School letter--??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  2. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    :cheers: I'll be the grinch or grouchy smurf right now. I hate Christmas music before December. I hate Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. I really hate Christmas decorations or music before Halloween. :lol: JMO

    Oh and I hate Christmas decorations after December 31st. There I said it.
  3. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    My son is in 3rd at RiverDell. Yesterday he brought home a letter that said I only need to write a note if I don't want him to be able to use chapstick.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I got it too.

    Really? Parents are calling not only the School Board, but the Johnston County Health Department? Over chapstick? I don't get the thought process.... why not just talk to your kids? Are the other kids chapstick pushers, and therefore this needs to be escalated to the very top and dealt with? <sigh> Ya know... in NC you can drop your kid off at any hospital, police station, fire station etc if you cannot take care of them. If you are one of the parents that actually contacted the School Board or the JCHD... PLEASE!!! Before it is too late, give your child a chance at a better life by not being raised by IDIOTS!!! Surrender your children, you are too stupid to be a parent!!!!!

  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  6. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    :lol: Hey, just try this one in cherry. Meet me in the third stall in the boy's bathroom if you want more.
  7. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    reasoning is sharing and spreading germs.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    3 weeks ago when I posted that I didn't realize that sharing chapstick was a common and apparently rampant practice in JC schools warranting intervention from the health dept and the administration. 8) I wasn't raised like that nor have I raised my own son like that. To each their own.....................but :ack::ack::ack:
  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    be more on your game than this
  10. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    We got a letter saying the ban is untrue etc... and to write a note if we DO NOT want our children using chapstick or handsanitizer.
  11. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Geez, this is such a time waster. I thought it was ridiculous when I first posted. Shoot, I used to go to school in NC when I was younger. Went to high school in Germany but all other years were in NCPS. NEVER did we have sanitizer and we survived. NEVER did we buy tissues for the classrooms. We used those sand paper like paper towels instead. And we survived. NEVER did we have to sign a stack of papers each & every single years releasing liability from any possible soul in the public schools and we survived. It seems nowadays, they make mountains out of mole holes ALL the time. Can't stand it. Shoot, I'm having a major, major issue right now getting my normal son off the EC bus b/c he had surgery. Umm, yes, he CAN walk. Dumb people. Dumb. Letter goes out tomorrow. They(bus garage) had the gumption to tell me yes, everyone w/ crutches does have to fill out the forms and ride the EC bus. Flat out lie as my daughter had people w/ crutches on her bus for WJHS. The stupid stuff these people do makes me want to spit fire. I think it is truly sad as so much more time could be spent on education versus petty nonsense like this. Wake up JCPS!!! Just wake up.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  12. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I think what a lot of people don't understand is that many times it's other parents that make the mountain, not the school system. The reason all of these letters have to be signed is because at some point in time the school has been sued for something they shouldn't be liable for. CHild uses hand sanitizer and break out in a's fault, I think I'll sue! Are you telling me the school system is dumb for protecting itself from lawsuits (that happen all of the time by the way)? You say that they should spend their time in a better way, but what about the money they will lose when they are sued? The parents whose kids can do no wrong are the parents who are making our school system have to protect themselves from liability issues. I knew a parent who thought the only high school progress report that came out was the report card at the end of the year in June, and according to her it was soley the school's fault that she didn't know. Despite the recorded messages sent home, the opportunities to come to open house, the initiative that could have been taking to ask about her child's progress, it was the school's fault. Isn't there some accountability for the parent to be proactive and the child to relay information? As usual, it's the few who make it difficult for the rest of us. I'm not saying JCPS are perfect...they aren't...but I get so sick of parents who try to blame everyone else for problems that they and their children are also accountable for.

    Also, you seem to be really upset over the bus issue. I don't know the whole story, but just because someone at WJHS is riding the regular bus with crutches, doesn't mean they weren't supposed to fill out a form and not ride the bus. For what the bus driver's get paid, most are not going to turn a kid away when he/she gets on the bus with crutches. Should the bus driver tell them they need to fill out the form for the days following? Yes. So before you call people liars, one person on the bus with crutches doesn't mean the rule doesn't exist. Before we know it, someone is going to trip over those crutches and sue the school yet again!

    Final note: the rules exist because someone has been dumb enough to make them issues that have to be dealt with.
  13. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Ahh, the bus issue. For now, it's fixed. (get to that later). My son had major orthopedic surgery& was wheelchair bound for 2 months or so and had to ride the bus with the lift. No problem. Completely understand that you need a bus equipped for that. He got a walker the day the cast was off. So, sent him to school on the wheelchair bus as we figure we'd finish out the week and then switch back to the regular bus. I get a call that afternoon that he will NOT be able to ride the wheelchair bus home. Now, mind you, they do have seats in that bus. LOL. Bus garage told Westview it is b/c you can not latch the walker down. What?! Okay, this is a simple push button deal that folds flat & can be put next to you in the seat. No issue. Well, shouldn't be. I was also told that same day that he would also not be allowed to ride the regular bus either. Now, no wheelchair bus and no regular bus. They said we'd have to fill out forms for him to ride the EC bus. I said what?! Trust me, he doesn't belong on that bus. NO behavioral or mental issues whatsoever. Folks, this is just a kid in a walking boot, nothing more. I was livid. VP btw, was totally confused as well on this issue. I made her ask the bus garage well, what do you do with people who break their legs and are on crutches? I'm sure they don't fill out EC forms every time. They assured her that yes, they have to. I found that not true and ask a few other kids if there were people on there bus w/ crutches. Again, common sense is out the window on this issue. This is a bus garage rule apparently. This is a fold up walker, out of the way and less in the way then crutches would be. I asked if I put him on crutches, would it be the same. They said yes. Ridiculous! So, I have a son now who is painfully walking so he doesn't have to ride that bus. Nice folks. Real nice. And yes, I'm sure this somehow, some way relates to a liability issue & the possibility of getting sued. BTW, I told them I would sign a release of liability form if that would help him to be on the regular bus. Nope. So, it was Thanksgiving and then we returned this week. Had a meeting for said son this morning and he is back on the regular bus. He can barely walk & really should use the walker. It's not the surgery leg that is bothering him but the other one. Anyhow, point is, it should never have happened to begin with. How many of you know of middle schoolers and high schoolers that may have broken their legs? Do you think they would take too well to riding the EC bus?? I have nothing against the EC bus, don't start on that subject. I have kids that have ridden it and probably one that will ride it next semester. However, I have a major issue w/ them putting kids on there that don't belong on there. For schools being all about inclusion this year, this really isn't that is it? Putting a kid off the bus b/c he's using a walker or crutches. Really? Just doesn't sound right to me. And I'll summize this with saying these are MY opinions based on MY experiences w/ MY kids in the JCPS. Your mileage may vary! Just my opinion, nothing more. Not right, not wrong, just an opinion. BTW, this has absolutely nothing to do w/the bus drivers. They are following orders from the bus garage. I just think when there is something wrong, people don't need to threaten to sue but rather find a way to make things right. I am well aware of where the rules come from and such. I've had a few of my kids' cases go before the DPI. In some ways, I think the system has gotten much worse over the years rather than better. Okay, enough of my soapbox opinions. I usually don't say much but this whole issue really drove me nuts this past week.

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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