Pepper Spray ??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Navycut, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    Anybody know where to buy pepper spray around here? Tried Walmart, BP, Smoker Friendly, CVS and Walgreen's.
  2. gillac

    gillac Well-Known Member

    Maybe the law enforcement supply store off of Tryon??
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    GI Joes?
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    How lazy can people be? Just shake it out like the rest of us!
  5. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    ..buh-duh-BUH...tish! (rimshot)
  6. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    saw key chain pepper sprays at the license place in smithfield's been a while, so i don't know if they still have them.
  7. littleman

    littleman Well-Known Member

    GI Joes in Clayton or Lawmen's Safety off Tryon Rd in Raleigh.
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Wife says Richard's Sporting Goods.

    4042 censor
  9. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Got it at GI Joe's.
  10. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Just FYI for in the future, I saw it at the checkout counter at Dikks Sporting Goods.
  11. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    The thing about pepper spray is you have to check the percentage of OC. Example alot of the stuff that used to be sold over the counter so to speak was 2.5-5% OC while the stuff we carried at the prison was 20% OC.....two totally different beasts so to speak.

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