Is my "beef" a valid one?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Ok. So, going thru the extreme financial distress I am going thru right now, I decided that I would try to apply for food stamps. I go down to Jjohnston County DSS and apply, a few days late I get a letter in the mail saying that I am approved. I was excited and happy because I LITERALLY have no idea what else I can do. The next day I got another letter saying that I was approved for..........................."$27".... :shock: REALLY?? I have a family of 5 with a husband who is out of work and has applied to more places than I can count for ANY kind of job and has no luck thus far. And the best you can do is $27?? :? I make decent money for what I do but not enough to support what I have. I had a 2nd job but that got phased out and I would never have even applied for assistance if I did not feel that there was a need. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful and appreciate the fact that I was approved and all, but you tell me how even a single person on a limited income could live on $27??? :banghead:

    I called and asked the case worker a bunch of questions about this. I asked about what she put in for my income. She told me she saw where I got a small bonus. I told her that that was not something we get all the time and maybe 2 times in a 6 month period and they only range from 100 to 150 dollars, IF we get them. And over time is a no no for us. I asked about the fact that I DO pay taxes too. Well, she said, they had a predetermined amount that was put in for tax deductions. I told her that I'd like to know that amount because, while the gov't is all worried that people may trying to cheat and rip them off, I just may be being OVER taxed and need to have the gov't stop ripping me off. So she did some refiguring and found that there was about a $189 difference in the income she used and what I told her I was guaranteed to get. She said she would call me back but has not done so. Hey, we have to pass people at my job under a median income test as well and have certain amounts that are put in by the gov't but we are able to make it work for all types of situations.

    I know that this is not the case workers fault and she is doing her job and I do appreciate what she is trying to do. But I, like alot of people here have as well, worked ALL my life since the day I graduated high school, paid taxes and all that. And the best I can get is $27??

    Oh, I could think of many reasons as to why hard working, tax paying people in the same situation are having the same issue I am but I won't go down that road.....:evil:

    I have the right to request a hearing on this issue. I thought about doing so in order for me to make my concerns known. It'll probably get nowhere and I'm probably :beathorse: but they will still know my concerns and MAYBE someone can look into getting some of these things changed. If not, how can I go about fighting for changes myself? I think that if there are amounts and cusps and percentages they can't go over when calculating the amount a person is to receive then the same should be in that there should be an amount they can't go UNDER. I say atleast $150. If the best is only $27, they need to just give it to someone else in worse shape than me. Especially with all the work you have to do in calculating and reporting and watching your pay to make sure you don't get a $1 too much and they cut you off. All that hassle is not worth $27.

    I know other people have had the same issue and problem and it needs to change. So...........I'm done now. Thank you all for your time:mrgreen:
  2. Grammie

    Grammie Well-Known Member

    Does ur husband know any thing about road construction?
  3. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    What income tax did you pay?
  4. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    For Grammie:

    He does not know about road construction work but could learn it!!!!! LOL

    For Canislupis:

    I pay all the normal state and federal taxes that I'm supposed. And of course the Social Security and medicare as well.
  5. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Of are required by law. Do you receive a income tax refund each year?
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Damn Girl, that sucks.
    I hate that for you and your family. :cry:
  7. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Yes, but not like I did before I was married....LOLOLOLOL And the past 2 years I have owed the state, not much but still owed.
  8. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned should have to owe less as a result of being married. Anyway...good luck.
  9. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    I believe you, 100%, and it makes me sick.

    I remember several years back, a mom had applied for free/reduced lunch for her kids (she had TWO kids with special needs). Because she had gotten funds for a new wheelchair for her daughter (and ALL of the money went to that, with NONE left over), they tried to count that money into her income, and DENIED her the benefit. Needless to say, she fought, and so did the school staff, and they reconsidered. Without that wheelchair money, she would have DEFINITELY been eligible. CRAZY!!!

    Or how about if you (or your child) works hard all through school to maintain good grades to go to college, and then when the time comes, there is NO FINANCIAL AID for you/your child, because you "make too much money". However, be a criminal, go to jail, and guess what??? You can go to college for free, for as many degrees as you can get...WTF???

    Oh, your story makes me SICK! And I wonder how many other stories there are like yours out there??? Maybe instead of reporting on BS like Lindsay Lohan, they should report on crap like this...:x

    God bless you and your family...and thank you for contributing to society...
  10. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Where would one go or how would one start to try to make changes in the system? How do you do that? :?: I'm being serious now... I know there are so many others with the same stories and worse situations. I just want to make a difference...........
  11. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    If you are getting a tax refund, have you thought about dropping the number of exemptions you are claiming on your W-4? That will give you a bit more in your take home pay.
  12. B&L'SMoM

    B&L'SMoM Guest

    Thank you for posting this story,My husband is out of work do to a injury For 2 months and there is no income,I was going to go down and apply for food stamps.I will save my time and gas.
  13. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I don't know the ages of your children but if they are 5 or younger you may also qualify for WIC which may help out a little too.
  14. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Food stamps and food pantries work together for you

    The amount of money you can earn and still qualify for food stamps was increased on July 1, 2010 with expanded exemptions for ownership value. The small amount of food stamp money you are getting also allows you to easily receive federal food at your local food pantry. Federal food is allocated by county and should never cross county lines.

    Cleveland Township has Cleveland Township Emergency Food Pantry, Clayton 3 plus hot soup, Pleasant Grove 2 or 3, Elevation 1, Garner to the Johnston border about 9, Smithfield/Selma about 30, etc. These are backed by a regional pantry providing food 4 times a week.

    Pantry qualifications are pretty much the same in the United States:
    1. No food at home
    2. No way to get food

    Cleveland Township Emergency Food Pantry requires a valid NC ID with a valid current Cleveland Township address. Our Internet site lists many food pantries in this area and we'll be happy to refer you to your nearest pantry and help you save on gas money. Residents of other areas will be referred to their nearest food pantry saving gas money.
  15. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Thank you!! Can you PM me more info on how to get up with the right place? I live in the Willow Spring Area of Johnston County.
  16. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Well, I only claim me and the 3 kids now. My husband and I file separately. It is DEFINITELY better that way for
  17. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    The kids are teens.....but I was able to get WIC back when they were young which helped ALOT.......especially with formula..... That stuff is outrageous!!
  18. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    I think a letter or that Very well put letter you posted should go to the " Letter to the Editor" of the Local news paper. and you can send a copy to the Governer and to all those "wonderfull" people in congress.
    I know exactly what you re going through. I had no Job and no way of getting food or anything. and they told me that I was not Qualified because I had Made over 30 thousand the Year prior in another State.
    But I did not live there any more? I told them and I am seperated from my Disfunctional Wife and her Leach Kids.
    But I got Nothing. Then I desided to Reach out to all of you on here. I was so Impressed with all the Great people here that I will Never Forget what Great and Wonderfull People are here. I was Overwelmed with Compassion and Good Will from the People on 40-42.
    To the day I die I will always have a Place for all of you In my Heart and my Home.

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