Honestly I hope not. It's getting out of hand with stores and such being open on Thanksgiving now. Hopefully everything will shut down and allow the workers to be with their families.
LOL - There is Sum Ting Wong with you. Now I'm going to white crick my mouse and read another thread.
I will let you guys know that I agree every place needs to close down for a day or two some time but most Jewish people eat out at a Chinese restaurant for this holiday. Sherry
It's probably best to not compare relevance and Sherry together, it could be dangerous to your mental being.
There are many who do not celebrate Christmas or celebrate it in fashions other than what some here have in mind. We seem to chase the Norman Rockwell type family get together. Yet, for most of us, that image remains as it has always been, an idyllic dream that bears little relation to reality, for most of us. Additionally, most people who do eat out on that day, as far as I've seen, tip better than usual, as they realize that the people working also are giving up family time. Yet, we often forget about the military folks on duty, our first responders who come to our aid and assistance, the nurses and medical staffs at hospitals, even those folks who clean the floors and perform those duties that don't generate revenue. While the 25th may be sacrosanct to you, that does not necessarily mean it is for others. And many families, especially those who travel, find it preferable to go out to eat together, and spend time catching up, rather than having some family members cooking and cleaning, unable to participate with those who have traveled. Certainly, those among this board who are pro business and entrepreneurial capitalists will view the decision made by an employee to work on the 25th as a voluntary act, this being a right to work state. And, if people choose to not work, why give them a pass on one or two days per year?
It's just that I will probably be alone on Christmas this year. I usually save Waffle house for news years day breakfast so I wanted to treat myself to a special Christmas breakfast that's all. I guess Beer and Eggo's will just have to do
You're welcome to join us for scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, and hash browns here at the house. It may not quite be a 32 course breakfast buffet. It won't be heart healthy or diet easy. Certainly won't be kosher.
Dang dude, being alone on Christmas with limited places open sounds pretty crappy. What kind of beer do you have to go with those waffles? Come on over and we'll throw those waffles on the grill.
you will not be alone on Christmas...we are having something around 3:30 and as usual you are always invited! I have to work Christmas eve and Christmas nights...
Well said! My daughter is working EMS Christmas Eve all day and then a 24 hr shift starting Christmas morning. It's just something that has to be done and hopefully there will be somewhere for them to eat. Usually some people try to take food up to them as I will, but it's not the same as being with family. Being available to help others is what other people depend on even if it is a holiday.
Luv, Pls pass along my thanks and respect for her dedication to duty. We have so many heroes in our midst, often unknown, until we really need them. I'm hoping that the shifts will be quiet, although that never seems to pan out. For many that are working and travelling, there are few options. H6
I pretty much agree with what Hat. said, but I'm going to throw this out there as well. When I was in the military I volunteered to work several "family" holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Being single, and living in the dorms on base it made sense to me to work to let those that had families be with them. Now that I'm married, I honestly still feel the same way as I did then, but for different reasons. I also do not have children, therefore the "Christmas Morning what did Santa bring event" isn't a big deal to me.
To be clear, my wish for restaurants and retail businesses to be closed on Christmas so that those who wish to and are able to spend time with their family may have the day off, does not mean I am remotely ungrateful for those who provide essential services. Got a few of those in my own family. 8)