the employees cleaning up when they are not busy.
Yes it was the Clayton location. It was around 3:30 in the afternoon, time enough to have been cleaned up since the lunch rush. Maybe it was just a bad day for them but the owner just rubs me the wrong way. I have seen the owner in a hair salon and if they said that they owned the Quizno's 1x she said it 10 it was really sickening. who cares , you just get a loan like everyone else does to buy a business!
too bad you didn't step up to the plate and come to her defense. maybe she felt awkward, or perhaps this was her first job. it reads as if she may have been young. if she was you probably should've of said something while in the stoer not just on here.