Or boots under your breasts.... Hugh, you are REALLY slacking!!! I expected YOU to report this newsworthy tidbit! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/...ters-ailene-brown-shmeco-thomas_n_790402.html
Sorry but I don't air the family dirty laundry and I would appreciate it if you would delete this thread!
No dont delete it. That is Clever thinking almost. and Funny as all get up. He I may be over weight but I would have never thought of that. way to funny. Oh and by the way. You still think to much. Your bro for Life. Hoof Hearted:hurray:
That's all you people ever do on this web site is to cal people names! Whatever happened to sivil discourse!
Fanciest Hater I am turning this video into law enforcement - Your just blowing by all those people on the road, I bet you do that when the road conditions are icey also! THey should revoke you're drivers licence! P.S. PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE DAMN ROAD INSTREAD OF STEARING AT THAT WIERD RADIO THING!
Well if you aren't going to delete the thread, at least do the right thing and delete my real name. Sincerely Hugh Testaverde
You you little perve. If your employeer knew that kids under 18 could see your picture thingy you would be fired!!!!!!!!!!