So what's going on around Polenta Elementary?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by TheSantaFeMan, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    And my husband wants to know why I don't want to buy rental property. THIS crap is why.:evil:
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Whatever checks Mr. Carroll could have conducted are also limited by privacy laws. Criminals lie and obfuscate. If they don't want their history revealed, they go to great lengths to hide it. Pretty much Tony was limited to a credit check. And if he rented to the woman, and she invited the men in, Tony has no standing to require background checks on her guests, visitors, whatever.

    Having obtrusive HOAs and rules is something that many residents here thought they left behind when they came here. I don't want to live in a place like Cary. As a homeowner, I get the idea that my maintaining my property well affects all around it, and the converse of that is true. Having moved from a heavy handed HOA in Clayton, we were fairly relieved to buy a home off Josephine.

    As for Mr Carroll, when we bought our home back when, he made several visits to ensure that we were happy with it, and with the work his subs performed. I remember being impressed with him then, and nothing I have seen or heard has changed that opinion.

    Would you feel better had the renter gone through a rental agency? What could they have done to change the result?

    Tragic situation. And all too real. This ain't Mayberry.

    And if the sense of a desire for a law and order community is present, I have to ask where was it when the discussion as to incorporation and having our own police force in place, rather than depending on the overworked JCSO folks?
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    We actually do have some and we've had some bad experiences, mostly folks skipping out and not paying their last months rent, a little damage one time - but mostly its been good - still worth it (to us).
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've done property management in my real estate days. I've had my fill! :cheers:
  6. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I guess this is one of those times when it would be nice to have a knowledgeable lawyer around. I mean, what exactly is the extent of the renter's privacy rights> How extensive of a background check is it legal to run? Because I would rather have the max performed than the minimal. I know you said he was "pretty much" limited to a credit check, but where can you find out for sure what kind of check he (or anyone else that rents out a property) was limited to, and if a more thorough one could be run in the future? The schools seem to be allowed to run a pretty extensive background check for parents to work in the schools, for example. And if the rental agreement or the covenants say that people that are unrelated can't live in the house or rent rooms in the house or if there are adults living there that aren't on the lease and that is not allowed, what is required to prove there is a breech of contract or covenant? Or is the covenant just empty--not worth the paper it's written on because you simply can't prove it? What kind of lawyer would you ask these questions of? Not trying to sling mud, just trying to figure out a better way for things to happen going forward.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    You can do all the background checks in the world....but that's not going to change anyone's or predict anyone's behavior....gimme a break. There is no way anything like this could be prevented or predicted by having a background check. :roll:
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    QFT, KB
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    As a landlord, I could pay for a credit check. While there are services that also advertise more extensive checks, I wonder if the companies that offer these will own up to any liability for providing them.

    And, yes, the public schools can and do perform more extensive checks. As they should.

    But, as a private enterprise, no private landlord is under a requirement to perform any checks. Most do, as a matter of course, to try to weed out tenants whose credit history might suggest they are less likely to meet their obligations.

    Yet, understand that the credit report neither qualifies nor disqualifies any one from granting credit or renting property. That choice is up to each person granting the credit or renting out their property. I could choose to rent my properties with just a handshake as the rental agreement. I don't and won't. But that's my choice.

    KelBel has it right.
  10. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    Maybe Tony will try selling the house instead of renting it all the time.
  11. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    I have heard so many versions of the story. Did this make the news at all?
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Indoor Drug Operation Found During Search For Fugitives
    US Marshals and the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office raided a home on Topsail Island Drive, off Cornwallis Road, late Tuesday looking for two fugitives from South Carolina. The suspects were not in the home, but agents said they found a large marijuana indoor growing operation.

    No one was inside the home at the time of the bust, but authorities said 32 year-old Loushonda Roshelle Myers returned to the residence and was arrested. Authorities said Myers had three small children with her and the Department of Social Services was called to assist. Drug agents with the sheriff’s office reportedly seized marijuana, 3 ounces of cocaine, a large amount of cash, packaging materials, digital scales, and a bulletproof vest. Myers was charged with drug manufacturing and trafficking. Her bail was set at $401,000. Photo by Carter Rabil
  13. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    I'm a little surprised this wasn't in the news, but nowadays if it's not on video it didn't happen; video of a kitty cat stuck in a pipe in Podunk will run every 30 min but a drug bust without video is a non-event...

    On a semi-related topic, does anyone else remember when they found the dead dude dumped up behind Polenta ES back when it was a bean field? "Drug deal gone bad", they said at the time.
  14. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I think that is what many of the homeowners in Island Creek would prefer. Short of that, it would be great if he would be a much more vigilant landlord.
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I can't believe people actually think the way some of you do. You actually think that someone owning a home, as opposed to renting it, would make everything ok? that makes me laugh out loud.

    If you think that drug possession, drug dealing, drug making, guns, sex, and everything else you can think of doesn't go on with folks that own homes....well that's just plain stupid.
  16. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: :hurray:
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Seriously!! And if none of you "neighbors" had any idea of what was going on (and PROOF), what the heck did you expect the landlord to do? He had no control over who visits a tenant. Fantasy land!
  18. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    Not having rental homes in the neighborhood, especially as a non-starter home neighborhood, would help make it a more stable neighborhood, instead of people coming and going every 6 months to a year. That also allows neighbors to become familiar with faces and routines, and recognize things that are "off". As another poster mentioned, a person or family that owns a home is more likely to be invested in the neighborhood, and care about taking care of the property. Nothing is foolproof, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't help or make things like this less likely.
  19. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Total SIDE NOTE:
    YOU can CALL the JoCo Sheriff Office REPORT A TIP line and you NEVER have to give your NAME. ANYTIME. If you feel like a neighbor has too much late night company, too much 5 minute stop and go traffic or other unusual "goings on" - CALL the Sheriff's Office.

    Its not being a long nosed butt in- it's being SAFE for your home and your family.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    In a perfect world.................sure thing, instead if wishes were horses.............................

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