TerraFin Station Now Open

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jbny2076, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    You have done this whole thread a disservice. You have added nothing of value but empty rhetoric. You seem to enjoy hijacking threads for your own personal amusement. I have done no disservice to my friends. I plugged their restaurant. Yet you chose to insult me from the get go. Which says a lot about your character. Yet looking at some of your other posts i can see there is a deeper issue with you than with this restaurant succeeding. So keep doing whatever it is you do to get through your day. I have wasted enough time with your non value added posts.

    For those who have replied thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  3. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    LOL, :cheers::cheers:
  4. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    So the wife and go and visit last night for supper. Sat at the bar and had food and a few drinks. Hae to say the beers are the coldest I've had in a long time, wife's ML even had some frost on the bottole once they pulled it out of the cooler. Wife orderd the Fish tacos with sweet potato fries as a side and I order the sirloin with brocoli and mashed potatos as a sides. wife said the fish tacos were on par with the best has ever had, even the ones in south florida and the sweet potato fries were excellant. She received 3 of tacos and a nice sized portion of the fries. My plate arrived and had what looked like a filet instead of what I would normally expect as a sirloin. I had asked for it medium rare and it came out perfectly seared on the outside while still red and juicy on the inside and had a nice little bit of crushed roasted garlic sprinkled on top. The brocoli tasted very fresh, and I can indeed see how it could over power another dish, if one is used to having the frozen in the bag type that has very little taste. the mashed potatos appeared to be boiled red skins with the skin left on then mashed to a nice chunky consistancy and had a very good flavor to them. Normally I'll add butter to the brocoli and gravy to the potatos and get some A-1 for the steak, but all I added last night was a little salt. Both meals were very tasty and for the price I think they were very much inline. And finally the wife had a razztini for desert that she said was absolutely to die for.

    All together the wife and I spent a couple of hours up there eating and chatting with the bar tenders, a couple of the owners, a couple members of the waitstaff and one of the kitchen staff. food was good, pricing was pretty decent, the beer was COLD the atmosphere was pretty good, the staff was very friendly and helpful, and I can see myself and some other friends going back again real soon.
  5. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    overreact much, heather? where's the insult "from the beginning"?

    sarcastic? yes. crass? maybe a tad. insulting? you'd have to be really, really sensitive for this to be insulting. unless maybe it's that when someone gets nailed with the truth and they don't like it, they get hyperdefensive and try to make it about the guy who called them on it. that's right: he was insulting you...yeah, that's the ticket! i see several personal insults in your posts to tom starting with your very first reponse to him, but i can't really find the insult in tom's posts. he did finally tell you to "grow up", but that's the worst of it.

    imho this thread is not helping your "friend". there was already discussion about the place, but it didn't have all this extraneous crap in it. your heart may have been in the right place, but your execution was poor.
  6. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    You are correct, i did overreact to the initial post. And i added fuel to the fire.. So I apologize to Tom and the rest of the folks on here for that. I was simply plugging a restaurant for a friend and got annoyed by his first post. Any overreacted and posted a stupid reply(or several).
  7. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    JBNY I can see where you would get defensive but dont let it get you all worked up over this. Danger Boy do you agree that Tom was thinking the restaurant made the lst statement on the post and Tom talked bad about the restaurant even though it was a friend making the statement? I think that people should find out the facts before making someone look bad who is actually not guilty in starting this thread.
  8. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    So now you don't want to meet and see if I'm man enough to come out from behind the screen? Very wise choice. Your "friend" will thank you.
  9. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    Of course I did. Why would db disagree with that?

    I did? How about you show everyone where I talked bad about the restaurant?

    You should also find out the facts. How are you 100% sure that jb doesn't have a professional relationship with the restaurant?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  10. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Your first statement you blamed the restaurant. So you tell me where your facts came from. Do you know JB works for the restaurant? People work hard these days trying to open a buisness. They get enough grief from paying taxes, payroll and trying to stay a float becasue of our economy. They dont need people like you trying to make them look bad. You made a statement saying that they have there full liquor license and could they pass a surprise health inspection. That sounded to me that you was trying to make them sound bad again. A restaurant cant serve beer or liquor without a license and last time I recall the Health Department doesnt schedule an inspection its always a surprise! Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    yes, it's an old ploy. a noob shows up and creates a thread about how they just happened to stumble upon this wonderful new place and here's the details. 9 times out of 10, it's someone who works there, the owner, his wife, his brother, or whatever. that makes people mad for 2 reasons.

    1. this website is maintained through advertising. it's all over every page you hit. if someone asks about a place and an owner/employee responds, or if someone who has no connection to said business starts a thread of their own accord, it's not advertising per se. attempting to create the illusion that this is happening is not only advertising, but it's also underhanded and unethical.

    2. i, for one, don't like to be treated like i'm stupid. not my first message board rodeo.

    here's where i take exception. i do not agree that tom talked bad about the restaurant. i believe he expressed pretty much the same thing i just did, albeit in a different manner. the only one who came off "looking bad" imho is the OP, and she has seen the error of her ways...
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  12. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    Be happy to meet you today. When and where? I have free time this afternoon.
  13. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    I know one of the owners wives. I knew her in college. We both live down here and have for several years. I saw on her facebook page they were opening a restaurant just down the street. I told her to post a message here and that it may be a good place to let folks know. She asked if i minded to do it. I said sure.

    For me i work for a mutual fund company and have been for several years. I have no financial obligations to this place. Nor do i care to. I simply want them to be successful as they have a young daughter to care for.
  14. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    And i was annoyed because of the reply. Why not say "Hey you should mention to your friends that we sell advertising space here. They should look into it. And don't just assume i own the place. I see threads started here a lot discussing restaurants or other dining establishments. Don't go assuming i work there or have a vested interest. It is short sighted and in this case that logic failed misearably. But i can see where the logic is coming from. I am sure people do that in most cases. This just isn't one of them.
  15. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I see after you say this that people will do so. I just hope it doesnt give the restaurant a bad name. I know the food will say how the business is. Then word of mouth is the best advertisement.

    I work in the restaurant buisness and took this as he was talking bad. Everyone has an opinion and everyone will disagree with that person's opinion. After looking at all this it seems that the restaurant is getting all the free advertisement anyway! Funny how things work out!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  16. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    This was my first statement:

    I didn't blame the restaurant for anything.

    I never claimed to know any facts. i made an observation.

  17. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    I never had any intention of meeting you. I just wanted to see if you were still hellbent on making a mistake. Apparently you are.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    You guys had dessert? They didn't have any on the first night but the Owner told us about what they may offer. :drool:

    I did try the mashed potatoes that came with my Husband's fish. They were delicious. I love mashed red potatoes with the skin left on them.
  19. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    I hope not either. Unfortunately jb continues to harp on the subject and make some very ill advised choices. I'd say that if anyone is making the restaraunt look bad it's her.

    Very true, and from what I've seen so far most people have given it a thumbs up. Good for them!

    And that is your perogative, but don't assume that you know what my intent was, especially without any real proof.

    Very true. I also heard from a friend that there was once a poster named blues drummer who got lots of advertising on this site for things he said.
  20. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member


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