I need some different ideas for dinner. I see Lowe's has butternut, spaghetti or acorn squash for .89 a lb. What is a good main dish to go with that? We had beef last night (cheeseburgers), pork chops the night before (fried), and chicken the night before that (baked with rice). What other animals can we eat? :lol: Shrimp is on sale too, I'm thinking of making Shrimp Creole on Friday. And I have less than an hour to prepare dinner tonight.
Where you living @ now? I got errands to run after while, I'll share with you because I love you. :grouphug:
I made braised acorn squash and kale the other night and served it with a grilled chicken breast. Start to finish was a little under an hour.
How about a baked canned ham? I like the Armour Black Label canned ham from Lowes...I just score it, top it with brown sugar and clove mixed together, slices of canned pineapple with a maraschino cherry in the middle of each slice and bake covered for about an hour. It goes really well with acorn squash and you'll have left overs for sandwiches too.
i know you just had burgers but i have a pretty cool concoction i do with squash & it is really good, even DH likes it. Just fry up some hamburger, crumble it, then slice & saute the squash with onions, various peppers or whatever then before completely done, add in the crumbled and drained burger - i add some italian seasonings or herbs if i have them and it is quick easy and good.
I do something similiar to that with diced potatoes Kaci. Brown the burger, drain, add some diced potatoes and fry til browned, season however you like. I add some onion and a little garlic, salt and pepper, my grandmother adds peppers.
yep we do it with potatoes too but when squash is in season i figure it is healthier and adds a different twist to it (shoulda known you wouldn't add the peppers:lol Sometimes i throw in some fresh mushrooms, whatever i have around - i am a master of concoctions as my DH says:lol::lol:
hey btw, do you have any more of your apple butter left? going to VA to see my Mom this weekend and she loves it even though she doesn't get to make it anymore.
It takes more than an hour to make your man a good meal. Cancel your other plans and cook something properly.
thank you thank you - do you need any cucumbers, i have way too many for us to eat and have been giving away. Wanna meet for lunch Friday and make an exchange?