World Fair Project

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, maybe some other WJHS parents are a bit more informed than I am out there. LOL. My daughter has a World Fair event to do next week. What time do they have to be there to set up? Do they have to dress up? anything to plug stuff into that you cook? How much are you supposed to cook? Would love to get a little details out there. 1 of her project mates has already said she can't make it b/c she has to babysit. I'm working on just how I'm going to get her there. Can't drive at night, husband home too late, other son has to be at his performance at the SAME time, different school, and all other kids have to come with me. Umm, yep, this should be interesting. Did I mention this is a stupid way to spend my anniversary? Got to love it. Anyhow, guess I'll be hitting up some friends for favors. Just need the details first. I've spoken to another parent who's child is attending this and they too have no details. So, seeing if some of you are up to speed. Thanks in advance and already wrote the teacher. Many times though it seems like the folks on the boards are faster. Have a great week.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  2. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Have you thought to have your daughter ask the teacher these questions since she sees him/her every day? The response could be immediate. Just a thought for getting a quick response.
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    She's delayed and has memory issues. Info doesn't get to me the way it should due to some of my kids' disabilities. Trust me, it's frustrating. I go over it w/ teachers every single year. At least she knows about the project. I've had last minute projects too many times over the years. LOL. Teacher wrote me and we have a few things straightened out.

    stephanie-- mom to 7
  4. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Good to hear you've gotten some answers. I'm sure it's tough as a mom to have children who struggle with memory and organization, especially once they get to high school. That is the most important time for them to learn skills that they will use the rest of their lives, like making checklists, using a planner/datebook, etc. Those skills are priceless for kids with disabilities! I hope her year goes well.
  5. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    Did you get all the answers that you were looking for. My daughter is currently doing the world fair project. They have to present it on Dec 7th, I think the time is 5pm to 8pm. I believe oral presentation is due tomorrow, December 3rd. As for the cooking-I am just making one item, some kind of loaf bread thing and she is taking that. I am not making enough to feed the entire class. I have already spent a lot on this project as it is. Were you ever able to get a ride to the school for your child?
  6. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks. never knew about the presentation tomorrow, teacher didn't tell me that part. We somehow have to get to a library and find a book on Thailand. She's making some type of coconut cake for it and is supposed to make another dish. However, impossible to make that dish and take it in. Yeh, she told me I had to go out and buy table clothes as well. Not sure if teachers have realized this or not, but economy is not too swift right now, Christmas is around the corner and all other classes have asked for donations. Trying to find a table cloth to borrow as our table seats 12 and tableclothes are too short for it. We'll figure it out this week. Oh wait. House guests this weekend. Yep, late night Monday. LOL. Haven't figured out the ride issue but hoping DH can take off work early. Yesterday he was at work till 11 pm. Good luck on your daughter's project. My other son has a project due next week as well. That ones on Russia. Now, we can do Russia. LOL. 6 kids from Russia, we definitely know a thing or two. And, have artifacts. Funny that these kids are supposed to bring in items from countries they've never been to. I've asked around and no one I know has been to Thailand. Oh well. I told the teacher they should coordinate this one w/ the real world fair in downtown Raleigh that they do. That would be an awesome field trip and some great cultural experiences.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  7. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    In years past people have used sheets to cover the and you don't have to go out to get them! Also, a representation of the country's food is all they really need anyway. So don't worry about not having enough for everyone. And artifacts just means something tangible. It could be something homemade that looks like it can from the country. If they are doing the project like they did it in the past, they get almost the whole semester to work on it. Hopefully, the kids have developed some time management skills while learning about their country. It will help them a lot when they get ready for the Junior paper and Senior project. If you have more questions about the project, you can call the dept. chair person, Mrs. Kemp. She is usually at the school until 4pm or so. Hope this helps!
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Mrs. Kemp is awesome! I went to the presentation part of the project a couple of years ago and was thoroughly impressed. I learned so much! :)

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