based on some of the ditchs and yards I saw on the way to work this morning I was thinking an ark might be a good idea.
if I'm getting a cold, I'm going to be super duper ****ed off.:evil: Pretty sure I have a low grade fever, and just don't feel like myself. :cry: Popped one airbornne. We shall see.
We've been fighting something off for days at our house. I don't normally have allergies, but something had my sinuses acting up. DH is miserable too. He said her heard something about ragweed being particularly bad this year. I would take some Zyrtec, but that **** puts me out. :?
Just found out that I can save $400 if I move my homeowners and auto insurance to AAA. Not to shabby....
I take Zyrtec daily for allergies, but these last few weeks have been hell on my eyes. Red, itchy, watery. Bought some special allergy eye drops and as soon as I did my eyes cleared up before I even got a chance to use them.
Hmmmm, something I might need to look into, it has been years since we got our homeowners insurance, it is probably time to check to make sure we have the best insurance for the best rate we can get.
Yeah.. when my mortgage payment went up because last yr was short on the escrow, it was because my homeowners ins. went up again. I decided it was time to shop it around. 9 yrs ago when we bought the house we were paying about $600 with only a multi-car discount because we use the same company for our auto ins. NOW... after a multitude of discounts, longtime customers, multi-car, no claims.... its $1129 ($1500 before the supposed discounts!!). AAA gave me a price of $842, and that includes insurance for "Water backups" (sewer, washing machine & dishwasher problems that cause water to back up into the house) that Nationwide never offered me.
GOD! I should have told you to RUN from NW. :ack::ack: send prm a pm, see if he can do any better. He's got all of our insurance. Personal & Business
What she said, he was able to quote me lower prices on everything including home, our cars & life:hurray:
For a small fee I will agree to come home! I haven't seen rain in over a month! I was home last Saturday and it was beautiful, I was wondering what all the whining was about.
I know you were speaking to those who recommended you but felt you meant that for me too. :lol::lol::lol: Sherry
I've had NW for everything for years, auto, home & mortgage! I've never had complaints with their services, but I'm tired of the prices creeping up every year. My local agent doesn't keep in touch with me and offer to review my policies or anything. Thanks for the PRM advice, I remembered after I made my post that he was insurance and highly recommended by y'all... so I had sent him a PM. He's gonna look at my policies and see what he can do for me. Thanks PRM, I'll email them over tonite or in the morning. :cheers:
I've had NW Auto for years with little problems. A few years ago, I was rear-ended at a stoplight and had about $2,500 worth of damage. Just so happens that the guy that ran into me also had Nationwide through the same agent (small world, ain't it?). Anyway, the NW adjustor wanted to put non-OEM parts back on the car. I wasn't too happy with their position. Just because the other guy's insurance didn't cover OEM parts for his car, I wasn't going to take the fall. I told them if they didn't do me right, then I'd pull my insurance from NW. They fixed it back the way it was with OEM parts and I've stayed as good as my word. However, they were too high on one of my vehicles, so its insured with another company.
I'm jumping out of my skin!!!!!!! :lol: :hurray::hurray::hurray: Good things DO happen to good people, eventually. I need some beer. :mrgreen: