What's so great about it? I see it's on sale at Walgreens and I see it all the time at the grocery stores... by the gallon! Is it that good? What's so special about it that it's sold by the gallon? (still looking for that alternative to mtn dew)
I dunno, but I think it is a combination of "Arizona" and "Green Tea". lol I prefer freshly brewed, so I don't get the whole canned/bottled tea thing.
I L O V E the diet green tea! I buy it by the gallon. I drink it instead of coffee. And it has straight zeros down the back....meaning no fat, no calories.
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/75382/arizonas_green_tea_with_ginseng_and.html Wow! If they think a whopping 7.5 mg of caffeine (per 8 oz) is going to give me a little insomnia... if they drink a mtn dew, with it's 55mg(?)... I bet they'd think they were riding a rocket! It does sound like it has a lot of benefits though. I like freshly brewed sweet tea, too. but it gives me indigestion. Tea burps are gross. KB, I've tried the Lipton Diet Green Tea. I've decided it's an acquired taste. I drank a few bottles of the regular kind then jumped on board with the diet type without tasting it and bought a case (at BJ's?) suffered through half of it. DH drank some. Some went to waste in a cooler with warm water that sat too long. Finally there were just a few that I poured out with guilt. I learned not to buy untasted stuff by the case any more! No matter how healthy I was trynna be! :ack: I've been drinking a lot of Gatorade instead of Mtn Dew lately. When I told my dr this she started wagging her finger in my face talking about sodium content. ... *sigh
On a side note (if anyone cares)...I've had kidney issues in the past, and my dr told me tea is terrible on the kidneys. So be careful with how much you consume. Anyone thats ever had kidney stones/infections, can tell you they HURT.
http://www.amazing-green-tea.com/green-tea-side-effects.html Not saying your Dr. is wrong, but may be mis-informed about green tea which was the question of topic here.
I've tried to get used to drinking some green tea, but I guess its an acquired taste. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to iced tea and prefer the good ole Lipton black tea, but we sweeten with Splenda instead of sugar. I love sweet iced tea, but don't drink it a lot during the week. Mostly water during the week.
nsane, I can't drink the Lipton Diet Green tea....bleck. they add some kind of citrus or peach (double bleck) to it....Arizona is the only one that tastes like regular sweet tea, to me. I tried them all. Snapple Diet Green tea is by far the best, but I can never find it.
Black tea is good for you in many ways. http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-suppl...d=997&activeIngredientName=BLACK+TEA&source=2 Splenda on the other hand. http://www.steviacafe.net/dangers-of-splenda
As stated it's a great way to replenish lost nutrients, and to rehydrate yourself. But don't drink it just to be drinking it all day long.
I drink and love the flavor of Rooibos Tea (Also known as Red Tea or African Red Bush). It is naturally decafinated and Oxalic Acid free and is specifically called out as a good drink for those with Kidney Stones. • Red Tea contains magnesium, which is necessary for a healthy nervous system. • Red Tea increases the absorption of iron in the body. • Red Tea contains potassium and copper minerals that are necessary for several metabolic functions. • Red Tea is often prescribed for nervous tension and mild depression as it makes a relaxing sedative. • Red Tea contains no oxalic acid and can therefore be enjoyed by persons suffering from kidney stones. • Red Tea helps to control your appetite thus can be beneficial in weight loss. • Red Tea makes a great thirst-quencher and sport drink. For more information try this web site http://www.africanredtea.com/about-red-tea.html Or for a cheap Generic brand you can find it at Kroger under the Kroger brand called Rooibos Tea (They may of snuck a "h" or two into the name). If you have money to burn TAZO calls it African Red Bush, typically you can get it at Starbucks.
I wonder if Saccharin would be better given the fact that its been on the market for many years and the cancer scare was somewhat lifted.