
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rhw7879, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    woohoo Hemi, welcome back:cheers:
  2. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Hemi Mike?
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  4. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    Although I do not frequent these places much with my child, Hemi, I do want to correct you on your establishments. These places are not considered bars - they are family restaurants. After 9pm, certain ones do change into more of a bar environment, which children are not allowed to be in. But until 9, I think adults should be adults and actually respect the people around them. I cuss, but I am considerate of my surroundings. Whether in my driveway, or a restaurant, the same consideration should apply ! just sayin..........
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    see the other Terrafin thread for my experience there!!!
  6. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    That is so true. There have been more than a few occasions where I have had to remind young men that there are ladies present. And to their credit, most come to their senses when I point it out and they either apologize to the women or just tone things down. As far as children crying goes, my wife and I are about to become empty nesters and I miss my kids so much. The sound of little kids crying brings back fond memories.

    Bringing kids into bars is absolutely ridiculous, and I'm surprised that owners/ managers even allow it.
  7. HEMI

    HEMI Member

    I respectfully disagree. the establishments I refer to are bars. I think if it has a pool table and a juke box along with alcohol, sorry its a bar. Dont misunderstand me, I agree 100% that the use of the F word around a lady is disrespectful and unacceptable. Im guilty of it , although not on purpose, and will quickly apologize. However if im at a table talking with guys and a little kid walks by and someone says another 4 letter word or something that is not meant for young ears, Then well , its the parents fault. period. im not talking about deliberatly using unsavory language , im speaking of a child hearing something they should not simply because they are where they should not be in the first place.
  8. HEMI

    HEMI Member

    Thanks!! Just passin thru tho,,, was great to see you guys the other night. Im not much on thisinternet yacking. I get to emotionally involved. LOL:cheers:
  9. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    We finally got by to try this place on Monday night on our way back home and were very impressed! I love what they have done with the place. I have eaten there pretty much everytime it has re-opened and this is by far the best remodel! It doesnt look thrown together, it is very nicely done & they installed new bathrooms (finally). The food was great, I had the tilapia, hubby had the scallops and both were wonderful! The only minor complaint was the shrimp cocktail we ordered for appetizer had a little shell left on some of the shrimp, and the ceasar salad had little to no flavor, neither were important enough to call our waitress over, Other than that it was great! My parents had a burger & bbq chix, both were good. The green beans were my fav! They were great! We will definitely be back, not regularly unfortunately b/c it is a little pricier than we typically spend, but we absolutely got what we paid for! The owners seemed incredibly nice & attentive. Good Luck Terrafin, so far they are miles above the other establishments that have been there previously.

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