Beagle whisperin'- I'll be spending time whispering to my beagles, who in turn will look at me like I've lost my mind (in other words, business as usual). Have a great and safe one everybody!
golf tomorrow then doing a few things around the house Sunday/Monday and at some trying to slip off to buy a BD present for the wifey.
Hendersonville is one of my favorite places up there,the Apple Festival there is really great! We'll be going to puppy class again on Saturday and maybe take a drive to Ravenrock State Park on Sunday morning. Anyone ever been to Phelps Lake? We went a couple of years ago but didn't have our john boat with us at the time,we're thinking about going again sometime soon. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
Nothing in concrete. DH and DS have plans tomorrow during the day, so I am on my own, but have a house that needs cleaning.
Thought that sounded like a good thing to do till I found out it's a 5 hour drive based on google. But here is the flyer.
Brit bike rally if I can get my (Japanese) bike back together in time!
I'm going to buy some items MADE IN CHINA that we need to celebrate LABOR DAY.... My whole neighborhood is unemployed except the Geek Squad Agent... It's not right!!:nopity::nopity:
Be spending it doing homework and reading A&P, Medical Terminology, and Ethics books. This laid off Network admin is getting himself retrained into a career that can not be off shored or downsized. I'll probably take the doggies to the dog park tomorrow for a couple of hours.
It's easy, just like riding a bike. :mrgreen: My friend Jeffery has a 20 guage shot gun that I"m in LOVE with. I wanna buy one but should probably concentrate on getting a vechicle first. :lol: OH! And dove season starts tomorrow. :hurray::hurray::hurray:
I had a 20Guage/22 Calber Over/Under Double barrel. It was a smaller rifle but was always one of my favorites. I loaned it to someone and it got stolen. Ican't stand a thief. :evil: