So, who are you

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Coltrain

    Coltrain Guest

    I just moved to Cleveland after spending the last ~15 in Raleigh. I'm 33. Been working in Clayton for years.

    Also, I'm not from NY. I grew up down east in Martin County.
  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member


    Your choice of screen name speaks well of you.

    I must say, you are (well, were...) an exception- a person that lives in the city but works in the exurbs. I'd bet money that many -if not most- folks on here do exactly the opposite.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Martin County - isn't that Catfish Hunter's home county?

    Welcome aboard!
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Gaylord Perry is from Williamston, NC (Martin County). My mom went to high school with him.
  6. fireworks

    fireworks Active Member

    old as dirt born and raised in Cleveland. 1st wife of 32 years said never say I grew up, LOL. Wk for Fed Gov Agency in WDC but office is in Raleigh.Play with old tractors, garden and work on the old tractors. NCSU alum, round track race fan, an Wolf-pack football and BBall fanatic. And have worked on developing a couple of community organizations. Love the Cel Clev fireworks!
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    You related to PRM? :jester:
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Small world.

  9. fireworks

    fireworks Active Member

    Not sure who PRM is, but probably have seen her in passing by on Polenta RD.

    I also support the Collins Foundation and fly on the B-24 every chance I get.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Ouch!! :mrgreen:
  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    They had to of used some BIG snippers! :jester:
  12. Coltrain

    Coltrain Guest

    Yep, he went to Williamston High School. But, he's from Farm Life! His mother and my grandmother were good friends.
  13. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    New to Town

    Well, Just moved to town (outskirts of Smithfield, near the new Cleveland High School complex) and wanting to say hello...
    I've posted in some of the other threads, but thought it was time to add me to here.

    29 y/o Recently Married Man, 1 daughter (8/yo) from her mother, who was never married. I like all sorts of stuff, including Fishing, Hunting and Roller Coasters (don't get me started on those, I can talk all day)
    Looking for work at the current time, though praying I get a good job I'm in the running for right now.
    I have been in construction for the last 4 years and wouldn't mind doing some's fun, and keeps my body and mind strong and young.

    I'm originally from Pittsburgh Pa area, so avid Steelers, Penguins, and, unfortunately, Pirates fan. Despite what the Cleaveland Post Pictures on their Facebook say.

    Other than that, if you wanna know anything, send me a PM
  14. DogsRule

    DogsRule Member

    Hi All!

    Don't know if I remember all the questions, but I am mid 30's, married, 3 4-legged children, and a college instructor. Love my job, love my family, name is self explanatory. Moved from Il 12 years ago, married a native (woohoo) <3. Love it here and don't want to go back. What else? The man beating the dead horse emoticon scares me. A LOT.
  15. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    LOL at your last sentence! Welcome to all the newbies! DogsRule...LOVE the screenname!
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    :iagree: love it and welcome :hurray:
  17. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    Figure i should chime in since my posts are on the rise lol.

    I am 34, Married and have a 1 year old daughter and an adorable boxer/american staffordshire/pit/lab mix dog, at least that is what the vet says. Wife is from Florida and i am from Northern NY. Guess we decided to meet in the middle. I work in HR/Outsourcing IT field. Been here 10.5 years.

    Truly enjoy the south. Reminds me much of back home with the laid back lifestyle and minus the cold winters. Though i do miss playing broomball and pond hockey. Having played sports my whole life i enjoy hockey, football, soccer and mixed martial arts.

    If you want to know anything else shoot me a PM.
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    welcome, i have truly enjoyed your posts so far
  19. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    Hey thanks! :cheers:
  20. LansingDr

    LansingDr Well-Known Member

    Well I have been on here for a while but had never looked at this post :). I am a male, single and have lived in NC since 1996. I have 3 dogs..a german shepherd (Jaeger) a boxer (Miss Foxy Cleopatra) -and NO I did not name her :) and a black lab mix (Jinx) and her pic is my avatar. My screen name is kinda obvious :)

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