Although I think this is a wonderful sentiment... I think by the time we deliver, they would already have a tree. I know for a fact that two of them do, and I am pretty sure the third does as well. Thanks for the offer though! How sweet! People!!! We are one week in and donations are LOWWWWWW! Please consider giving to thie worthwhile cause!
Good Morning 4042'ers, and Happy Turkey Day weekend. I just wanted to let you all know that we have 21 days left to collect donations. I'm telling you this because as of right this second, I've received ONE donation. We have three families that we've made a commitment to. Nine children are depending on the 4042 family to come through for them. I'm not trying to harp on you, but maybe just give a gentle reminder that if you have a few extra dollars in your pocket today, it's a great day to give. Thanks.
I have toys to donate with my kids. Need to know when you are open, please, so I can try to work it out to get them there ASAP. Thanks!!!
Please note that I sent a PM but have no internet at my place yet. They are supposed to come out Friday to install so I just have it through work at the moment. I will check for a response when I can. Sherry HG, May need to meet you somewhere for some pickups.
Will call when I get a chance. Thanks so very much. I'm on the internet at home now..........yeah! Sherry
How long are you collecting until? I've had so much going on recently but would love to try to help. So, I'll see what I can do but would love to know how much time I have. Thanks so much. Stephanie--mom to 7
The poor box is still empty in my office and time is drawing short. Please reach into your hearts to help these families:grouphug:
my kids will be by this week, but it will not fill your box completely. just a suggestion, might want to post a new thread as a reminder...b/c sometimes (but maybe i'm the only one) i tend to start looking right over stickied-threads after a while.
Just a reminder that you only have 2 weeks left to get your donations in. It's looking pretty bleak to be honest, but I'm sure that something will happen to help these families! (It always does!) Thank you all for your continued support!
KC~ I'll bring some things over tonight after the tree lighting, if you're not there I'll leave them w/your dh
thank you so much to the 3 families that donated to the Angel box today, it is awesome to see it filling up:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'll be using it in the near future, so since you were asking I thought I'd put it out there . :mrgreen:
It's time for me to start begging. Three families with almost a dozen kids are depending on us to make Christmas happen this year. Donations are at an all time low. Yes, I know I always say they're low, but this year I'm scared. Please check your wallet. If you have an extra $10 or $20, please consider giving to the Angels project. You can paypal your donations to me UNTIL December 13th (Monday). After Monday, I'll have to collect cash or a check from you. Wednesday, December 15th is the LAST DAY for donations. On a personal note, this year has been tremendously hard on my family. We're not in a position to give a lot either. But when I look under our tree, I know there are presents for each of my girls. My mortgage has been paid, we have heat in our home, and we won't have to worry about going hungry. Those basic neccessities are sometimes luxuries to others. Please consider giving. Thank you.