Can they do this?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yes, I know baseball has been around I just know that sports such as swimming, tennis and golf have not, which should not make them any less important than the others, money wise or support wise. Soccer is still not a sport that is whole heartedly supported by the masses like football, basketball and baseball. Not sure which area of the country the other Poster is from but the majority of my family has lived in the South all there lives and they could care less about swimming, tennis, track, etc. It's all about football and cheer leading. All my uncles were football players while my mother and her sister were cheer leaders. My daughter swam throughout high school and they just never could wrap there brains around that sport. Thus my argument that some sports are not supported as much as I would like.

  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And the hoodies, sweats, mesh shorts, t-shirts. Trips to the doc for impetigo contracted from the other team.... Shirt, tie, pants, dress shoes for game days...

    Wrestling has only cost 46.00 so far (shoes, mouthguard). But again - hoodies, shorts, etc so the team can look uniform while they wait for their matches. Thankfully that stuff is on sale now, Christmas is in two weeks.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    No, I am not aware of the cost of other teams other than swimming and track. Shoot, a swim suit, which they change every year, is over $100.00, then we have the warm up suit, the caps, the towels, etc. Plus in swimming it's almost a given that a kid has to swim on a year round team or they will not get a scholarship. Just glad those days are behind us. My point was and is that only the parents of the swimmers and sometimes friends of the swimmers show up to those meets. Most of the time the swimmers do not even get acknowledged at CHS and don't get me started on the coach they've had for years. I would just like to see more attention paid to sports other than football and is money and the parents and team members on the swim team pay for everything to include sometimes rental of lanes for practice. At meets we sell heat sheets to help pay for the cost but doesn't the county give money to the football team and basketball team? I'm talking about for the upkeep of the fields and all. See, we don't even have anything like a football field or basketball gym. Oh, well my days are done in all of the public system and now we are doing this in college. And I do say "we" because parents are a big part of this.


  4. BS....I grew up in the 70s (in the South) and my high school had the best Golf and Tennis programs in the state of Georgia. As for Soccer, have you visited the triangle recently? Maybe you should get out a little more.
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    So..... if they pass this and we have to pay for the kids to ride the bus...... will we get refunds for the bus being so late where the parent has to take the kid to school. This happened to us just this morning. Son goes out to the bus stop down the street at 6:30 this morning only to come back home a 7:20 to tell me the bus hasn't come..... so I take him to school cause he's already late since the bell rung a 7:05!!
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I went to high school in Alabama and we never heard of the teams at our high school nor any high schools nearby. Maybe in wealthy communities they had different sports than other areas although the Country Club crowd went to my school as well and they never heard of those teams either. We had football, baseball, basketball, volleyball and cheer leading. Anything else was not even heard of and if you think because soccer is now happening that back when I went to school my guess would be nobody even heard of soccer. You must have lived in the South on a different planet because I went to school around Atlanta for a while and none of the other sports were there either.

    P., swimming is a great spectator sport but most people just are not interested and thus the lack of funds and participation.


  7. So because you went to a rural high school back in the 60s? you think it is still that way everywhere today? Have you ever stopped to think that larger schools have larger athletic budgets? You get more moronic by the post. Sorry but it's true.
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You happen to live in the South where rural high schools are the norm or have you forgotten that in your rants? We are still talking about the South are we not, Wulf?

  9. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You're an arse.....just sayin'. I think my athlete still loves ya' though.


  10. Rural areas are not exclusive to South.
  11. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Nope, but they are different from North to South and East to West. I've lived all over the world and no one place is the same as another and we were discussing the South.


  12. I would take the time to show how ridiculously full circle your argument has become but I really don't think it would make sense to you.
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    No, it would not because you make no sense to me in several Threads. Life goes on. :lol::cheers:
  14. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Yes, they do and we are fortunate to have great community support. We definitely could not get through the season without it! Speaking of which, come on out to the parade today or the concert on Tuesday night at the Clayton Center to see why we work so hard to raise money for the program. These kids put on a great show!
  15. On the go

    On the go Well-Known Member

    We are just 1/4 mile inside Wake Co. Our traditional calendar option for middle school next year is Dillard Drive MS in Cary. :roll:
  16. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Absolutely. There is no evidence on this planet that suggests money affects the quality of education. The bottom line is education must be made a priority at HOME and until then it won't matter which school one attends.

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