Ok.. I've got my rant ready... To the lady on the green Expedition leaving WCES: the center lane on 42E is NOT a passing lane, nor is the turn section/center lane on Amelia Church Rd. a passing lane. I'm glad you got to McDonald's as fast as you did...didn't want your McFrappe tp melt. :ack: I thought of dialing 911 to report your stupidity but I know it can't be fixed. /delete - that was ugly. uglier than normal for me :evil:
will be good to see y'all - be sure to bring some cash to buy some raffle tickets from me for the MJ Fox fundraiser:lol: Hey nsane, you coming?
My rant for the day: I can't believe there is actually a class in middle school called Career Planning. I mean really, people, do you honestly believe an eleven or twelve year old needs career planning??! :banghead: I think it is just JoCo schools' nifty little way of hiding what it really is....NOTHING. Like a big ole fat Study Hall. And why don't the kids get to have some say in their electives?! I would have much preferred my middle schooler to have been placed in Spanish, or Creative Writing, or anything other than a career planning class that can't even take a field trip.
was great seeing kdc, nsane, hg, & Mafiaman again:hurray::hurray: Mafiaman, you rock, thank you and love ya:grouphug:
RE: Career planning. OK, I totally agree with you there!! I thought it was just me. DH seems to think it's a good idea..............me..............not so much!!
I FINALLY got to meet the squirrel!!!! That was great guys!! Thank you! :grouphug: So nice to see you all again too.
I love my 4042 family. :grouphug: DH said if he had know PRM was paying, he would have come 2. :lol::lol: