animal control

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by roxy, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Dogs barking

    What is just as bad is crappy owners letting their dogs bark all day long while they are at work (and yes I have left notes, talked to, etc.). They do not give a sh%$ that others may actually be at home during the day. Waste of oxygen I say (The people).

    Welcome to Waverly Point!

    OH, and Johnston Co will not do anything unless after 10 PM!!!!
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Just curious - what could they do to keep their dog from barking during that day? Are they at home or at work during this time? :confused:
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Bark collar? Keep it inside?

    I love how people get a dog, and then tie it or pen it up as far away from their house as they possibly can - which is usually alot closer to their neighbor's house.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Exactly!! There is a %^&*German Shepard next door to me that barks til it's hoarse on a regular basis. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    my dog is an outside dog. we have an underground fence. I work all day. My husband works all day. My kids are in school all day. He (my dog) pretty much has the run of the place.....and can bark if he wants to. :roll:
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    During the day is one thing.

    However, I do NOT appreciate the $%%^& thing barking all hours of the night to the point that I can't even sleep with the windows open. Due to the way that the lots are angled, he's practically in my back yard. It ****es me off. I let my dog in at the first yelp. But then again, I try to be a respectful neighbor.
  8. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well then, maybe you should leave your dog out to bark with the other dog. See what happens then and take it from there.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    My dog weighs 20 pounds and is terrified of the German Shepard who acts like it's going to eat her for lunch. She is yelping to be let back IN, NOW!! :lol:

    I'm not leaving her out there to get terrorized even more than necessary, I can't even walk her on that side of the house. And somehow this is MY issue?
  10. Bubba

    Bubba Well-Known Member

    Irritating pets

    You guys are lucky, my neighbor to the right of me have three hound dogs fenced in that lucky for me stay inside at night but will wake the dead during the day and my neighbor behind me have five border collies that when a leaf falls from the trees it sounds like a hound that has tree'd a racoon. That's not all, I have three other neighbors who walk their dogs across the street from my house and this is where they make their daily the owners do not scoop up anything and in the summertime when its hot and humid it smells like an unkept kennel when the wind blows in my direction. I would say you guys are lucky.
  11. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    The loudest dog in our neighborhood is ours, but he stays inside most of the time and doesn't really make much noise unless he's tree'd a squirrel or pursuing a rabbit. It's funny because he's never been trained to hunt, but I guess its the instinct kicking in. He has a unique sound that he makes when he is in behind a rabbit. It's almost like a loud yelp (as if in pain) with a long bay mixed in. Those are his second and third favorite activities behind feeding his face.
  12. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    There is no time designated in the county ordinance. They should enforce any time of day. You may need to contact a supervisor.

  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Pull up in the driveway, you'd think Buddy would eat you up.

    I was thinking about *protective training* for him?
    Well, he's already protective but ... we will see what happens. He loves his momma.
  14. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Again, I revert back to my post:

    They do not give a sh%$ that others may actually be at home during the day. Waste of oxygen I say (The people).
  15. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    You are right, this reads pretty firm. But I was told that proving it was a nuisance during the day requires a lot of evidence and court time and is very tough to do. Gotta love the laws.

    I will look into further tough, thanks.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's so much not giving a sh%$, as it is (the people) figure there is nothing that can (realistically) be done.

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