Apparently not at Lowes,we're thinking about a Whirlpool refrigerator from there,I called asking if one might get a better deal if one paid cash but they told me that "no,they don't do that",oh well...maybe Sears would :x
not sure why you would expect a discount for paying in cash? They don't care how you pay as long as you pay.
Yeah, they don't want your cash - they want you to finance it! :mrgreen: But most of them offer 'no interest' financing for a limited time, at least we get offers in the mail pretty often cause we have a charge card w/ them. You shoulda bought the other weekend when appliances were tax free, at least you could've saved a little that way! HHGregg will usually do like 24 mths no interest - we bought our tvs from them. Black Friday:
Probably too much red tape for a big store chain, but I agree that if you want to pay cash and get a better price, a small store might would go for it since they'll surrender some of the sale price for merchant card services if you use a credit/debit card. Then again, stores like HHGregg might be cheaper anyway, cash or credit. I'd give a local store first opportunity though. You'll probably get better service after the sale and help out the little man.
Come on dan, you know better than that. How else are these stores going to pay for all the rebate perks the credit cards offer?
I that BMM was more astounded that you thought Lowes would do it. As others have said I can see more Mom & Pop stores doing, but honestly not the big national retail chain stores. Too much a headache/hassel for the big box stores to deal with, especially when you start bringing in variable rates for sales tax. Incidentally if you want something local that might give you a cash discount try Stewart's Appliance and Gas in Clayton or Garner TV & Appliance.
Lowe's does do the price match. So if you went to a mom n pop store and could get a discount by paying with cash Lowe's would probably price match their item.
Garner TV gave me a good deal on a fridge but did not give me a cash discount just a couple months ago, FYI. However, I did feel better buying more local than Lowe's.
I remember back in the day. (60's and 70's) when my dad would go buy a big ticket item like a car or appliances he would ask them what kind of discount they would give for cash and they usually did. And if the discount wasn't big enough he would ask for the manager. If the manager was of no help he would walk out.. Cash is very liquid and very untraceable. Where as you can always track credit.
Thanks! Just called them,at Garner it would be $1279 that's with their so called builders discount and at Lowes it's $1199 and that is before the 10% off on major appliances.
That's where the big box buying power comes into play. As Lowes probably buys a truckload or two at a time versus the the little guy (Garner TV in this case) buying one or two at a time, Lowes gets a better volume price.
So far the best price is at HHGregg for $999,I'm all for supporting the little guy but on these big ticket items I also like to save if at all possible. Thanks for all the great advice
We bought a new Whirlpool refrig in August. We went to Garner TV and Appliance, Cobb's, HH Gregg, and Lowe's in Garner. HH Gregg and Lowe's were the cheapest, then we happen to go in the Lowe's in Smithfield. The Lowe's in Smithfield was lower by $70 than both of them for the same model. Mom and Pop locals were just too high for us to justify spending that much more money with.
But your car dealerships will give you a better deal if you have cash...both larger ones and mom and pops.
Sorry.......myth. The new car dealership may tell you that...but they much prefer you finance with the finance company they recommend to you since they get a kickback.