Major Issue's With a Local Restaurant, What Can You Do?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hotwire, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    **** UPDATE *******

    My wife and I have decided to post the name of the restaurant for the public since no one has contacted us. My wife tried calling again tonight, and the lady said (again) that no manager was present and was not willing to give a number to contact the manager or owner.

    The restaurant: KOBE JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE in CLAYTON on Highway 70

    Please stay far, far away from this restaurant as their customer service will horrify you if you have issues with your meal. We stayed civilized and polite, yet nothing. Thank you all for your support!

    My wife and I have been to our fair share of restaurants. However, tonight was an episode that I hope never happens to anyone. For now I am not going to mention the name, as we are still in contact with someone there to resolve this. Please read the story below.

    My wife had ordered Salmon as she has done SEVERAL times at the same restaurant and others like it. When the food was served it was literally black. So much so that she couldn't eat it. After tasting some of it, she lost her appetite, it was that bad. The lady who worked the front came over and asked if everything was okay. My wife told her no and asked her what she thought the food was on her plate. The lady couldn't identify what the food was, so my wife asked for a credit for her meal on the bill or any other option that would be relevant. She came back with a bill credited for $6.00. My wife told her the Salmon meal was $14.95, not $6.00. She said well you already ate your salad and I had to charge you for the side items; those of which she didn't eat (except for the salad because it came out before the food). She didn't offer to fix another piece or anything. So I placed my card down to just get out of the restaurant because I knew my wife was mad. As we were walking through the parking lot my wife decides no, that we were not going to pay near full price for a meal she couldn't even eat. She goes back inside and asks to speak with a manager. Well of course there is no manager present, go figure. She asks the lady what would she have done, and the lady inside said she should have raked the Salmon off the rice and ate around it. My wife says what???? Then the lady cops an attitude, so my wife asks again would you eat that? She says no. My wife then asked why she had to even pay for a meal she didn't eat. The lady says you could have saved the rest of the food for take out and eat it tomorrow. My wife says well go pack it up then and the lady tells her they had already cleaned the table. The lady then walks away and says again there is no manager here or anyone that can help you, if you leave you name and phone number someone will call you (doubtful).

    Is their anyone to contact about this. No one is even willing to help which is just crazy!! Maybe it's our fault for even expecting good service from a restaurant.


    **** Also, we took pictures of the meal, just in case.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  2. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I would call back tommorrow when the restaurant opens and see what the manager says. If it was me I would have asked you would you like another option for dinner. Was it black because it was burnt? Or was it blackened? I am a Chef and I try my best to keep people coming back. You cant loose any customers from lack of service. Hopefully the manager will return your call. Thats the right thing to do.
  3. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    It was definitely black because of being burnt. The texture was charred, rubbery on the inside, very disgusting and very tough. Every piece of salmon she has had before was tender and very tasteful without the burnt/charred taste.
  4. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like it was overcooked. Should have been cooked to 140 degrees. I know that managers cant work 24 hours a day but they should have the right person in charge while they are off. Its only right to pay for the drinks and salad that you ate but the entree with sides should have been taken off the bill. Especially if the Salmon was not cooked right and spoiled the taste of the sides. Good Luck!
  5. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    I just checked the BBB's website for research on this restaurant and they have an F! Here's your sign! The complaints list that the staff was rude, didn't address complaints, and customer service was just plain poor. The complaints were closed because of no response. Go figure!
  6. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Just don't go back and spread the word (not on the internet btw). Word of mouth is very powerful. Pitiful display of service it sounds like.
  7. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    I would not have paid for it
  8. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a crappy deal.

    Class Kudos to the OP for not trashing the restaurant (they WILL get what's coming to them if this is SOP!)

    Bad karma to the restaurant for the way they apparently handled this- or didn't!. I'm sorry, but nobody was in charge? No manager, no assistant manger, nothing?

  9. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    If you don't get any resolution in the morning from the management, I would go ahead and do a charge-back on the credit card. And make sure you spread the word about your experience.

    So sorry that happened!
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I'm curious enough to ask if you'll PM me the restaurant name. I believe we've been there, done that, never again.
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I want to know too! Cause I'm nosey like that :lol:
  12. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    PM sent.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  14. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Please pm me the restaurant name as well.
  15. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    I wish VISA would allow you to charge back... I didn't know they would do that. I paid for it with my SECU Visa card.
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you handled it way better than most of us would have.
    I say that if you get satisfaction from the manager, let him know that his employees need more flexibility or training to handle issues when he's not there and then let it go. But if you get more of the same treatment, take the gloves off and let the world know where it was that you were treated this way.
  17. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    You can dispute a charge, I don't know how much luck you will have in doing it for a meal, but they will investigate it.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of a joke. "How was the pheasant under glass, madame? "A little gritty" "Umm, you're not supposed to eat the glass" lol
  19. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    Well I will be honest, I used to work in a restaurant. I knew I didn't want to make a scene, hoping they would respond to our complaint in a professional manner. However, that was not the case. I don't expect a free meal or anything for free, I just wanted my wife's complaint addressed, is that too much to ask for?
  20. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    I think these pictures look better than the food actually tasted, however, I will post them any way. Hopefully you can tell how "crispy" and dry this salmon actually was.


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