Neuse Charter School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dangerboy, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    since the state released the EOG scores last week, i've seen several articles about JoCo and the progress made since last year. only trouble is, the #1 elementary and middle school in the county gets no mention. the charter school is a PUBLIC SCHOOL, but part of the state system, not part of the Johsnton County system, so we get left out.

    thanks to WTSB for covering this....

    Neuse Charter Recognized As Honor School of Excellence
    Selma NC – In only their third year of operation, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction recognizes Neuse Charter of Johnston County as an “Honor School of Excellence” with a composite score of 92.34%. On Thursday, scores from all public schools in North Carolina was released by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The ABC’s Program recognizes schools for both the progress of its students and the overall proficiency of the students primarily on the North Carolina Testing Program.

    [​IMG]“We are extremely proud of what our staff and students have been able to accomplish this year”, Chris Johnson, Neuse Charter School Board Chair said. “This kind of performance in only our third year speaks volumes of the Neuse Charter School Family. Our director Dr. Patricia Harris, staff, students, parents and the many community supporters and volunteers should all be commended.”
    With the report, Neuse Charter was also recognized as exceeding their “Annual Yearly Progress” goals set by the State. When ranking Neuse Charter with other Charter Schools in North Carolina, Neuse is ranked 7th for K-8 Charters. Other accolades include; 100% proficiency in Algebra State testing, and for a second year in a row, 100% proficiency in 5th grade Science State testing. In 2009, Neuse Charter was recognized as a School of Distinction.

    "As director of Neuse Charter School, I take distinct pleasure in congratulating the faculty, staff, students and parents on the quality of excellence that has been displayed not only through the wonderful composite scores received, but also through their desire to always strive for the highest level of accomplishments,” states Dr. Patricia Harris, Director of Neuse Charter. Currently, Neuse Charter offers grades K-9, but will add a grade per year over the next three years to become a full elementary, middle and high school program.
  2. More proof the state needs to offer vouchers.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  4. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    except for the fact that there is no tuition at NCS. it's the same tax money that would be funding the schools that don't perform. kind of like a "forced" voucher in a way. the state needs to offer more choice, for sure, and vouchers should be a part of that. i was a strong advocate of them before learning about the charter school...
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  5. Yea...I meant it just shows what can be done without all the government regulation. Charter, private....they are all better options.
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member


    and thanks for the chance to plug the "no tuition" thing. #1 misconception about the charter school...

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