Let me get this straight....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mnredsky, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    At today's Senate hearing on DADT.
    (Source CNN)
    ["McCain responded, "Well, I couldn't disagree more. We send these young people into combat. We think they are mature enough to fight and die. I think they are mature enough to make a judgment on who they want to serve with and the impact on their battle effectiveness."]

    Yet, McCain, these same kids aren't mature enough to choose whether or not to purchase alcohol?

    Just how rubbery is the measuring stick you use for logic, John? You keep moving the goalposts.

    As SecDef and CJCS point out...it'll be a smoother transition if the military does this, rather than an immediate requirement for repeal based on a judicial decision.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    And you can use the word crap!
  3. inthehunt

    inthehunt Guest

    Just curious....for this thread or conversation....why is no one using an absolute, like the Bible? What does it say? It is not up for speculation or your own ideas. Without absolutes or a SURE FOUNDATION it is ALL up for grabs!!! For the record, I don't hate anyone but there is a better way, not my way but a higher calling. Like a parent who is looking out for His Kids. Just a thought.....I think we have enough stats on where we are going with free sex and spending and and and.....
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    How is the Bible an absolute? If it were absolute, there would be one version, universally accepted, right? I hesitate to mention that it appears that to you, the Bible is an absolute version of things. Many of us reject that view.

    One can deal in Truths or Facts, not both. Truths change depending on the belief set and perceptions of those telling it and hearing it. Facts do not change. Facts are an absolute. 2 plus 2 equals four,, whether you are counting apples or turtles. A value judgment that X is 'good' or 'bad' is not an absolute. Facts are provable. Truths are entirely dependent upon fatih.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Absolute what? To me it is just a poorly written piece of fiction, for others it is book on how to live their lives (now that is scary).
  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I don't want to know about ANYONE's sex life! LOL
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Jesus himself does in fact, remind us that we should remove the plank from our own eye before attempting to help a brother remove a speck of sawdust from his eye. How can we see how to help a brother or sister with their sins when we have so much to deal with ourselves? This, of course, addresses those who are all to willing to be hypocritical. Yes, there are plenty of people (certainly, many Christians) willing to accept that role whether they'd admit to it or not. Secondly, we are not to place stumbling blocks out for our brothers (and sisters) in Christ. I can not see God favoring indifference over honesty (when asked) and all out accepting homosexuality as appropriate would be wrong. We are supposed to approach brothers and sisters with an effort to help, rather than to pick up the stone to throw. Sin is still sin, whether it is committed by a heterosexual or a homosexual. Lastly, as Christians, if we accept the Bible as God's intended Word for us, we find no one is free of sin and that we are unable to find appeasement with the Lord and the law. Can any one person follow every letter of the law and save themselves from the curse of sin? Not, according to the Bible and Jesus is said by John, the disciple, to be the living, breathing Word of God.

  8. Being a Christian doesn't imply one considers him or herself perfect. I agree there are a ton of hypocritical believers out there. Having said that, I said earlier that it isn't the government's role to determine whether being gay is acceptable. However, the court of public perception will rule against them due to religious beliefs and therefore shouldn't surprise them just as those against the Mosque at ground zero shouldn't surprise the Muslisms that want it there.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  9. What I mean is the majority of people in this country that are Christians believe being gay is wrong according to God.

    The nutjob libs on here, like yourself, are hardly a sample case for the average American.
  10. agree
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    OK, Let me get this straight, are you implying that the majority of our troops are hypocritical Christians?

    I ask because I get a feeling you don't think they are real Christians unless they think this is a bad idea. And based on the survey the majority of them have no issue with the repeal of this terrible rule. Or are you just saying most our troops are atheist liberals?

  12. Where did I suggest the majority of our troops are hypocritical Christians?

    I don't know how to be more clear here so I apologize in advance if I'm doing a poor job of explaining myself. All I'm saying is there is a difference between the government, in this case the military, saying "you are gay so you can't do ______ " and the average Joe Christian explaining that being gay is an abomination.

    Take me for example. Now I think homosexuality is an abomination because that is what Christianity has taught me. However, I think it's something Joe or Jane Gay is gonna have to deal with God and not something the government needs to be concerned with.

    That is why I say it's something the gay people should learn to accept from Joe Christian because the overwhelming majority of the people in this country are Christians and the overwhelming majority (if not all) of the Christians in this country are taught to believe it is wrong. It's my belief that if they are hurt so bad by having this fact made public, then don't make it public.

    I don't care if someone is gay or not but just as I don't go around announcing that I'm heterosexual, I don't need every homosexual person tossing around his or her sexual preference at the drop of a hat. If you want us to respect what goes on in YOUR bedroom then respect what goes on in my presence and keep it to yourself. That is my position.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Didn't Jesus say a man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery? Yet the "church" finds a way to accept divorced people, and to bless their new marriages.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    DADT might be sufficient if it actually worked the way its name suggests, but the military can and does investigate based on the claims of 3rd parties. A soldier can keep his sexual preference to himself at all times while on base, and yet be kicked out because of something that happens in a bar off base. Somebody with a grudge against a person can make his life miserable. Gay men and women in long-term relationships cannot bring their partners around, or even talk about them. The happy reunions we see on TV do not involve any same sex couples, do they?
  15. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    It's all good for the guy if the wife cheats.
  16. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Because as long as the soldier is enlisted in the armed services he/she is still property of the us government, whether it be on base or off and as such are still held accountable for their actions under the regulations of the military.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Exactly, and for all those reasons, one's sexual orientation in and of itself should not be grounds for getting kicked out of the military.
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    if you are a Christian you already know that you are being judged on what YOU do in this life, not others.
  19. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Point for all : Hate the sin, not the sinner.

    This goes for everyone - divorcees, gays, straights, etc.
    Its a shame how everyone judges everyone.. so yep - all of us
    are sinful just as those of us who feel homosexuality is sinful.

    "tend to your own garden & leave the other gardens alone unless you're ask to tend to it by the owner of it"

    If you're gay, so be it. Not my garden to tend to .. just leave me outa it (ie.. don't try to influence/persuade/reason anything about it into my life) and keep it to yourself. There's no reason to flaunt it. Just as for straight people, there's a time and place for everything and public display of "overwhelming/carried away affection" is not for the whole word to have to witness.
  20. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    well thanks for a cordial response, I doubt though that they had many homosexual discussions and of the hundred of thousands of military personnel how many actually visited you. There is no way you can make an assumption as you did based on the true numbers you may have actually come in contact with on a personal basis.


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