Proposed Road Interchange/Extension

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by INTHEBUFF, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    According to the county planning director, "much of this area is within the ToC's planning jurisdiction". I haven't checked that map myself tho...
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    From the JoCo GIS and the map provided of the tan corridor, it appears to me that none of it is in ToC's ETJ. Ill check it again later.
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Hrm..dunno. The ETJ boundary on GIS shows it stopping at Wal-Mart going up 70 towards Garner. However checking parcel by parcel along 70 shows the ETJ as Clayton. So, one of those is wrong or it might be in their extended ETJ.
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't that be EETJ (Extra Extra Territory Jurisdiction)? I need to establish and ETJ around my house so I can clean up my neighbors yard.
  5. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member


    I know it has been in the works for ten years because the land where it's going through on white oak road is mainly undeveloped.
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    The "tan" corridor is brand new, friend. Like less than 2 months old....
  7. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    well friend i was in the building supply business for 21 years and builders didn't build there becuase the plans have been made for a long time . look at all the development on both sides of the tan corridor. I cant help if someone just decided to put a line on a map in the last 2 months.
  8. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    You'll have to forgive me as my wife tells me I am a bit color blind...Here is the most recent map released in November with the 'tan' corridor being added in September per the contractor's notes. LINK

    While I stand corrected on the 'tan' corridor, the combination of, what I no know is 'orange' and green corridors have been the longest planned. The 'orange' being the one I referred to as being planned for over a decade. I cannot speak for the green, but I am pretty sure it has been around for a good while too based on its potential effect on my employer.

    Either way, you have to kind of expect it if you live between Garner and Clayton when they planned this a long time ago.

    Again, to answer the OP's statement about lack of outcry from people who are not affected....duh!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
  9. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    yeah, i linked that very same map in my first post in this thread.

    i'm sorry, how is it that i "have to expect this" because i live between garner and clayton? i "have to expect" them to just pull some other corridor out of thin air simply to accommodate a builder who wants to readjust a route that had been on the books for at least 15 years before he decided to institute this wonderful community service plan of his? do you expect a highway to be slated to run 1000 feet from your back door if it was never part of any of the proposals that have been mapped for decades, and around which you bought that house in the first place? should everyone within some 10 mile, 20 mile, or 50 mile radius just expect them to decide to drop whatever highway wherever, whenever they feel like it?

    if you want to talk about what's been zoned around and built around for decades, look at the green route. i don't care what business you're in, if the tan one wasn't there, it wasn't there. and it wasn't. show me a map that shows it dated before september 2010, and i'll concede that point, but the others still stand.

    for those who would keep quiet because it doesn't affect them: guess what? it could, just as easily as it has done to us. anyone live in clayton? you interested in another interstate interchange at the county line on highway 70 business, a TOLL ROAD that most locals probably won't use anyway? when the turnpike authority or whatever municipality comes a-callin with a plan for an interstate up your rear end, i guess you're cool with being on your own out there in the sticks, because nobody else who isn't directly affected will say anything? give them an inch, as they say....thanks for your support. we'll be sure to reciprocate when it's your turn.

    the city of raleigh and the county of wake are guilty of taxation without representation with regard to this highway. we don't get to vote for them, or against them, and yet they get to ruin people's homes to benefit themselves and their tax bases. do not take this lightly.
  10. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the tan corridor, but the green corridor is old. My college roommate's mother is a NCDOT engineer. Part of her job in the 90's was to tell landowners what was coming.
  11. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    The thing that boggles my mind about this new proposed TAN route is that it will cut through existing subdivisions (which were built assuming the GREEN route for the loop), plus the N.C.State research farm and skirt the edge of Clemmons forest, plus be a longer route, all to satisfy one developer who knew about the effect of the GREEN route on his plans and even includes that in a published document. (sorry for the long run-on sentence).

    If the people affected will stand and be heard, we can get rid of this proposal just like the Garner folks did the RED route. Wake county has already taken a position against the TAN route - we need to get Johnston County and Clayton to do the same thing.
  12. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    I thought it was cause of the mussels, not the people.
  13. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    I found this website and it may provide some information for you and maybe a way to voice effective opposition to the "tan" route
  14. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Great site. Someone has put a lot of work into this. I highly recommend using the Google map they've created. It showed me how to solve the problem:

    Use the green corridor from the I-40 / US 70 Bypass area going north until you get past Old Garner Rd. Near Rock Quarry Rd and the switch to the Tan corridor from there by way of a fairly sharp curve to the east. Obviously not everyone will be happy no matter where it goes, but this way you avoid most of the subdivisions to the south that the Tan corridor would disrupt as well as the cultural resources (Clemmons, golf courses, etc.) and you also avoid Randleigh Farms by not using the northern portion of the Green corridor.

    One catch: An entity called Edge of Auburn LLC owns all of that property between Tan, Green, Baucom Rd and Rock Quarry Rd. I wonder who that is. A developer no doubt, but how connected do you have to be to have so much open property almost completely untouched by two different proposed interstates? It seems Edge of Auburn is registered to Arthur H. Sandman, a Raleigh lawyer, who happens to be a developer. Hmmmm....

    I could be very wrong and the engineering behind it just isn't possible to make that turn to the east, is awfully suspicious.

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