Homeless people?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. moonglow

    moonglow Member

    homeless people

    My daughter annd I talked to one of theguys while we were stopped at the light. He has a permit and actually told us he makes as much as $400 on some days and on a bad day, he will make $100 plus! So how much cash does he report to the IRS??????????? ,
  2. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    I, too, have noticed the beggars(yes that's what they are) at the intersections. But after reading the posts and remembering two seperate co-workers who had children that lived on the streets because of mental issues, I am going to offer them a bottle of water or something to eat if I have it(not $$).
    If we are being scammed, the judgement will come later, and it won't be by us.
    Unfortunately the one co-worker's daughter was killed on interstate 40, and the others son is in and out of group homes and out on the street.

    I guess another concern is if too many congregate in one area it may give our area a new(bad) name.(and I will bet $$ they will soon spread out toward Cornwallis and 42 and 50/42).
  3. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    James 2:13 "........;and mercy rejoiceth against judgment"
  4. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I don't give money. Most times I don't give anything. If I do give then I usually give food.

    If the cash dries up they will move on to another location.

    If folks are compelled to give then just give change or a dollar. Its the fear that no one else in the world will help that individual on this day except for you. That's what the cons "bank" on.

    As for my friend, she never asked me for any money. What she wanted most was not found in my checkbook.
  5. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    If these people are mentally ill, then let's direct them where to get help, starting at Johnston County Mental Health. It's a start. :)
  6. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    The problem I have with these people is it's the same ones, every day, looking like they've had a good night's sleep, warm shower and clean clothes. Maybe they have problems we can't see and don't understand but . . . I've always thought they should be directed to shelters and organizations that can help them. We can't force them to take that route but that's where they need to go.

    The ones I REALLY get annoyed at are those that come up wanting change or whatever we can spare because they are on their way to Alabama to see a dying relative and their car broke down and they need money to get it fixed. Sorry. Can't and won't help them. They should flag down a police car and ask them to take them where they can get help. But of course, that wouldn't be profitable. (rolling eyes)
  7. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. - Amelia Earhart

    thought it appropriate for here too so I posted
  8. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion (this is still the USA, right?).

    I've seen people that are in real need of a meal and a place to crash but most of the folks I see bumming at intersections (JoCo, Wake and Durham) are not them. Most of them seem to be well-fed and capable of contributing to society in some capacity.

    Perhaps the best thing you could do for them is to NOT give them a handout- your call.

    I choose to reserve my charity for those that can't help themselves.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Nice. Here we are at home putting buckets all over the house every time it rains. URGHH!!! I've given to these scam artists before. Partially, b/c I feel this could be my children as adults. Some of mine suffer from mental illness. You would never ever know b/c they are just fine on meds. What happens w/ many w/ mental illness as adults (if not monitored), they go off meds and their life is truly not under their control. It's extremely sad and many true homeless are victims of circumstance as well as mental illness. I feel if I have food on the table, I should share. Grateful for what I do have but maybe next time I should save some. Or do you think they'd share their tax free $2800 a week? Again, I believe the last post on here: A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. - Amelia Earhart.

    Doesn't matter who you're doing this for, but rather why you are doing it. Acts of kindness do go far. Though I will admit when you are living "tight" yourself and truly need things yourself but you choose to share what you do have, it's hard to swallow when you find out the giving was not used for a greater good but rather a scam artist.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    always appropriate!

    love you too!! :mrgreen:
  11. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    You don't ever know if it's a real homeless person or not, but I agree that you can't go wrong with giving. Having said that, I knew someone personally who used to stand at intersections rather than try to find a job just to see how much money he could make doing that. Let's just say it paid better than Burger King or Wal-mart.
  12. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Yea, see that, a single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, yea, now we have solicitors at every street corner up there. They all want to cash in on your kindness.
  13. doggy

    doggy Well-Known Member

    I think they're a bunch of fakers too. They sure look too "cleaned up" to be homeless. Washed clothes and faces. Clean shoes, combed hair. Nope. People who give them money may feel good but it would be better to donate to a shelter or a church who helps people that TRULY need. I don't need to be told to be grateful for what I have, I am. And I donate my time and money to real charities where it does the most. Giving bums on the corner does nothing, except increase the amount of bums on that "hot spot". My personal fav is the guy who brings his dog. I bet if people started dropping off dog food instead of money, he'd move to another spot!!!!!
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Well I'd rather spread roots and grow a tree instead be an old stump.
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I agree that most of them are fakers. I learned that the hard way.

    As for the two guys that have been mentioned here that stay in the woods at Jones Sausage Rd. and 40 . . . I know both of them personally. Yes, they are both indeed homeless. Well, one of them is. The one that used to stand up there with his dog (Doug) is no longer there. His mother came up from Florida and DEMANDED that he come home with her. He was in VERY poor health. He spent several days in a hospital getting straightened out but I think he is doing a little better now.

    The older gentleman that you see up there (Al) lives in the woods on the other side of 40. He is still there. My husband befriended them back in the summer and they have both been to our house for meals. They are wonderful human beings and I'm personally glad I took the time to get to know them. Do I give them money? No. They both drink and I am not going to give them my hard earned money to spend on beer. I have given them food and toiletries before and they were very appreciative.

    Both of these guys are incredibly nice and both have great stories to tell (not sure how much of it is the truth, but they are funny nonetheless).

    As for the guys at 40/42 . . . I truly believe they are fakers. Too many people (including my husband) have seen them leave and get into vehicles. Plus, they really do look too clean to be homeless. I would not give them money or food, but that's just me. If I believed they were hungry and truly homeless then I would give them food every now and then.
  16. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    I will be a stump at the 40/42. I do grow a big tree for the money I send to the Marlo Thomas cancer center for the children. Now that is money well spent.
  17. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    Very good point.
  18. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Don't forget St. Jude's Children's Hospital!
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    hey I seen the jones sausage ones often, never felt them to be fakers as I would see them at their tents early morn and late afternoon, and he would take dog food and ask for dog food. I now know why I haven't seen the one around of late.
  20. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    It will be easy to see the homeless camps soon, the trees are losing their leaves. There is a big camp near WakeMed. I do feel sorry for all of them. The ones who are truly homeless, and the ones who are not. The ones that are, are often mentally ill. The ones who are not have no pride or self-respect, or they would not be doing what they are. They are missing something in their lives. I do not give money to any of them. I will help in other ways. By the way, does anyone have a job for the one who stands at the I40-210 exit? That is what his sign says he wants. He has been there for months. Maybe someone can fulfill his wish?

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