Have I missed any discussion regarding this mess. I have friends that are very upset about the proposed route the state may take in this area. As far as I can tell this has not been discussed but what an uproar we have seen about Walmart and any expansion in that area, this too will effect everyone. What are your thoughts on this? If they follow through with the route it will take over all the land at the end of Cornwallis Road where White Oak begins (county lines). This will be a very big road exchange.
WOW!! Unbelieveable, no response or comments regarding the potential of something this big that could be happening in your backyard. Oh, now I'm starting to understand. If it doesn't fit in your little bubble (4042/Cleveland area) then its of no consequence, gottcha. Well, this is truly sad. As I mentioned my shock a friend that lives in the proposed area, she was not surprised, being that they have never considered themselves part of the Cleveland area, therefore the lack of interest from this forum. I guess if and when the road construction starts hindering your commute to work the belly aching will begin. Don't choke on the road dust folks because it has a good chance of coming true.:neutral:
There probably was some uproar, but to the best of my knowledge these plans have been on the books for at least a decade. The outer loop was always intended to be just that, a loop. The route you're talking about has been known for quite a while and the US 70 bypass was engineered in a way to take advantage of it to a degree. On a side note, I was amazed at how many realtors knew nothing about the US 70 bypass going in right behind Austin Pond when I was looking for a house there. I knew exactly where it would be (including NCDOT noise studies) and just asked each realtor to see how honest and/or informed they were. I never bought although it doesn't seem to be that bad in the case of the 70 bypass. It just pays to do some research and keep your eyes open.
You left an entire hour and seventeen minutes for people to respond before you wrote this? Nice butt. Show it much? I was writing my well thought out response at the same time you were planning your demonic diatribe about getting no response. How's that for irony? Again, real sorry for anyone who this happens to. In this case the plans have been on record for probably longer than ten years and DOT has been buying property here and there for a while now leading up to the project. Oh, by the way...it has been discussed on this forum before: In 2008: http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=16825&highlight=outer+loop April of 2010: http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=29673&highlight=expressway As recently as September 2010: http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=31299&highlight=expressway It's called SEARCH. Look it up. Pun intended. Cleveland: It's better in the bubble!
I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was a timer on responses. Geez. You know, maybe folks are WORKING! It is freaking Monday after all.
Actual no, this is all new and has not been on the books for decades. This is not only about the loop that has been on the books for decades. These are newly proposed "extensions" that will start at Cornwallis Road/White Oak Road and continue on over Guy Road towards Knightdale connecting with other extensions for the outside loop, which by the way has been completed in the North Raleigh areas for quiet some time, they are now starting designs on the south. Not so far in the future as you thought. I've seen the most updated map for the purposed changes to the originals and I've seen the timeline given in the meeting that was held on Barwell Road Community Building last week. The DOT will finalize and wrap things up in 2012, construction for phase one is to begin Jan. 2013, not so far in the future. I have several friends that recieved their letters and attended the meeting last week. This interchange has a very good chance of being approved. The websites that the DOT have are not updated with all this and this was confirmed at that meeting because, as you suggested, my friends had checked out the website first and discovered they are not updated. Guess you should've searched a little better and maybe you'd have been at the meeting too Harvey old boy.
maybe not decades, but at least since 2005...and we've talked about it plenty on the threads that were provided..... http://www.theherald-nc.com/2010/04/14/13980_preliminary-work-begins-on-final.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_540_(North_Carolina)#History
"The state took legal steps in 1996 to protect a possible corridor for the Southern Wake Expressway, blocking new subdivisions and other development on land that might be taken later for road." Read also: http://www.interstate-guide.com/i-540_nc.html Read also: http://www.ncdot.org/planning/development/TIP/corridor/corridorsummary.html You saw all the hulla-baloo in the papers and on the TV about the alternate routes that Garner resident's made a stink about? Yeah? Well those alternate routes are the ones that sprung up out of nowhere. Most people in Garner already knew and accepted the main/proposed route that was set forth in the late 1990's.
Can't reply if I don't know where the h#ll the road is going. Not familiar with the roads in my backyard Where does Cornwallis and White Oak meet? Whatever. It is only a road and sometimes all the bellyachin' amounts to something positive for the bellyacher in the end.
I believe the response is also a reflection on the lack of a municipal identity that we have. Unless and until we have our own municipality, we'll always be a cacaphony of disjointed voice. Annexation is the more likely prospect we face here. Incorporation would be the optimal solution, in my mind. I don't see it happening. Back in the day, having 2 or 3 deputies was sufficient. These days, with the absolute increase in population bringing with it the good and the bad, the response time is probably a lot slower than most of us would like. As admirable a job as the volunteer fired departments do, I'd still feel better if we had a municipal fire department at the ready. Same as the water/sewage issue. Same as recreational pursuits, which usually means the GCAA - doing a great job as they do- but having to raise funds themselves, rather than enjoying recreational facilities and support aht revenue sharing could offer. We send our business tax dollars to Smithfield, but receive nothing as the revenue sharing municipalities do...Archer Lodge knows this, which is probably why they incorporated. That and to stave off incorporation from Clayton. The unincorporated citizen taxes help fund the incorporated areas through this revenue sharing. Cleveland/ODS/4042 is a county tax cow, milked by JoCo at their leisure.
"Cleveland/ODS/4042 is a county tax cow, milked by JoCo at their leisure." I hope this ain't another excuse to incorporate 20 - 30 square miles
with all due respect, this has not been discussed before. this is a new "tan" route to the 540 consideration plans that came to be after meetings held in sept 2010, when that garner route was all but eliminated. there is to be a major interchange on business 70 between guy road and walmart, and it will cross guy road in the curves just inside joco, then continue out toward 42/70/40 where it will create what looks like the world's largest interstate clusterf this side of the mississippi http://www.ncturnpike.org/pdf/Updated_Corridor_Overview_Map_Nov_2010.pdf movetheloop.org i'm from north raleigh, so i know that some outer loop routes have been on the maps since the late 1960s. 12 years ago, i also took another look at them before buying my house comfortably OUTSIDE of the southernmost/easternmost proposed route, the GREEN, which had been on the books for 10 years by then. this new one is Bravo Sierra, and only serves to spend more money, accommodate the city of raleigh and a developer, and screw the little people in southeastern wake and northwestern johnston. that new route which now substantially brings the outer loop into johnston county, was developed by the turnpike authority without the first ounce of input from the johnston county planning department. who knows if they bothered to ask the town of clayton, in whose zoning jurisdiction it falls.... '
I dont think ToC's ETJ goes quite that far. Their ETJ only goes to the Wal-Mart Shopping Center and not past it towards Garner. It does look like it could be going through the NCSU Research Area / Dept of Agriculture property which could pose issues and also just on the Clayton side of LKQ which would be a nightmare itself. I would rather have the JoCo planning department involved rather than ToC. Course, if it was ToC they would put so many restrictions, regulations and extra requirements on it that it would never get built.
With all due respect, OP might have gotten a better response had they included enough information so people would understand what they were talking about, instead of starting in the middle of a conversation and assuming everybody knew what they were talking about.