To rude woman on Food Lion on 70 in Clayton

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wed2x, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    You walked by me twice when I was sitting near the bathroom and mumbled a nasty word to me once, and then a second time telling me I had issues. Ya know what? I do! I was having a major panic attack and trying to figure out how to finish my shopping and cash out without making a complete fool of myself.
    My wish for you is that you experience the same one day...maybe someone will show you some compassion!
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    What did you panic over? Was the store crowded or you had a big order? Did you finish and get home with everything OK? I hope all went well. NOt fun to not feel good and someone is laughing and cussing over you.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm sorry that happended to you OP. Some people just have no class or tact. :grouphug:
  4. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Some people are just crazy and/or ignorant. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Just take heart in the fact that some poor man has to come home every day to that miserable woman. You get to go home knowing that you're a much better person than that.

    I had a woman lose her mind on me the other day at Walmart, over a parking spot. I waited for the spot and then she pulled through from the other direction so, in the privacy of my own car, said 'son of a b', and proceeded to drive all the way around to park behind her. She got out of her car and started screaming at me for calling her a B! I was trying so hard not to laugh in her face, and was really very embarrassed for her. All I could think of was, could you imagine being married to someone like that? I figure she got the enjoyment of screaming at a stranger (who now does think that she's a raging B), and I have a great story to tell. So we're even. And I know that karma is more of a B than she is! :)
  5. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Oh that same rude person must had decided to go to Fiesta Mexicana today too. Because I was about to post something in the random thoughts about her until I saw this. People need to realize that a sorry attitude gets you no where in life. It just makes you miserable. Who wants to be so miserable... Sorry that happened to you today. Some people need an attitude adjustment in life.
  6. fizzco

    fizzco Well-Known Member

    really very sorry that happened to you, and hope you are better today.

    i will pray for you to stop have anxiety attacks and a road to better and healthier road.

    i will also pray for those including this other party to obtain compasion for others and good direction to start helping others in need and to stop judgeing others when she apparently didn't even know about the situation ou where in.
  7. J34

    J34 Well-Known Member

    i spend so much of my day saying "i hate people" or "people suck"...until i realize what a small percentage of people actually do. :) why is it that those are the people we focus on? i'm the world's worst at doing that forgetting that all the kind and compassionate people out there really do make up the majority. hope you have a great week!
  8. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Was this someone that worked there or another customer? My hubby works there part time, so was just wondering if it was one of the others that worked there so I could say something to him.

    I have anxiety attacks also, and they hit for no reason. My heart will start pounding and I can't breath. I am taking some medication for it, which helps but there are times that they still happen and it really is for no reason.

    People are so rude at times. Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. I do not know what is wrong with people any more. People are so negative and rude and just downright hateful. It is sad. No one is better than anyone else and it is sad when people look down their noses at people and have to make rude comments. Hang in there though. Not everyone is like that!!!! :grouphug:
  9. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    I'm really sorry about what happened to you; perhaps, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, you could find the strength to turn the other cheek and 'forgive them their trespasses'- I'm not even a Christian and I have a hard time with that myself.

    To echo other posters, it's so hard to see the 99% of people who are good for the 1% that couldn't care less.

    My parable for the day:

    Today, my wife went with a friend for a day trip to the beach. Her friend is disabled and will, quite literally, crawl across the beach to get there. When it came time to leave people saw their difficulty and came to help. Without judgement, without criticism, reward or any other inducement these folks followed the Golden Rule of all human society: to do unto others...blah, blah.

    Her story gave me a shot of positve energy I sorely needed today.


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