So what's going on around Polenta Elementary?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by TheSantaFeMan, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. TheSantaFeMan

    TheSantaFeMan Active Member

    What's happening around Polenta Elementary School? Wife says cops and helicopters are everywhere!
  2. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I saw what looked like the WRAL news chopper right above C3. I didnt see anything else.
  3. TheSantaFeMan

    TheSantaFeMan Active Member

    She said she saw several police cars headed that way from 42. She does tend to get a little excited sometimes though.
  4. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    A SWAT team and the U.S. Marshalls surrounded a house in Island Creek, guns drawn and everything. My SIL lives in there and has been watching them all day.
  5. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Thats sounds bad! Got to watch the news to find out.
  6. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I don't know the circumstances, but I'm not surprised. The house in question has always had a lot of very nice sports cars. Not the type of cars you would expect to see in a reasonably priced subdivision.
  7. snapper

    snapper Well-Known Member

    I know folks that stay in IC. So they cannot have nice luxury cars?
  8. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Any other info???
  9. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Actually they can. But half a dozen or more very expensive brand new sportscars kind of stands out. May be completely unrelated, but the large number of flashy cars has drawn attention over the last year or so.
  10. snapper

    snapper Well-Known Member

    I know the house you speak of.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  11. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    Cops surrounded house in Island Creek

    Mother of three, one went to cleveland elementary, two i think are in middle school, needless to say i live about 7 houses away, mother harbored one or two fugiitves from armed robbery in some states including South Carolina, mother would not give the police the key, so they had to wait for a search warrant, they had looked like a special teams, aka swat team bust down the door, found cocaine, a cocaine press, and wads of money, poor kids watched as thier mom was arrested, they found two safes, brought them outside and were using axes to bust them open, not something i thought would ever happen in my neighborhood, poor kids, CYS came to get them 6 hours later
  12. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I hope everyone in the neighborhood calls Tony Carroll and the HOA board today to complain. He obviously didn't run a background check on those people. The ones that were there before with all the sports cars moved over to Phase 1 before these guys moved in, and apparently packed up and took off a few months later. They may not have been involved in anything illegal, but he's obviously not doing much due dilligence in picking renters, which is appalling.
  13. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You want the builder/owner of a property to do a background check on a potential renter? Do you expect him to do the same thing for every house he sells also?
  14. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    Absolutely he should run a background check on everyone he rents to. I live in Island Creek, and when I was younger, my wife and rented houses and apartments prior to buying. Not only were background checks run on us for every place we ever rented, but we had to pay for it as a part of our application to rent. It not only protects the neighborhood, but it protects the landlord to some extent.
  15. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Interesting. Ive rented before, in several places, and the only check they ran on me was a credit check.

    I looked at the covenants of the subdivision and did not see any place that said no renters. Maybe someone can point out the deed book and page.....
  16. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Yes, actually I do expect the builder/owner of a property to do a background check on potential renters. Renters have no equity interest in a home or neighborhood, so you can't compare them to owners. And Tony Carroll should know that it makes business sense to run a background check. Ignoring the fact that he's now damaged the image of a neighborhood where he's still trying to sell homes, he gets to deal with the loss of rental revenue and the cost of fixing the home. They were in there with sledge hammers and I'm sure that there is damage from the police, plus any damage the renters may have done. And there is a certain degree of civic responsibilty to your neighbors/the homeowners in the neighborhood, who had to pick their kids up from school because the SWAT team was there with guns drawn and who got to sleep in fear last night that those guys would come back. Running a background check is cheap and easy, and, while it certainly won't prevent all instances of something like this occurring, will help.
  17. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should suggest that to him next time you talk to him then. But what if the situation happened to an owner of a house instead of a renter? Would you be singing the same tune then? Or does it just apply to renters? Because after all, if they are only renters, then they must obviously be scum and need to be checked out.
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    A few are claiming that he should have ran a background check because they are renters. Im asking if they think he should do the same for actual buyers. Their answer will be no, of course, so then there must be a reason why he should do it for renters and not buyers.
  19. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Who said anything about renters being scum? I'm sure this type of thing happens with homeowners as well. The outrage is that these individuals have multiple warrants in multiple states. In THIS instance, the situation could have been avoided if the homeowner had done some basic due dilligence on the renters. A background check is cheap and easy, and in most cases already standard procedure.

    And quite a few people tried to reach Tony last night. If you have his cell or home number, please feel free to provide it. All we've got is his office.
  20. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    Please..........Tony Carroll is a wonderful man. He is not required under any law to run a crimnal background check on anyone. Just because people rent, do not mean they are scum. This is a very bad situation with innocent children involved, children that are old enough to hear all these rumors going around. They know what happened. They don't need anymore humility.

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