Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FFF, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. FFF

    FFF Member

    ah now i that i have spelled everything correct,

    Former School Resource Officer Arrested On Obscenity Charges
    Former West Johnston High School Resource Officer Todd Fair was arrested Thursday night. Fair, a 10 year veteran of the sheriff’s office, was fired from his job in October after Sheriff Steve Bizzell learned Fair allegedly transmitted inappropriate photos of himself to a student at the school.

    District Attorney Susan Doyle was asked by Bizzell to investigate the incident, and her department called in the SBI. Thursday night, Fair, 40, of Smithfield, was charged with one count of taking indecent liberties with a child and two counts of disseminating obscenities to a minor. He was released on a $24,900 bond. Warrants allege the incident occurred on March 1, 2009.

    Now I don't have to drag his family into it he has. I hope he has a wonderful
    christmas and yes i do feel bad for his family beyond regret,but i feel worse for all those who couldn't believe such a honest and decent man would do such a bad deed. I bet that some will still say we must wait, he is innocent until proven guilty blah blah blah. :nopity: ummmm i wonder if he will take a plea so as not to futher destroy his family with legal bills, or will those that have proclaimed his sainthood will await him as he rides through this storm on his white horse. Well Merry Christmas to all, even the pieces of crap
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Beginning words in a sentence are capitalized. Your sentence should have begun "Ah", followed by an exclamation point to suggest importance. Then beginning the next sentence with a capital N for "now", eliminating the "i" before the word "that", capitalizing the next "i", and adding the adverbial ending to the word "correct."

    It should have been written as follows: "Ah! Now that I have spelled everything correctly" which is still a sentence fragment. Your fragment begins the thought, but lacks a connective thought to complete the sentence.

    Remember back in first grade when the teachers taught sentence structure?

    A correct sentence has correct spelling, a subject and a verb, and presents a complete thought.

    As such, rather than 'hatin" on the former deputy who is facing his own set of woes, as is his family, perhaps you might consider going back to the Language Arts department, and asking them for help in learning to communicate in better form.

    If you have access, consider using the spell check and grammar check functions of your word processor. You can type your message, check for spelling and grammatical errors, correct them, copy and paste your edited work onto the discussion page.

    I'll throw in a freebie for you. Your word "christmas" is actually supposed to be capitalized as it represents a proper noun. Try spelling it "Christmas" and see if you get a better response.

    I regret your having skipped out on my Language Arts classes. I do appreciate your not attending just to interrupt.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  3. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

  4. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    This chain of posts actually made me laugh out loud! FFF, you remind me of a child anxiously (notice the -ly I've used for my adverb) awaiting your "I told you so" moment. Hatteras is dead on with you needing to proofread. I don't think your ideas would be so off-putting if you approached this serious subject with a bit of class and respect for the people involved who aren't to blame. Your first mistake was implying that it would be okay to go to the man's home where his innocent family resides to be some sort of vigilante bringing the accused to justice. What a joke!

    Everything about your original post was inappropriate to say the least. Instead of mocking the friends and family who couldn't believe the man did such a terrible thing, you should show some respect and think about how you would react if someone you had known and trusted for years was being accused of something so horrendous. I'm sure those trusting people have sadly (again, -ly for adverbs) come to the realization that they might never really know what a husband, father, officer of the law, friend is capable of doing. Hopefully, they will trust again, because what a miserable existence we would lead without love and trust.

    Do I think he did that of which he is being accused? Yes. Do I think it is disgusting and deserving of punishment? Yes. Do I think that one wrong action, great or small, defines a person? Absolutely not. And that is my opinion written with respect, class, and nearly perfect grammar. Hat, feel free to check me on that!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    You're an honor student. Thank you for the well thought out and expressed ideas.

    None of us defend the actions that Mr. Fair has chosen. We do defend his family's right to not be adjudged for actions beyond their control. And your point about allowing one incident to be the defining moment in the tapestry of one's life is most accurate.
  6. FFF

    FFF Member

    Thank you for the english lesson.

    Wishing we were Down East, NC or out on Shackleford Banks, sitting in the shade of thh Cape Lookout lighthouse.

    I guess your spell check had the the day off. I will pass on the invite to your class. On my next lesson explain what the word "thh" means and how I should use it on my website to run off future business. Enjoy your glass house just stay away from the stones.
  7. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member


    I'm all for using this board as a place to vent. Gosh knows all of us do at some point or another. You've clearly been effected by this incident in a negative way, are upset about it and and I'm sorry about that because the whole situation really stinks, but there is something to be said for the way you go about it. You risk a pretty short virtual life span on here coming out of the gate being offensive, etc. You at least have to be nice for a while and then you can start being offensive, rude, etc. without risking a great deal of the backlash that you are getting ready to see. :lol: My suggestion is to bail and come back new with a different approach. And I wasn't even one of the people who once thought this guy didn't do what he did (see previous thread where I got the grief) so don't think that I'm bent out of shape about that and that's why I'm saying this.
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the assist. And VG's comments were on target. Without having walked in your shoes, I am unable to discern your proximity to what Mr. Fair is accused of doing. If it directly affects you, then you have my sympathy for that.

    Your dragging his family into this is inexcusable.
  9. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    Well this was annoying...
  10. smellarat

    smellarat Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by this? That he will get banned or that he will not be able to take the criticism? There are a few posters here that a have long life span that don't give a funk or enjoy the drama they cause.
  11. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Both, but what do you know about the old timers, newbie? ;) 8)

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