You got that right. That certainly doesn't make me want funnel cake. I'm usually on the road one day a week and because I'm staying busy and I'm by myself, I don't eat as much. What would seem like the worst place to stop is where I usually go...McDonalds. My choice almost every time is the Grill Chicken Honey Mus-My Friend Snack Wrap at just 260 calories. If I want something a bit more filling I go with the Classic Grilled sandwich at 370 and that's without mayo. The fat grams for both aren't too bad for a whole meal.
I am sorry if I confused anyone. I remember their was a thread on disgusting foods last year, but I think that thread was deleted. Saw this thread and thought it was fitting, I didn't think it was worth starting a new thread. Actually not sure why it mattered.
Speaking of disgusting foods.. Where can I find... online I guess "Food, Inc"? It was on pay per view but I didn't get to see it and I want to. Hmmm Think the library would have a copy?