So what's going on around Polenta Elementary?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by TheSantaFeMan, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You didnt answer the question. Should, in your opinion, he run background checks on buyers also? They could have multiple warrants in several states as well. Might even be living under assumed names right never know. So should he do checks on buyers as well? Or just the renters?

    And tell you what. Why dont you provide your home and cell number first.
  2. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    1. From a business perspective, due dilligence on the sale of a home falls on the mortgage company. For a rental, it falls on the home owner. It's a simple matter of protecting both your investment and your revenue stream. A background check should run hand in hand with a credit check.
    2. There is an extensive amount of documentation necessary in purchasing a home. Although a criminal background check is not run, it will often be much harder for a criminal to obtain a mortgage, which requires steady income, tax returns, and job history, all for several years.
  3. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    First I have not said that renters are scum - I guess if I did that would make me scum since I rented homes and apartments for a number of years. I do not have a problem with renters in particular but I do believe that a background check should be done by the owner - it does protect them. I have spoken to Tony this morning and he did run a background check on the person who was on the lease, unfortunately he was not aware that other adults were in the house and from what I understand has no legal recourse to check who is living there once they are in - he is not happy with the situation - as to the question as to whether he should do background checks on people buying his houses - no, but I do believe that banks run substantial checks on people getting loans for purchasing houses and they are going to protect their interest. Obiviously you are not going to be able to determine the background of each person who rents or buys a house, but an owner should be looking to protect their investment the best that they can.

    This is a bad situation that has upset a lot of lives in the past 24 hours. Hopefully lessons can be learned that will keep similar things from happening again in the future.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Criminals lie, that is what they do. I don't think it's fair to be blaming the builder/owner period. It's life people, you NEVER know who you are living next to.
  5. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    Please keep the innocent children of this bad situation in your prayers. There is too much back and forth stuff going on and everyone isn't thinking of the children.
  6. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    With all due respect, yes, the children are being thought of, they were schoolmates, classmates and friends. And the other children--the ones that live in the neighborhood in the other houses and had to also watch the whole horrible thing--we are thinking of them too, and their safety in the future.
  7. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    I totally children should have to watch these things going on around them at all. But all the yapp about background checks and all that is a little too late, so it would be nice to move on.
  8. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    I completely agree. Our kids have played football with them, ridden the bus with them. They are wonderful, polite, respectful boys. Prayers were said and will continue to be said for them at our house.
  9. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

  10. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Sigh. I think this is one of those situations where if you don't have kids it's hard to understand a parent's perspective. You're not going to understand the homeowners' perspective, and that's okay.

    A horrible thing happened and people have a right to be upset. This was pretty senseless, as it could have been avoided by a simple background check. Had they been the owners instead of renters, people would still be upset. Had the criminals owned the home, they would bear the brunt of their economic damage to the neighborhood, as well as damages to the home and property. There's a certain amount (although not infinite of course) of security in homeowners because it's harder to cut ties and run.

    And seriously dude, calm the hell down. I'm sure renters everywhere are thrilled to have you as their spokesperson. If your kids lived across the street, be it a rental or an owned home, you'd be pretty upset too.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    What makes you think Grinder doesn't have kids??
  12. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    It would be nice for it to not have happened at all, and certainly would be nice for it to never happen again. So that is what all of the "yap" is about with the background checks going forward. It seems so little to ask of someone that is renting out a home in a neighborhood. While it may not be required by law, that does not mean that it can't be required by the homeowner as he rents it out in the future. That is what is being asked of Tony Carroll by the residents of Island Creek, I believe.
  13. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    a back ground check will only show if they had been convicted of a crime in the past... if they had never been convicted it wouldn't show up.. and not all past criminals are still bad.. some do grow up and learn from their mistakes.
  14. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    Then everyone who has bought a home should have a background/criminal check also. Buying a home doesn't make one better than renting a home. Plenty of criminals own their home.

    That is what I"m saying.
  15. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    In this case -->Armed robbery and assault on a LEO. Hmmm. Not sure I want to wait and see if they grow out of THAT. Also, heavy drug trafficking to include mass quantities of cocaine. Sorry, pass, wouldn't want that in my neighborhood. Obviously a background check wouldn't be perfect but it would help.
  16. tams

    tams Well-Known Member

    No one wants that in their neighborhood, schools or anywhere around them but the fact is, these days it happens alot. It's definitely not excusable and everyone who lives around that area has a right to be upset. I know plenty of people in that neighborhood and have friends there. I also know all this stuff going on here isn't helping the situation any at all.
  17. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    it would have only shown if he did a federal background check, not a state.. sorry no system will ever be perfect

    I can understand everyone being upset but if he bought the house instead of rented who would you blame then.. it still wouldnt have showed up!!
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    I do have a son and i am also a homeowner. I have renters across from me on one street, and homeowners on the other.

    My question was simple, i thought. If you are going to demand that a background check be ran on a renter, then would you demand it on a buyer? And if not, what is it about a renter that you demand the check?

    However it has been discussed to death and it was pointed out that Tony did the background check so the point is mute.

    Now i must be excused for a few minutes. I think i have a splinter in my thumb.
  19. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    If he only did the background check on the woman...not on the other adult(s?) sharing the home...he should have run a background check on all of them. That should be part of the rental process in the future. I'm sure there is a way to make it so that if it is discovered that people are living in the home that aren't on the agreement then they could be evicted. Anything should be possible if it is signed and agreed to at the time the contract is executed, and if the potential renter doesn't sign--no rental. Seems simple to me.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Some of you REALLY should read all the posts before you start spouting off. It's already been stated that the builder ran a background check on the person on the LEASE but was unaware of the others in the house. Good grief. Why don't you sling mud where it belongs..............on the freaking criminals.

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